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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fantasy · #2209441
A shapeshifter girl protects an idiot, bullied school boy.
Ajurn only remembered bits and pieces of the previous night, but he was postive it did not go the way she was speaking.

The true story? They were drunk idiots— Well, at least she was drunk— and even though he knew it was a bad idea, he succumbed to her anyways.

The story she was spouting? He was drunk and kidnapped her, taking her to his house and raping her.

He sighed, cursing himself for being so stupid to give into a whore like her, walking to his locker. As he passed by a circle of girls, he heard her certain whine and felt immediate disgust as he overheard their conversation...

"Really?! What the HELL?!" One of the girls, who he believed was named Emily, exclaimed in utter shock.

"I know.." Rachel, the girl who was spouting the stories, said with a sigh. He heard her leaning against the locker.

"How is he even getting away with this?" Another girl asked, one whom he never seen before.

"I don't know... But we need to put a stop to it before he hurts anyone else." Emily said, clenching her hand into a fist and smacking it into her palm.

Ajurn grit his teeth and continued to walk, not wanting to hear anything else. He couldn't believe what he was hearing! Did anyone else not hear the lie in her tone? How casually she talked about it? It was a dead giveaway, yet she had everyone wrapped around her finger.... He shook his head and bit the inside of his cheek, just wanting to forget it for the moment.

He arrived at his locker with relief, almost positive no one would mess with him then and there. He entered his combination and opened it gently, making sure it didn't hit one of lockers beside him, knowing that would just make the day worse.

He stuffed his unnecessary books in his locker and grabbed the books he needed and set them on the floor along with his bookbag. He shut his locker and proceeded to put the textbooks in his backpack, wondering if he could sue the school if he started to have back problems. He zipped up his bookbag and almost stood up when a loud noise startled him, making him shoot up, then groaning in frustration.

Beside his locker were the two jocks Josh and Isaiah. They were dumber than a Kindergartener, and were only in High School because they had their parents pay for them to pass.

Great, just what I needed.' Ajurn thought, knowing if he ran they'd catch him.

"Wassup, loser?" Josh asked, picking up his backpack.

Ajurn froze, remembering what he had in there, as Josh started to unzip it.

"Whatya got in here?" He asked, holding it upside down and shaking it. Textbooks, notebooks, papers, and pencils fell out as everyone in the hallway turned to look.

Ajurn thought he had left his prized possession— and prehaps his most embarrassing one— at home and almost felt relief, but Josh gave it one last shake..

And a wolf plush fell out.

Everything was silent for a few seconds, before Josh burst out in laughter, along with everyone else in the halls. Ajurn's face flushed red with embarrassment as he shoved the plush inside his jacket, and snatched the empty bookbag from Josh, quickly stuffing everything back inside. He went to push past everyone, but he felt an arm against his chest as he was slammed into the lockers. Hard. He coughed as his heart sped up, Josh's face only a couple inches away and above from his.

"Listen here, freak," He started, his teeth grit, "It looks like I'm going to have to teach you no--"

Before he could finish his sentence, Ajurn's mind gave up and his reflexes kicked in. He slammed his head up into Josh's chin, making him stumble slightly from shock. Ajurn slung his backpack on his shoulder and while everyone was distracted with the bully, he fled.

He pushed the doors open and ran away from the school as quickly as possible, not stopping at the library or gas station like normal. He ran and ran until he arrived to his front porch step, plopping down.

He was out of breath, gasping for fresh air, his adrenaline starting to fade as anxiety took it's place.

Why did he do that?! He had to see the two jocks, along with everyone else in that school, tomorrow! He would probably be suspended. He could get expelled if Rachel payed the Principal well enough.

He shook his head, just wanting to forget about what had happened. He stood up, staring at his front door for a couple seconds before bending down and grabbing a key from under the welcome mat. He stood back up and placed it in the lock. He turned it to a left, and with a click, he opened the door and set the key back in it's original spot, walking inside and locking the door behind him.

He walked straight upstairs to his room, opening the door and locking it behind him. He threw his bookbag on his beanbag chair and flopped face first on his bed, not bothering to change. He pulled the wolf plush out his jacket and stared at it. Tears pricked at his eyes, threatening to fall. He wiped them away with his sleeve, sniffing once and hoping no others would fall.

He didn't bother to rant tonight. It may have only been 5, but he was exhausted.

Ajurn closed his eyes, soon falling into a deep sleep...

The plush he held tight in his arms suddenly disappeared, reappearing on the middle of the carpeted floor, and...

Turned into a human girl.

She sighed and shuffled towards him silently, looking down at the boy. She leaned forward and brushed her lips against his head, gentle enough to not wake him, nor make him stir.

"Sleep well," She whispered, disappearing with no sound or light, as the wolf plush reappeared in Ajurn's arms.
© Copyright 2020 Speckle (ivyisscorched at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2209441-Guardian