Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2236675-Story
by Asher
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2236675
Confrontation between lovers
Fwen moved through the shadows and approached the enemy camp. She moved silently and stealthily towards them her blue grey eyes roving the darkness. As a star elf she was blessed with great night vision. She paused and watched the enemy guard movements. That’s when her eyes settled on the Captain of the Guard. He was a man that she knew well. He’d spent his life growing up in her woods. He’d trained with her people. He was one of the few outsiders that had been allowed in. But when the High King called he had answered to help wage war against his former friends, against her. Fwen watched as he moved around his keen vision searching the darkness. Fwen’s mind flashes back to their last words.

Gwen stood waiting in the forest her people lived in awaiting someone. Suddenly he appeared out of the brush his grey green cloak and brown leathers helping him stay concealed. For most this would be an unwelcome meeting but for her she was most overjoyed to see him. Thelnor had been gone for over two months and for a man that lived more among the elves than his own people he’d been sorely missed. She remembered watching the boy grow train learn from her people. He’d been taken in when he was found abandoned in the woods. The clan elder had taken pity on the boy. She’d seen to his education like he was one of the people. Fwen smiled warmly at the man and moved to embrace him, “Welcome home, Mellon.” She said softly as his strong arms wrapped around her lethe frame.

Fwen stopped and pulled back to look at the man. “What’s wrong?” She asked worriedly. Thel looked down his eyes full of guilt and regret. “I’ve been taken into service by Lord Esgoroth. And the High King is marshaling troops to fight King Fornor.”

Fwen gasped at such a revelation. For or was king of the so called High Elves but he did have strong ties to her own people. This could very well be dangerous for all involved. Fwen stepped back further, “What have you done?” She asked Thel.

“What I believe was right, Fwen.”

Fwen spun on her heels and put her back to the human. Her heart breaking at this news. The new keeper had made it clear even though he’d been raised by the people he’d not be welcome to live among them any longer but must find himself a place among his own kind. But she still loved this man.

Gwen stiffened when his hands landed on her shoulders, “Vellyn....” he trailed off as Gwen pulled away. “Next I see you, Thel. There won’t be any mercy between us.” She whispered out barley loud enough for the human to hear before darting headlong into the woods not bothering with grace or quietness but driven with the need to be away from him.

Gwen blinked and remembered the next clan she’d run across later that year. It was massacred down to the last man, woman and child. And by the way the defenders were wiped out the attackers knew star elf tactics. Gwen couldn’t be certain but she still blamed Thel. He was raised by The People and he’d betrayed them in his new service.

Fwen watched as the man spoke to another man dressed similar to himself before disappearing inside the tent. The new man began searching the darkness. Fwen watched him with interest. Thel was not her actual target. But so long as he lived Esgorath had too good a weapon. Thel needed to be dealt with first. Fwen watched as his scouting group of about twelve shifted about. Most were in bed resting. Just a couple on watch and Thel himself seemed to be awake.

Fwen looked up and silently prayed Myr guide my feet, Finras guide my blades for tonight their shall be blood

Fwen moved forwards bow drawn. She waited till the one human made it to the edge of his patrol car from the other and loosed a shaft catching him through the throat. He wouldn’t be able to sound the alarm. Fwen watched as the man clutched his throat and collapsed to the ground dying silently.

Fwen closed with the other guard as he turned suddenly he spotted her. Fwen sprang forwards daggers drawn burying them in his chest even as he cried out.

Fwen turned pulling daggers free and sheathing in the same motion as she drew her bow watching as the first of the other soldiers came rolling from his tent. She pulled free an arrow and loosed catching him in the chest as he staggered to his feet only to collapse to the ground. Fwen drew her blades and with a gleeful smirk sprung onto the next one, ending his life as others were struggling to their feet. Fwen was showing them why she was known as shadowstriker and stormborne among her people alternating between daggers and bow as the need arose.

It wasn’t long till Fwen stood amongst eleven corpses and watched as Thelnor walked out of his tent a look of horror on his face as he saw who’d made this attack. “Fwen.” He managed to hiss out.

Fwen readied herself. He would be the true challenge for her to beat.

“No words, Thel. I’m going to hurt you. I’m going to try and kill you. Nin gwearing.” Fwen swore declaring Thel a betrayer. She charged forward her daggers meeting his short sword and dagger. Their blades clashed loudly in the night. Fwen could tell he was holding back but so was she a part of her didn’t want to walk away from this fight. But she was bound by duty to her people. They needed her blades, her skills, her ability to control the bloodlust and channel it like she’d done earlier.

Fwen suddenly felt a sharp pain shoot through her side as a dagger slipped past her defenses. Even as her own slide into a mortal blow she staggered back. Her hand feeling at her side and coming away bloody. It didn’t feel fatal but it’d slow her down and she’d need time to heal.

Fwen looked to Thel saw the man clutching his wound before collapsing to the ground drawing a ragged breath. Fwen moved closer and knelt beside him. He looked up at her in pain and her heart broke again. Fwen let tears stream down her face as she dropped her daggers and cradled his head in her lap.

Thel managed a pained smile as he hand reached up to cup Fwen’s cheek. “Don’t cry, Vellyn. Such was always our fate.” He croaked out. She knew that. That he’d grow old die and she’d outlive him but he wasn’t supposed to die like this. Not by her hand. She was supposed to have decades with him first.

“I’ve waited a thousand years for someone like you. Fate put a curse between me and you. I’d trade the next ten thousand years for the life we were supposed to have.” Fwen sobbed out.

Theo patted her cheek reassuringly and held up a parchment for her. Gwen took it and looked at it. It was an official surrender from Esgorath. The lord was surrendering his lands and ordering his troops home. He wished peace terms.

Fwen buried her face in Thel’s neck as the horrible realization struck her. She’d wiped out messengers. That they needent have died tonight. Fate was truly cruel in her opinion. “Goheno min lo melin!” She cried out as his hands cradled her head.

“There’s nothing to forgive Vellyn. Lo melin tuw.” He responded. “Atleast my last sight gets to be you.”

Gwen pressed her lips to his even as he sputtered and she could taste his blood on her own lips. When she pulled back she looked at his glassy eyes and determined she’d give him the rites of her people and then bury his body till she could return and seal it properly.
© Copyright 2020 Asher (asherjackson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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