Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2285713-Prologue
Rated: ASR · Novel · Dark · #2285713
The Bed Of Roses series
         Morgana Van Buren looked out her bedroom window and watched the rain come down. It was symbolic of her misery. It portrayed the tears she lacked to shed.
I’ve cried way too long. There is nothing left in me. I feel nothing.
Maybe that was the reason why the rain came early that year. For whatever the reason Morgana wanted nothing more but to sleep this endless despair. It swallowed her from limb to limb. Her pain was exposed for what it really was.
I am a disappointment.
Where did this feeling come from? Was it always there? Morgana could not remember. What could possibly bring her so low? Her mother seemed to emerge from her memories. Where was she? She should have been there. Assuring her that everything was going to be all right. The thought had Morgana shake her head. Her mother was never there for her. As long as Morgana could remember her mother only cared for one person; herself. Where was father? Morgana did not remember too much of him except for his blazing blue eyes. The way they would look at her with admiration.
She was only eleven when father began to see her for who she was: a disappointment.
Turns out that father was not really her dad.
Later, Morgana would understand that no man could ever love another man’s kid. After that, life became worse for a while.
Then I met you, Guy Jameson.
He was the gateway to her happiness. He made her whole. Nothing else mattered. So what if he ended up being more of a nightmare. Morgana learned to ignore what others said about him.
What do they know?
Morgana walked away from the window as the thunder clapped, shaking the ground. She sat by her desk. Staring at the computer screen, a picture was displayed of her and Guy embracing each other. It was all a lie. He didn’t care. Last night he proved it. There was nothing she could do to make him love her.
Why doesn’t anyone love me? Everyone always leaves me!
She decided, then, what she needed to do.
Sleep. Yes, an endless sleep.
Maybe then, someone would miss her, love her. But this was an empty thought. She knew better.
Morgana opened the drawer on the right of her desk. She looked down and saw what she was looking for. They shined from the light of the desk lamp. She reached for them, the scissors. She brought them close to her. They were sharp, that she knew. Not just sharp but flawless. They would do just fine. She began to cut the air, as if she was cutting her essence out from the Universe.
Snip, snip, snip!
The sound brought a chill down her spine.
Morgana wondered if it was from fear or the sudden realization that her life would soon be over.
She put the tip of the scissors in the position of left wrist. Just one deep slice and soon the blood would flow. Morgana felt her heart pound in her ears. She was shaking. But she refused to let this stop her.
Was she really going to do this?
She thought of last night and how Guy dismissed her without any remorse. Just like mother, like father.
Always a disappointment. Nobody wants me. Nobody is going to care.
The events from last night began to manifest right before her as she pressed the tip of the scissor deep into her skin. It bit but it brought a sick desire for release. Deeper Morgana pressed as she now moved it across her wrist. Warm blood ran as it dripped down her arm. She could not help but smile.
“What have you done?”
That voice. Always there. Yet, it belonged to no one. As long as Morgana could remember. It always came whenever it wanted. At first, she thought it was an imaginary friend. Later, it became a part of her, like a twin sister that was never born into this world. Morgana grew to call it her Angel. Surely, that is what it was: an angel that was there when everyone else was not.
It came to her now.
“This world hates me. It reminds me everyday.” Morgana said out loud, feeling weak. Her heart was pounding. It was losing to keep her alive. She felt dizzy. Morgana fell to the ground. “I must complete the other side.”
“I won't allow it”
Morgana chuckled.
“I don't see how you can stop it.”
“This is not how it is supposed to be. You will stay alive! Your destiny awaits.”
Morgana scoffed. What was the voice saying? What destiny?
Morgana wondered if she was going into shock. She closed her eyes and felt herself suddenly go deep inside herself.
This feeling is familiar. It happened last night.
She felt light, as if she was floating.
“He’s coming. You must survive…”
Who? Guy? Why would he come back?
“The time is now.”

Chapter 1   (ASR)
Bed of Roses series
#2285834 by Serena Blade
© Copyright 2022 Serena Blade (letyv1981 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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