Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2221684-Katies-Castle-Catastrophe
Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #2221684
A young woman gets herself stuck in a hole while exploring a castle with her boyfriend.
Twenty-seven year old Katie Thompson was out walking with her boyfriend Joshua one afternoon when she noticed a rather old castle as the two decided to go over and have a closer look.

The young woman was 5'3, 143 pounds, had beautiful short light brown hair with a ponytail and brown eyes covered by glasses.

Her large breasts and thin stomach were covered by a red t-shirt with a denim jacket over the top of it.

Her curvaceous hips and bubble butt were covered by a short pleated dark blue skirt with black tights.

The two went inside the castle and spent nearly an hour exploring it during which Katie jokingly putting on a crown then needed her boyfriend's help to get it off her head.

They were just about to leave when the young brunette found a rather small square hole in one of the walls and looking through, was shocked to discover another room full of wooden chests with diamonds and jewels inside of them.

Joshua walked over and after having the situation explained to him said, "Katie, I love you but there's absolutely no chance your ass is fitting through that hole, it's just too big."

"That's ridiculous, I just have a little junk in my trunk and I bet you twenty dollars and a cheeseburger I can easily fit through there," said the young brunette, putting her own doubts about whether she would fit given the hole's rather small hole and her curvy figure to back of her mind.

"Okay, I accept your bet, I'll just wait over here and you can call me over when you get yourself stuck in there and need my help," said the young man.

The young woman then put her phone in her bag and placed it beside the wall and stuck her head inside the hole and after a brief struggle,her entire top half was soon through, leaving only her hips, backside and legs sticking out as her boyfriend struggled not to laugh or stare at the ridiculous sight in front of him.

She then tried to pull her lower half through but it just refused to fit despite several minutes of pulling and wiggling as her face turned bright red due to the amount of effort she was using.

Katie wasn't able to reach any of the chests but did find a blue rose and put in her hair before jokingly wiggling her behind and thought about how ridiculous she must look right now before trying to back out of the hole but was shocked to discover that she couldn't.

"Maybe that big lunch and second peice of chocolate fudge cake actually was a mistake," she said to herself as she placed her hands against the wall and pushed and pushed with all her might but still it just refused to release it's grip on her.

"Katie, are you all right in there, is somebody stuck," said Joshua with a sarcastic tone in his voice.

The now concerned and slightly frustrated young brunette replied, "I'm absolutely fine thanks and don't be ridiculous, of course, I'm not stuck, it's just a bit more difficult than I expected," as she then tried to push and wiggle herself free again, even putting her left foot against the castle wall for more leverage but still she just wouldn't budge and was hit with the realisation that she was in fact completely and utterly stuck in the hole.

The now embarrassed Katie said, "Oh, it's just no use, Jousha, I'm stuck, could you please pull me out of here," as she couldn't believe that this was actually happening to her and pinched herself to make sure it wasn't just a bad dream.

The young man burst into laughter and said, "This could literally only happen to you but don't worry, I'll soon have you out," as he then grabbed onto her hips and pulled and pulled with all his might for several minutes without any success.

Let me try a different approach," said Joshua as he then grabbed onto his girlfriend's legs and pulled and pulled with all his strength.

His girlfriend said, "OW, Ouch, OW, that really hurts, please stop pulling on me like that, you're going to yank me in half," as the young man suddenly lost his grip and tumbled onto the grass.

"Thanks for that, I wanted to be pulled in half today," said the young woman sarcastically.

"I was trying to get you out, it's not my fault your enormous backside is sticking out a wall," said Jousha.

"If you're just going to insult me, then just go, I don't need you, I can get myself out," said Katie.

"Fine, goodbye," said Joshua as he stormed off furiously.

The young brunette then thought about calling her best friend Sarah but remembered that her phone was outside in her bag and felt too embarrassed to call out for help so she spent another 15 minutes unsuccessfully trying to push and wiggle herself free again before finally giving up and realising that she should probably get herself comfy because she wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

Katie said, "Why, did I get so angry at Jousha, it's not his fault that my big butt is sticking out of a hole in a hole, he was just trying to help me out even if it did hurt," as she then suddenly felt something sniffing at her backside but was extremely disappointed to hear a dog barking.

The young woman said, "Oh, you're just a dog, you're absolutely no help, please stop sniffing my butt and leave me alone," as it then grabbed onto the seat of her skirt and began pulling.

Katie began wiggling her rear end and said, "Stop pulling at my skirt like that, you naughty dog, it's my favourite one," but still the dog continued to pull until a RIP sound was suddenly heard.

The young brunette's face turned beet red with embarrassment as she realised that the dog had pulled off the seat of her skirt and the back of her tights, exposing her bubble butt which was barely covered by white panties with tiny teddy bears on them for all the world to see.

Katie said, "This is officially the most embarrassing day of my entire life but at least, it can't possibly get any worse," as a bird began pecking at her exposed behind.

The young woman said, "Me and my big mouth," as she then began laughing at the ridiculousness of her current predicament while the dog went to sleep beside her rear end.

Katie had now been stuck in the hole for more than an hour and after unsuccessfully trying to push and wiggle herself free again, looked at the blue rose in her hair and realised that getting hadn't been worth all this trouble then said, "I think I'm going to be stuck in here forever," and nearly began crying before suddenly hearing laughter coming from behind her.

She then suddenly heard a voice begin chanting, "I see London, I see France, I see Katie's underpants," and realised that it belonged to Joshua, who had returned with Sarah, his girlfriend's close friends Chelsea and Lacy and his best friend Adam.

The young brunette apologised to her boyfriend and explained the hole in her skirt and tights before asking for help.

The young man said, "I'm really sorry too but I brought a lot of help and we're not leaving until you've out of there," as he then grabbed onto her hips, Sarah pulled his waist while Adam pulled Sarah's legs, legs, Chelsea pulled Adam's t-shirt and Lacy pulled the belt around Chelsea's jeans.

Joshua said, "All right everyone, remember to put your backs into it, now, pull," as everyone pulled, tugged and heaved with all their strength as the epic tug of war with the hole in the wall over his girlfriend began.

Poor Katie said, "OW, Ouch, OW, that really hurts," as she was streched to her absolute shock as the dog woke up and began pulling at the hem of Lacy's short pink dress with white polka dots as an extremely loud POP sound was suddenly heard.

The young woman was pulled from the hole in the castle wall at last, sending everyone tumbling backwards into a heap on the grass as the dog looked on.

"Thank goodness for that, I'm finally free, I've never been so happy to see my backside in my entire life because I was beginning to think that I might actually be stuck in there forever," said Katie as she hugged and kissed her boyfriend before hugging everyone else including the dog, who licked her face before thanking everyone for helping her out of her extremely tight spot.

"It was absolutely no problem, nice panties by the way, my daughter has the exact same pair," joked a laughing Sarah.

The young woman then remembered that everyone could see her underwear and quickly used her denim jacket to cover up the hole in her skirt and tights as everyone began laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation.

They all went to get something to eat together and left the castle until they noticed Lacy was missing and discovered her wiggling backside sticking out of the hole in the wall as Joshua said, "Here, we go again," as everyone began laughing as they went to free the stuck young blond.

© Copyright 2020 Kieran1998 (kierannorth at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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