Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2159771-Air-Guitar
by Paul
Rated: E · Short Story · Contest Entry · #2159771
His grandson joined the band
"Ohh, god, what is that cacophony?"

"TAYLOR! ... TAYLOR! Stop that!"

"What, grampa?"

"That noise. I don't know what you're doing, but it's very loud and grates on my nerves. Please stop."

"I joined the band and they gave me one to learn to play..

"Gave you one? One what? Whatever it is is a torture instrument."

"A saxxyphone."

"That's Saxophone. And, I have to commend you, buddy, I didn't think a sax was capable of making sounds like that."


"I offer you praise for achieving something few others are capable of."

"You're kidding, right grampa?"

"Yeah, I am, but I wish you'd picked Air-Guitar as the instrument."

"What's air guitar?"

"A very quiet instrument. Now go practice outside so the neighbors can enjoy it too."

"Yes grampa. Thank you."

"You're welcome, pardner, now go enjoy the music ... where I can't hear it."

"Yes grampa."

"Hey, Taylor, what did your grandfather want?"

"He said I make too much noise."

"But, how'll you learn to play it if you don't."

"Go outside is what he said."

"Should we?"

"I guess I have to now."

"Front or back?"

"Back, his room is back there and it'll be fun hearing him scream."

"He is loud."

Yeah, but he's harmless. His bark is worse than his bite."

"What's that mean?"

"I don't know, I heard my mom telling it to someone. Doesn't matter, he's funny when he gets red faced. And, he hasn't bitten me yet."
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