Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2298004-Ki----Sorrow
Rated: E · Poetry · Philosophy · #2298004
It is an intensely intimate experience. Sorrow. A piece of your very soul, forever lost.

Ki - Sorrow


Sorrow . . . . Loss . . . . Suffering . . . . Devastation . . . . Death

It cannot be avoided. There is an inevitability that cannot be denied.

But it can be mitigated to some degree. Through reason and thought.
Through contemplation and understanding.
Epiphany. Revelation.

The discovery of the reasons why life is so damn complicated
is often also disturbingly incomprehensible.

But life can be simple as well.
She is fickle and mysterious and deliciously intriguing.

Is it not fascinating that to experience sorrow there must first be joy?
There can be no loss if you do not first possess something of value
whose loss would be felt deeply.
Existence counters each and every negative with a wondrous positive.

And Death? Our only option to frustrate death is to live a life,
rich and full, of love and laughter.
To be an individual of thought and reason. An entity of integrity.
A person of ethics and honor, full of compassion and appreciation for all life.

Be who you were meant to be.


i’m so tired

today my world is dark

the sun gives light but it does not shine
music gives sound but it does not sing
the water has no sweetness
the food has no taste

i can touch and yet i feel nothing
something has been taken from me
and i don't know how to get it back

is this what it means to die?

i’m so tired

~ ki ~


my grief

does my grief make you uncomfortable?

can you feel my pain? . . . it is unbearable
can you see my heart? . . . it is in pieces

can you hear my mind? . . . he is screaming in agony
can you sense my soul? . . . she is crying, and she never cries
may you someday experience what i feel today
incomparable loss . . . and yet, unequaled love

there can be no pain
but that would require there be no love

~ ki ~



i continue to remain haunted
by the spectre of humanity

~ ki ~



there can be no sorrow in death
unless there be love in life

~ ki ~


To sample all of the available 'thoughts' of Ki you can find them here:

The World According To Ki  [E]
Ki experiences the world from a different perspective. The questions define existence.
by Lone Cypress Workshop

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2298004-Ki----Sorrow