Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2277062-The-Raid
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #2277062
Writer's Cramp
The sawn-off shotgun pointed at Rebecca, then it swept the room, its lethal end indicating everyone should sit on the floor. The skinny guy held out a carry-all. Not a word was spoken. Jewellery, wallets, purses and phones were collected. A blonde haired woman was sobbing quietly, held by her husband.

A third man pulled out a large knife and began slashing at the paintings. As he approached 'The Mermaid's Tail', Alphonse jumped up, screaming "Nooooo!" The big man spun his shotgun and blasted. It caught the artist in the left shoulder.

Brian was like a coiled spring. Rebecca grabbed his arm and shook her head. "I know first aid. Can I help him?" Shotgun man nodded. Rebecca grabbed a roll of paper towelsfrom behind the counter, balled them up, and applied pressure to the wound. The blue paper turned bright red. More paper was added. "I think you've hit an artery. We need something more."

"May I?" It was the gallery owner. He looked into the eyes of the armed man for approval. A nod and he was up and opening a drawer. He threw a ball of rubber bands to Rebecca, followed by a roll of duct tape. While Rebecca pushed the ball into the wound, Brian wrapped the duct tape tightly around the man's injured shoulder. The squirting reverted to more of a slow ooze.

"It's better, but he really needs to go to hospital." The gunman shook his head. "If he dies it will be worse for you."

A blue light flickered in the distance. The skinny one moved the blind slightly and peered out. "Cops, boss." It was the first time any of them had spoken. Rebecca detected a London accent. She knew that the Armed Response team would be aiming at the building. They would also be preparing to enter from the rear. She had two aims: to keep her fellow hostages safe, and to persuade the gang to give themselves up. A groan from Alphonse gave her a third, to keep him alive.

"You know they've got the place surrounded, don't you?" Rebecca got no response. Then the phone rang. "That'll be for you." Not a word, just a pointing with the gun, indicating for Rebecca to answer. "Hello ... yes ... They won't speak ... One hostage injured." She turned to the bossman. "Will you release the injured hostage?" He shook his head. Then he placed his finger on the button, cutting off the call.

Rebecca looked to the back of the room. The rear door was off to the left. She needed a way to get the hostages to the right and as far back as possible, but how? Brian had the same idea and while the bossman was having a whispered conversation with the knife guy, bums started shuffling in that direction.

The phone rang again. The shotgun pointed at Rebecca, then at the phone. "Hello ... yes ... I'll ask." She turned to the boss. "They're asking for your demands. What do you want me to tell them?" No response. Another whispered conversation.

It was the skinny one that spoke. "We want the cops to pull back. Then we want a car, parked outside, with the doors open."

Rebecca relayed the message. "Yes ... okay ... " Turning back to the men. "It will take an hour to organize." Again the boss cut off the call.

"Please, let my wife go. She's pregnant." It was the husband of the still sobbing blonde. He was pistol whipped by the knife guy and fell unconscious. His wife's sobbing turned to shrieks. Another woman attempted to quiet her. Rebecca looked to bossman. He seemed unperturbed.

The back door suddenly flew open. Red dots appeared on the heads of the perpetrators. "Down, down, down." The skinny one hit the deck. The knife man reluctantly went to his knees. But the bossman raised his shotgun and pointed it at the arriving police. A shot rang out and he fell to the floor.

677 words

A roll of paper towels
* A ball/bundle of elastic bands (aka rubber bands)
* Duct tape

© Copyright 2022 Odessa Molinari (omstar at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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