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Rated: E · Editorial · Military · #2206753
A short inspirational editorial on Veterans

Do you know us?

We are police officers, fire fighters, EMTs, Nurses, Doctors, Lawyers, and CEOs

We work in IT, Energy, Media and entertainment, Finance and insurance

We are Sanitation engineers, Retail associates, Cashiers, Food service associates, Door greeters

We are Retired, Disabled, Hospitalized, Hungry and Homeless

Whatever title We have or has been applied to us now, there is one thing that we all have in common, before we were anything else, did what we do, or became who we are....We all served our country in our Nations Armed Forces. We answered the call to defend our country against all enemies, foreign or domestic. We made sacrifices in our lives so the rest of the country could go on with theirs. We missed births and birthdays, anniversaries and holidays so you would not miss yours.

We bore the burden of a nation in WW II, Korea, Vietnam, Panama, The Gulf War, Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan. We lost friends and family, saw pain and suffering, injustice and intolerance, death and destruction

We were "The hammer", "The tip of the spear", "The rolling thunder", "The shield", and "The storm". We were liberators and peacemakers

You may see us as old, has-beens, handicapped, broken, addicts, or bums or you may have never seen us at all. But you don't really know us.

Today I ask you to make it a point to get to know those around you. You may find some amazing stories, characters, and friends that you never knew existed, and they were right under your nose. The integrity, experience and wisdom of Americas Veterans is one of this Nations underutilized but vital resources.

We are Veterans

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