Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2171676-Soliloquy
Rated: E · Poetry · Fantasy · #2171676
A sensual, changing relationship with the sun and its seasons

Blaze, burn bright, and blaze,
Cast the light that pierces my waking mind's dull haze,
Your immense power never ceases to amaze.
Mere mortals all your season through
Curse, pray, celebrate, and plead to you
In your prime you hear them all
Revelers, sufferers alike, but you heed not their call.

Painters set their easels early to catch your glow
Capturing on canvas that elusive light, that effusive flow
They place you in the center of skies blinding blue
Gathering immortality for them and some, unneeded, for you
Schoolchildren scribble essays of you, this poet pens a verse
Astronomers call you a star, unique to this universe.

The past season too, you reigned supreme
Hitting vast realms with your merciless beam
Changing green to ashes, wielding your rays like lashes
Tiniest water dead, and the earth marked with gashes.
In other climes, you bathed the sea and shore
So we played and swam, begged for an hour more
At times you obliged, caressed and warmed bodies by the score
As you have ever done for all those who came before.

We knew of course, of tomorrow
The shorter days marking for some a growing sorrow
While others on the ground gasped for a release.
But willfully deaf to both our and their pleas
You made your own plans, you gathered your keys
A transient in the palace of the skies, you ceded your lease
And began to leave sooner, dusk swiftly unfolding crease by crease.

Some grieve, others rejoice at this time's end
And while everything cannot be as we intend,
We march forward after we bid you farewell,
Welcome the rains, breathe deeply of soaked earth's smell,
And smile at the new colors of leaves in the familiar dell.

For we know you are not truly gone
Each night you sink, but in the east you are reborn
At the table of the seasons, your place is always set
For now the clouds and the stars have you in their woven net
But when spring comes, the harsh debts of winter met
I pray God to have mercy on my sol
For you to reappear, still fiery, strong and whole.


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