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Rated: E · Article · Inspirational · #2282440
Book and Author Synopsis
Hello! To all you brilliant book lovers/writers and readers out there!

I am writing this article to share my book and writings with you.

I want to introduce myself and bring you some updates.

First, a little background information about myself - The Author.

My name is Christopher Michael Link. I am now 49 years old - (9-25-1973).

I am originally from Indiana and I currently live in Jacksonville, Florida.

Being a creative writer/published Author is new to me but the passion has always been there.

By trade I am a Hardwood Floor Technician, involved in the Flooring Business for over two decades now, continuing to present time.

I have been busy Sanding/Refinishing/Installing Hardwood Floors.

Besides doing this as my day job, other interests include: Training to become a Spiritual Life Coach.

I also love music and I am learning to play the drums with plans to play/make music with others.

BOOK - COMING OUT OF THE ILLUSION: Realizing the real you

The information in the book is based on Spirituality/Consciousness/Awareness.

The reader (You) that is engaging with the material is guided to realize their true self, beyond the Third Dimensional/man-made Illusions.

The book would be under tags such as: New-Age, Metaphysical, Inspirational, Self-Help and-or "Visionary Spirituality."

Visionary Spirituality covers everything very nicely. This is my unique/original-creative writing style.

This is my first book and it is meant to Inspire/empower people in multiple ways. Emotionally, Physically, Spiritually and Mentally.

The chapters of discussion are based on important topics that everyone goes through and deals with in life.

I would say that, the target audience is "Everyone" but on a more personal note, it is for anyone looking to obtain wisdom/knowledge and self-realization.

I have chapters such as: Energy, Health, Well-being, Passion, Spirituality, Love and many more to enjoy!

The information is fun/easy to read and it is very interesting/stimulating!

After each chapter and talking about the subject matter, there is a question part.

This is where I provide the best information/recommendations that I have found, pertaining to the chapter/topic of discussion.

This comes in the form of audios, videos, movies, books, websites and people in that particular field to explore.

There is a wealth of information to help the reader in the area of self-growth.

It is my goal/wish to assist as many people as possible to realize their own Spiritual selves and their own personal magnificence!

I was inspired to write the book, setting on a new life path after a personal/Spiritual Awakening experience.

Now, it is my new found light mission to be in service to others through my talent/passion for Spiritual creative book writing.

In the future I would like for the book to be looked at as a type of guide or manual.

This would be for the purposes of understanding the Third/Fourth Dimension and being able to navigate successfully.

In the meantime, book two will be on the way soon! It will have all new interesting topics/chapters - Special sections, more poems and longer, in terms of page count.

The material will once again be in-line with everyday life issues and will be there to expand the mind and further one's knowledge base!

Thank You! For the interest in my book/writings. I hope you enjoy the reading!

Please see the links below to access more of my writings!

Your Spiritual Brother, Christopher Link

Amazon Author's Page - https://www.amazon.com/author/amazon.com-comingoutofillusion

Author's Blog site - http://mygoldennuggetsofwisdom.wordpress.com

Christopher's Newsletter - https://christopherlink.substack.com


© Copyright 2022 Christopher Link (linkchris21 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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