Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2189065-Can-You-Tell-Me-How-Its-Done
by Paul
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2189065
She’s never done that before.
“Can I help you? I watched you handle that flat. Good driving.”

“Thank you, Yeah, I’ve never had to change a tire before, can you tell me how?”

“Tell you. Okay, first get the jack and spare out. Hopefully it’s full size.”

“Full size?”

“Yeah, some are smaller, designed to get you to the closest repair place. Max 20 miles or so.”

“Where is it?”

“Under the mat in your trunk.”

“I’ve never seen it.”

“Empty that, you’ll find them.”

“Okay, it’s out, but what’s all that with the tire?”

“It’s full size, good. That’s the jack and that’s a wrench to get the lug nuts off.”

“Lug nuts?”

“The things that hold the wheel on. They’re under the hub cap.”

“That thing in the center?”

“Yep, it pops off. Take the flattened end of the wrench and put it there then twist, it’ll pop right off...yeah like that. Those are the lug nuts and they need to be broken free while the wheels still on the ground. That end fits over the nut and you pull this way to break it away.”

“I...can’t. It’s hard.”

“Let me help, I’m a bit stronger than you.”

“No, I want to continue now that we’re this far. Keep telling me.”

“Good. That’s the attitude. Learn everything. Move the handle over here and you can stand on it instead of having to pull. Just watch your balance.”

“Like this? Oh crap...”

“I got you. Now the next one. Nice hat, matches your outfit. How about I buy you a coffee and maybe lunch? You need to relax before you continue your trip.”

“Thank you. Okay, Yes. I live here, the car’s my sisters from Oklahoma.”

“Great! Now, jam that rock under the front wheel to prevent rolling, the jack goes here and...”
© Copyright 2019 Paul (lasardaddy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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