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Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #2248350
Maisie Williams prepares for the role in her next movie.

Researching the role

         Maisie Williams could have picked any role after Game of Thrones ended, but she wanted to do some serious acting and decided to do an arthouse movie. She went through numerous scripts and found nothing in them that would speak to her. That is until she came upon a script for a movie about a porn star that dives into "unconventional" porn genres. Maisie decided that she needs to research the world of porn if she wants to portray it correctly on screen, so through her manager she managed to get access to many productions of all kinds of porn. She started with the most vanilla type of porn, she watched as a beautiful young girl pleasures herself with her fingers just a few meters away from Maisie and even that excited her. The next scene they filmed with the same girl having slow passionate sex with a handsome guy even aroused Maisie a bit. This however didn't last and the excitement quickly wore off when she realized that they were filming the same three poses almost the whole day. Maisie needed something more interesting so she went on a tour of different porn productions of all kinds of genres. Luckily for her boyfriend Maisie always retuned very horny from the set of a porn movie. But sadly, the excitement rarely lasted more than one evening.

          One day her contact gave Maisie the location address without telling her what kind of porn they will shoot there, he only told her that it would be a surprise that she definitely shall enjoy. They were about to start shooting when Maisie arrived at the place. "Miss Williams, welcome, you almost missed the beginning" said the director, "please take a seat we are starting to film right away". Maisie sat in a chair right behind the director, she had the best view of the spot the camera was pointing at. A young hot girl and an older but not less hot woman stepped into the lights, they were both already naked and had their hands tied behind their back. There was something behind them at the back of the room, Maisie couldn't tell what it was since it was covered with sheet, but judging by it's position it would be a part of whatever was about to happen here. "Ok, everyone ready?" asked the director, "let's do this then, and action!".

         The girl and a woman immediately began crying and shaking, the man entered the shot, he had a mask on his face and a gun in his hand. "Please let us go" pleaded the woman, "me and my daughter won't tell anyone anything we promise". The man stepped closer to the "mother" and pressed the gun against her head making her cry out in fear. "Shut the fuck up" commanded the man, "unless you want to get a bullet through your heads, you will do exactly as I say". The woman stopped crying but the fear has not left her face, the man took a second to see if they comply and when he was satisfied with the result, he immediately took his already erect huge dick out of his pants. He shoved it right into "daughter's" face and gave her a command to suck it. The girl's trembling lips began licking the tip his dick but the man wasn't satisfied with it so he grabbed her hair right behind her head and pulled hard shoving his penis deep down her throat. The girl could not breathe and tried to struggle, but he was too strong for her. After a few second the mand released her and the girl pulled away from him catching air while her own saliva was heavily dripping down her chin and into her tits. "Alright, you spread your legs" said the man to the mother, "and you get on your fours and begin licking your mother's pussy". Mother and daughter were about to start begging him, but the man pointed his gun at them so they had no other choice but to do as he told them.

         Mother sat on her ass and spread her trembling legs wide open, her daughter crawled towards her pussy and began attempting to lick it. The man did not like how unenthusiastically it looked so he shoved his gun to the back of daughter's head pushing it hard towards her own mother's cunt. "You better start licking it like your life depends on it" angrily said the man, "because it fucking is". Daughter immediately began licking the pussy hard, making sure not to anger the man. After several seconds of watching the show, the man walked behind the daughter and without warning shoved his dick in her ass, the girl cried out in pain and stopped pleasuring her mother. "Keep licking" the man shoved the gun in her face, "I didn't tell you to stop". He began moving his dick in her ass, slow at first but very soon he was fucking her fast, deep and hard. He kept fucking her for some time until he pulled a piece of rope from his pocket. Without stopping violating daughter's ass the man suddenly wrapped the rope around her neck and pulled hard. The girl and her mother immediately started panicking and trying to free themselves. The mother begged the man to stop while the daughter could only gasp for air. Several long minutes later the girl's body started uncontrollably convulsing. "You daughter's sphincter's dying spasms feel amazing around my dick" said the man to the mother, "this is my favorite part of murdering a worthless cunt". After several moments more the girl's body became limp and she stopped moving completely, the man kept fucking her now dead ass for a few seconds more before cumming inside. He pulled out his dick out of the dead whore and took a breath.

         The mother was not screaming anymore, she was shocked looking at her own daughter's raped corpse quietly sobbing. The man stood up and walked to the object covered with sheet. "Hey bitch" he called the mother, "look what I got prepared for you". She turned her head to him and he pulled the cover, much to her horror under that sheet was an actual guillotine. The man walked back to the woman and grabbed her and dragged her to the machine, she tried to struggle but he was to strong for her. He forced her on the bench in front of the guillotine on her back and tied her to it. After that the man tied mother's legs to the legs of the bench making sure they were wide open. After he was done securing his victim the man stood up and took a second to admire the view, he then forced her head into the machine and locked lunette around her neck. The mother was laying on her back and when her neck was finally secured, she looked up and saw the blade. She immediately screamed and began begging the man to spare her life. It only made him smile, he moved towards her wide spread legs and without delay shoved his dick into her pussy immediately beginning to pump her fast and hard. He fucked the mother like that for some time and she kept begging him to let her go. "End of the road bitch" said the man, "I want to feel your pussy's death spasms around my cock!". The mother's plea increased in intensity and volume as the man reached for the lever, he took a second to look into the mother's eyes and pulled the lever. "Cut! That was perfect" loudly proclaimed director, "girls don't move, we need to put a make up on your throats for the final shot".

         Maisie came to her senses, what she just witnessed was so captivating that she completely lost all sense of reality. For a short time, she completely forgot that it was just a shooting of a porno. Maisie found her own hand under her skirt masturbating furiously, she immediately pulled it out and looked around. It seemed like nobody saw her pleasuring herself, she took a look at her pussy juice covered fingers and took another look around. Making sure nobody is looking Maisie put her fingers into her mouth and sucked on them. She tasted amazing, Maisie even considered for a second putting them back to business, but she chased those thoughts away.

         That evening all she could think of was the fake execution of fake mother and daughter. Usually the arousal from watching porn shooting didn't last more than one evening filled with fucking her boyfriend. This time however, Maisie stayed horny all the time. She tried everything, constant masturbation and continuous sex with her boyfriend could not make the arousal go away. Of course, the fact that she kept watching more and more fake snuff porn was not helping the situation. By the end of the week Maisie stopped fighting it and embraced her new found love for extreme porn. She was even happy when the director from the last porn shooting she visited called her personally inviting her for a new filming. Usually such appointments were discussed by Maisie's and porn company assistant's making sure that her schedule was clear for the day. She did not care if she had any other appointment at that time, all she desired was to see another snuff show. In fact, Maisie was so preoccupied with her own expectations for the upcoming event that she didn't even noticed that the address the director gave her was outside of town in the middle of nowhere.

         Maisie arrived to the location half an hour early and went inside the building. It was completely empty apart from the filming crew and their equipment. They were all men apart from one girl who were clearly the star of the upcoming show. "Hi, I'm Maisie" Maisie approached her, "I'm guessing you are tonight's victim?". "Indeed, I am" excitedly answered the girl, "I'm April, are you going to be my co-star?". "Oh no, I'm not here to film" blushed Maisie, "I'm here doing a research for my next movie". "Oh my GOD your Maisie Williams!" April got excited, "I would never even think that someone like you could be into this stuff". "Well I wasn't, that is until last week when I attended filming of execution of mother and daughter" said Maisie, "to tell you the truth that image still makes me wet, just don't tell anyone". "Oh, don't you worry about that" April laughed, "I will take it to my grave!". "You look excited" Maisie continued their conversation, "don't tell me you too into this?". "Well, I wouldn't be just sitting here if I weren't" answered April, "I am definitely looking forward to being strangled on camera, it just makes me wet".

         "I see you found this place easily miss Williams" the director entered the room, "and you already met our star for this evening!". "Yeah, and it looks like we have the same tastes in certain things" replied Maisie, "I can't wait to see her gasping for air". "This is just perfect, but I'm sad to say that we must begin" said director, "so say your goodbyes we must start". April stood up, took her clothes off right in front of Maisie and stepped towards her. She took her hand and put her fingers inside her pussy. Maisie was a bit shocked by the sudden act of lesbianism from April, but not repulsed. Then April leaned and gave Maisie long and passionate kiss taking advantage of the situation even further she also moved her hand under Maisie's skirt and she was pleasantly surprised when she realized that the young actress haven't wore any panties. April shoved her fingers into cleanly shaved pussy founding it already plenty wet. After they were done kissing both girls pulled their fingers from each other's pussies and put them into their mouths. "Damn you taste good" proclaimed April. "You taste heavenly" said Maisie. Before she could say anything, April smiled, turned around and walked in front of the camera. "And Action!" commanded director. "Hi, I'm April" the girl talked directly into camera, "tonight my wildest dream shall come true, I will be strangled to death while at the same time my ass will be fucked by a big cock". A man approached her from the side, he put his hand on the top of April's head and made her kneel. She took his dick out of his pants and immediately began deepthroating it. After a few seconds the man grabbed April's head with both of his hands and began mercilessly fucking her throat pushing his dick all the way down. When he was done with her throat, he pulled his cock out and looked at it making sure it was lubricated plenty. He then sat on a leather couch nearby and positioned April on top of himself making sure she was facing the camera. April then helped guide his cock into her ass and began moving, slow at first but almost immediately she picked up the pace. April was riding him like that for several minutes until she saw how director gave her a silent sign. "I can't wait any longer, I need to be strangled right now" moaned April, "please do it now, just fucking kill me already!". Suddenly a thin rope appeared in the hands of the man, he wrapped it around April's neck and immediately pulled on its ends not stopping fucking her ass even for a second. April looked extremely blissful, although she had a huge cock raping her ass, she still kept her fingers pleasuring her pussy and several seconds into her execution she squirted really hard. Soon she slowly began to doze off and her hand stopped rubbing her pussy, a few seconds after that her whole body began convulsing but that did not last long. April stopped moving, her eyes were still open and the rope around her neck was still tight, the man kept fucking her ass even after she began pissing. A few minutes later the man came hard and dropped her onto the couch, he spread her legs and allowed camera to capture his sperm dripping out of April's sphincter. Cameraman took some time slowly filming her whole body ending his shot on her calm face.

         Maisie was amazed at how realistic it all looked, way better then those fake snuff porn videos she watched online. She was so preoccupied with what she just saw and her own hand between her legs that it took her awhile to realize that April was still lying on the couch motionless. Maisie stood up and walked to the couch, she kept looking at April while her brain was trying to process what she just witnessed. She was so mesmerized by this young girl's corpse that she didn't even noticed how her hand went back under her skirt. Almost right after that a crew member came and picked up April's body moving it to a nearby table, Maisie was like in a trance and simply followed the man along. She didn't even notice him getting a cleaver and taking a swing, only when he chopped off April's head and her blood splattered all over Maisie's clothes and face did she realized what is going on. It only made her wetter and her fingers move faster. Maisie watched as the corpse of this young girl she just watched murdered was chopped into small pieces and thrown into garbage bags for further disposal. She didn't remember much after that, not even how she got home, Maisie came to her senses only when she saw herself in the hallway mirror. Her clothes were covered in April's blood, her own pussy juice running down her thighs and her skirt all crumpled and smeared with pussy juice. But the most interesting part was a giant grin on Maisie's face, it's not like there was any doubt about it, more like there was not any thought at all, but this grin cemented in her mind the fact that she just came several times to a sight of a young girl's body being dismembered.

         For the next several days the only thing Maisie was concerned with is masturbating to videos of an actual murders of girls she found on the dark web. She even forgot to eat or drink until she felt to week to continue. Maisie even stopped wearing clothes at home since it was only in the way, she was happy, but she knew watching videos and watching a girl die with her own eyes was not the same thing. That's why Maisie jumped in excitement when she received a call from the director giving her a new address for the next filming location. She took a long shower almost right before leaving, shaving everything and making sure she was perfect. Maisie wanted to fuck the victim before the shooting, she even planned to use her head to rub her own pussy after they chop it off.

         Maisie arrived at the location even earlier than the last time. As soon as she took a step inside the building, she began to take her clothes off. When she was done undressing, Maisie walked towards the closest crew member rubbing her pussy at the same time. She couldn't wait any longer, she needed to fuck that lucky girl as soon as possible. "Well hello there!" crew member greeted her, "Why are you naked already, we are not filming yet". "Yeah, last time I was here I got my clothes all covered in blood" answered Maisie, "By the way, where is the lucky girl? I want to fuck her before you kill her". The crew member had a surprised look on his face that smoothly morphed into a devious smile. "I guess nobody told you" he said, "Tonight we are going to fuck and kill you miss Williams". Maisie froze, for a moment she couldn't believe that they want to kill HER, even more so, first they want to fucker her. "Well, I wouldn't mind the fucking to be honest" thought Maisie, "this IS why I came here in the first place". She then imagined herself getting fucked rough right in front of a camera, her hand began rubbing her pussy harder at the thought of that. And then she imagined herself being strangled, just like April was. It drove Maisie over the edge, she came like she never did before, her legs began to shake and she went completely limp. Maisie kept imagining her own death and masturbating giving herself orgasm after orgasm.

         Maisie came to her senses when she felt warm liquid dripping on her face. She looked up and saw crew member pissing right on her face! Maisie didn't like that at first, but masturbation and more orgasms were more important for her right now so she just kept pleasuring herself while looking angry at the crew member. After a while however, she began to enjoy it and Maisie even opened her mouth. It didn't last long however and when the crew member finished pissing on her he gave her a box of napkins. "I'm sorry miss Williams you were lying there in trance and I needed to bring you to your senses" crew member apologized, "I couldn't help myself". Maisie took the napkins and began to wipe the piss of her face and hair. "When do we start filming?" she asked, "I need to die!". "That's why I came here" answered crew member, "We all ready and waiting for you, please go in front of the cameras".

         Maisie stumbled in front of the cameras, her legs shaking and pussy dripping in anticipation of incoming pleasure. "Hi, I'm Maisie Williams" she said, "you are about to see me getting brutally fucked and killed!". Maisie tried to act professional for her last performance but her own desires mixed with adrenalin made her visibly nervous. "You might be wonderi..." she was rudely interrupted by her male co-star's dick unceremoniously shoved into her mouth. "Shut up bitch" he commanded, "nobody gives a fuck what some meat has to say". Such treatment should have made her mad but instead it only made her more aroused and she once more put her hand to use. The man grabbed her head and shoved his dick deeper down Maisie's throat, after a second he began pumping it fast and hard. After several moments he pulled it out dragging Maisie's own thick string of saliva with it. Immediately he shoved her to the floor, spread her legs and thrusted his dick into her pussy. Maisie didn't had even a second to think, all she could do is feel, and she was feeling amazing. She was having orgasm after orgasm and it was driving her crazy.

         After several moments Maisie completely lost her mind to the point that she didn't even realized that the man picked her up and dragged her to the guillotine. She only came to her senses when lunette closed around her neck and she saw the blade right above her. The sight of this piece of metal that was about to cut her head off drove her over the edge and she came hard squirting all over her male co-star. Maisie immediately reached for the lever, but sadly it was out of her reach. "Kill me, do it now" she begged, "cut my fucking head off, please!". Her pleading only made the man smile, he pushed his dick into her ass and once again began fucking her hard. Maisie was moaning like a wounded animal still trying to reach the lever. After a few more pumps the man felt that he was about to cum so he reached for the lever and pulled it. The sight of the blade swiftly approaching her throat made Maisie cum like she never did before, the blade fell down sending now separated head of Maisie Williams to the floor. She was still alive when the man quickly pulled his dick out of her now relaxed sphincter and rushed towards her head. He shoved his dick into her mouth and was pleasantly surprised when he felt Maisie sucking on it. Sadly for him it didn't last long, she stopped any kind of movement and her eyes became lifeless. The man stepped in front of the camera and showed Maisie's head holding it by the hair.

                   No one said a word when they stopped filming, everyone simply gathered around Maisie's corpse and began taking their clothes off. It wasn't unusual for a crew member fuck a star of the movie after the filming, but it was the first time when they had an actual world known celebrity in their production. No one wanted to miss an opportunity to fuck a famous person, even a headless one. Every single hole was used, even the new one, her head was used as a cum dumpster by everyone and soon it was all covered in sperm. When they were done fucking her corpse, it was moved to the table and cut into pieces for proper disposal. "Fuck that was something" said one of the crew members to the director, "I wish it wouldn't be a one-off thing". "If we lucky it won't be" answered director, "after all that movie she was preparing for is going to need a new lead and hopefully her approach to preparation will lead her to us as well!".

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