Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2236433-A4-Assignment-No-4
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #2236433
Assignment No. 4

Jason looked up from the morning paper as a vision floated past him. He was seduced by a potent blend of perfume: the soft warmth of her hair, the enticing aroma of her latest perfume purchase, and the seductive perfume of an aroused woman.

"Hi, Cheyenne", Jason grinned.

"Well, hi yourself, big boy - and I know that's true after last night," she giggled.

The previous evening, Cheyenne and Jason had made love for the first time. In spite of earlier hesitations Cheyenne had entered into the whole process of lovemaking with relish and a hunger that had left Jason somewhat surprised. The bewilderment didn't last long, however, and Jason entered into the experiment intrepidly causing Cheyenne to gasp and whimper with pleasure

Jason laughed, remembering the previous evening. "May I say you look gorgeous this morning - that dress is perfect for you, and I suspect it comes off quickly and easily."

Now wearing a light summer dress in a flash of reds and blues with a halter top that displayed her creamy shoulders, Cheyenne spun round, the dress flaring and revealing the merest morsel of bikini briefs.

“Like what you see, big boy?”

“Come here, Cheyenne and take off your dress.”

“Oh god, exactly what do you have in mind, Sir?”

Jason took hold of her outstretched arm and spun her into his arms. Cheyenne gasped as she was held firmly against him, and could feel his muscular body, particularly his engorged manhood.

He reveled in the silken smoothness of her skin, running his hands down her back and feeling her shiver with bliss.

She wriggled against him, adding to the enchantment of her supple body. But Jason changed the tempo, slapping Cheyenne hard against each cheek of her bouncy bottom.

"Ow, meany," Cheyenne whispered, but with more excitement than irritation.

"Yesterday evening you quite enjoyed me spanking you," Jason laughed.

"I know, but that was different."


"You took control when I most needed it, and your spanking created a heat which communicated itself through to my core, Sir. You heated me up so I needed everything you were prepared to give me.”

"Mmm, I think we're going to do it again, wench. But remember, there are three basic ways ... of a man with a maid." Cheyenne giggled, amused at Jason's archaic imagery.

"First, the woman just lays on her back with her legs apart, and he takes her missionary style, but with no foreplay. It is simple penetration, something like 'Wham, Bham, Thank you Ma'am.'" Cheyenne sniffed derisively. "Next, he takes her brutally hard; this is nothing more than a straight out fucking with no sensitivity. Men often get their jollies that way, and occasionally, women do, too."

Cheyenne sniffed again. "I don't think that's for me."

"Finally, we come to making love, in my humble opinion, by far the best way to go. That involves both guy and girl working on the other, heating them up with hands, maybe feet, lips and mouths, and sometimes other bodily parts, to make sure that each is ready and begging the other to make love without any delay."

"Ooh yes, that works perfectly for me," enthused Cheyenne

"Okay, now, get rid of those bloomers."

"Bloomers, you imbecile! This is the latest in bikini briefs from Il Segreto Di Susanna in the Mall."

"Whatever, minx, it is trying to hide something which requires my immediate investigation."

With feigned indignation, Cheyenne shimmied out of her underwear and stood proudly naked in front of Jason.

"Oh wow, you really are incredible," Jason drooled, causing Cheyenne to laugh happily. "Alright, now get over here and undress me, and I want to feel those soft, warm hands all over me."

"Pervert," her happy laughter continued as she swiftly and skillfully removed all his clothing, but making sure to caress what she knew to be Jason's erogenous zones.

When they were both naked, Jason again pulled her into his close embrace and exulted in the warmth and softness of her body. Then a kiss was a thoroughly explicit exploration of each other’s lips and mouths, but was something neither of them expected. To Jason, it was a hot wet mutual exploration which felt as if Cheyenne was surrendering herself through the sweetness of her mouth. For Cheyenne, it was as if Jason was once again laying claim to her soul, a claim she was powerless to reject - and a claim she wholly wanted to accept.

Jason wrenched his mouth from the kiss, gazing into Cheyenne’s eyes with a mixture of lust and devotion, which he saw reflected in her eyes.

“My god, you gorgeous witch, what kind of a spell have you cast on me?”

“One which will keep you bound to me forever,” she whispered. “Now, take me to bed and love me before I come apart at the seams.”

He picked her up as if she weighed nothing and placed her delicately on his
bed. He took one small hand in his and kissed it reverently. Cheyenne looked at him with a rather puzzled expression.

“Cheyenne, my love, yesterday evening I was quite scared about making love with you. I remember what you had said about no sex before the engagement ring, and I also put two and two together about Brett Darley, after you had told me that your earlier experiences of sex were quite painful. So I knew I needed to take it easy and maybe ‘warm you up’ a bit. I know you wanted to submit to me, but I'm not going to make it hard and demanding. I want us to enjoy each other and to cavort with each others bodies. I’m not your typical dom., I want us to have fun, even if you do have to do what I tell you!”

Cheyenne blew a raspberry at Jason, and he laughed.

Then he bent over and started to worship her breasts. Cheyenne gasped and moaned as he licked her outstanding nipples and then gently bit into each one.

“More, please, more, Sir. You hurt me so deliciously - yes, this heats me up so much I can hardly stand it. Oh god, Jason, you own me, heart and soul, and that’s all I want.” So saying, she linked her arms around his head and pulled him down, almost as if she was trying to persuade him to overwhelm the whole breast with his mouth.

As he licked and nibbled at her gorgeous boobs, his hand stroked down across the sensitive skin of Cheyenne’s lower abdomen. She wriggled and writhed under this welcome addition to her already hyper-stimulated body, begging Jason to never stop. He never intended to; this was a special form of bliss to which he was rapidly becoming addicted.

Jason stroked down and soon discovered her mons, the discovery adding to Cheyenne’s delight and.Jason’s desire. “I just can’t get enough of you, Chey., you’re like some addictive drug, I’m forever needing a fix. Oh god, you gorgeous witch, what form of voodoo do you do?”

She giggled. “Just enough to hold you captive, Sir. But when I do, I feel I am totally bound to you, and I don’t even want to try and get free.”

Jason slid his arms beneath her butt and slid further down the bed, lifting her saturated pussy to his mouth. He stroked his tongue along her quivering quim, generating a scream from his lovely enchantress. And then, rolling his tongue sideways, he penetrated her pussy, dragging his tongue to the top and plowing across her already stimulated clit. Cheyenne jerked up from the bed, accompanying this maneuver with a piercing scream.

“No more, Jason, please. I need you inside me, NOW. Please, you wonderful man, take me and make me your woman. I need you so much, ... Master! Please, I beg you, don't make me wait any more. I CAN'T BEAR IT!"

With this final scream, Jason moved upwards and settled the tip of his cock at her saturated entrance. Then with one smooth thrust, he entered Cheyenne's waiting pussy, generating a loud scream from the aroused young woman. This was what she had needed and wanted and she locked her arms around him, giving vent to a flood of meaningless words and sounds as her passion and her climax grew towards an overwhelming release. Jason held Cheyenne as if she was going to escape from him, a consummation devoutly not to be wished!

Jason emptied himself into Cheyenne with a deep groan of pleasure at the same instant that she reached her climax with a long, shrill scream. Then they both fell apart, and looked into each others eyes, love and commitment flooding out from both of them.

(1450 words)
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