Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2187701-Kiyiya-The-Wolf
by Paul
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2187701
They’ve become a couple
Kiyiya, The Wolf

“Don’t stop like that...what?”

“rrrrr, quiet. Off to the right. I don’t know, but it doesn’t smell deadly. Let’s go, I’m hungry.”

”Why is it usually your stomach that sends us home?”

“Or your inability to drop your pants outside.”

“You’re built for it, I’m not.”

“What about summer?”

“Too many bugs.”

"God! You make so much noise...I’m not nagging, be silent.”

“Look, I found you and saved your butt after those poachers missed you. Show some gratitude.”

“I do every day. I eat what we catch, not you... Can’t you walk quieter?”

“Ohhh, you’re funny. Check the cabin oh great nosed one.”

“It’s saved your butt a few times too, you be grateful! It’s clear.”

“Are you ever going to stop bringing it up? Here’s your rabbit, nice and fat. I’ll do some venison and potatoes.”

“Do you have to? That really stinks when you ruin the meat.”

“I like the smell and taste. When you tore open that rabbit it stank, but I was polite enough to not say anything.”

“I’m a wolf, I don’t have to be polite.”

“You do in my house.”

“rrruff, our house.”

“You talk like we’re married...were not. I wasn’t after a wife when I rescued you.”

“Yes we are. You’re a member of my pack — if I had one — no other wolf would have you anyway.”

“Horse hockey.”

“And you drink that liquid that smells like death.”

“It’s elderberry wine, I put it up last year and I intend to enjoy it. It’s quite good. Now leave me alone with my puzzle.”

“All those pieces of paper the same color. Doesn’t make sense.”

“Five puzzles, each a different color, but no picture. It’s shapes that’re important.”

“Waste of time.”

“Wolves don’t see some colors and I’m beginning to think you don’t see the shapes. Now leave me alone...you're getting soft, you know, lying on your thick pad, near the fire, gnawing on the rabbit.”

"rrrrr, Stick it!"

“You couldn’t survive as a wolf.”

“Try me!”

“Sleep on the porch. It’s a good cave. In fact you should be eating out there in the great freedom of the forest. Isn’t that what real wolves do?”

“You’ve gone loopy. You need to get out more. Go for walk, I’ll hang back so you think you’re alone, but I’m close enough for safety.”

“Oh, crap! Of course were married. We sound like an old couple working it out. Two years now and I’m still not sure how we learned to talk.”

“We read minds, it just feels like we talk. I love you, Ralph.”

“You too, Kiy. Let’s go for a walk.”

“Okay, how far?”

“Up to Blue Lake and back. You should try catching a rabbit. Prove your Wolfhood!”

“My Wolfhood is in my teeth.”

“My manhood is in my gun.”

“You never fire it.”

“Too much noise, and it stinks, I hate it. Let’s go.”

“You’re slow, you lead.”
© Copyright 2019 Paul (lasardaddy at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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