Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2265187-Kroger-Bargain-Days--WC399
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2265187
Great bargains and a bit of excitement.
Kroger Bargain Days
WC 399

I got some great deals at Kroger. So many of the items I wanted were on sale. Eggs were ‘buy one carton, get one carton free’. Three pounds of peaches for two bucks. Unheard of. I didn't need three pounds, but I'll make preserves tonight. I placed the peaches near the sink so I could wash them later.

I reached into the shopping bag again, and lo and behold, my hand came up with a 357 Smith and Wesson Magnum with six in the chamber. It's a beauty, but where did it come from?

I placed it on top of the refrigerator to deal with it after I got the frozen items into the freezer. Bonnie Bell ice cream was on sale for a dollar. The large tub! Can you believe it? Vanilla? Not my favorite, but I couldn't pass it up.

The doorbell rang just as I hung up with the cops. A shady-looking dude was standing at the door. His Harley was parked out front. I opened the door just a crack.

“You have something of mine,” he said.

“I know I got the last gallon, but I bought it fair and square.”

He pushed his way in.

“Where is it?” he said.

“In the freezer.”

“Don't get smart with me, old woman!”

Those are fightin’ words, but I had to bide my time.

“Why me?”

“Why not?" he said. “I saw your grocery bag in your cart and I had to stash the gun,” he said as he moved closer. “Give it to me or—”

“Or you'll shoot?”

I had him now.

He pulled out a knife just as the cops pulled up. A nice hunting knife with a serrated edge.

I grabbed the 357 from the top of the fridge and pointed at him until the cops came into the kitchen. (I do know my way around a gun.)

They cuffed him and read him his rights. They confiscated the hunting knife and the 357 and stuffed the creep into the waiting squad car.

What a day! Great deals, and a bit of excitement.

“Well, I gotta go, ya’ll. Got some Georgia peaches waitin’ on me.”
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