Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2234360-Energy
by Jacky
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2234360
Flash Fiction

“This is your lucky day,” said the man as he came up smiling. He was a total stranger. We were in a very public square, it’s not like he was going to get away with robbing me, and I was pretty good at recognizing flimflam. I figured I’d give him a shot.

“Oh?” I said, “Why is that?”

He sat down on the bench. Not too close, close enough to talk but far enough away so I would feel safe. He seemed to be middle-aged somewhere. I was having trouble pegging where. He could be in his late forties or all the way up to his sixties. Not enough wrinkles for seventies I thought, though some of my friends had a whole lot less than I did. Younger than me anyway, but no spring chicken.

He was dressed in a suit and tie, not new not old. Really, he blended in quite well. Nobody would ever give him a second look. He was quite forgettable, something quite prized by flimflammers.

“You look like someone who could use more energy and I happen to work for a company that sells the best energy enhancer on the market today!” he opened his briefcase to show bottles of product. I was a tad let down. I expected better of him. Maybe he was down on his luck.

“Oh, I said leaning over toward him to look in, I’m afraid I couldn’t afford anything. I just spent my last dollar on lunch. Maybe you could come back after the eighth when my social security comes?”

“Oh, sorry!” he said, “I’ll do that!” and off he went to find someone richer.

He probably won’t come back. I wouldn’t be here anyway. Now that I have his wallet, and his credit cards, I’m off to Florida!”
© Copyright 2020 Jacky (cliffjack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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