Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2159241-Sallys-Surprise
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Romance/Love · #2159241
A twisted sonnet for Sally
Sally's Surprise

Sally explained the facts of life to me.
She twirled her hair, and this is what she said:
"Dally awhile behind the schoolyard shed.
Prepare yourself for something of a shock."

With shaky legs, I waited there for her
expecting something good to come of this.
Fifth period was when she said we'd meet.
"Sex education of the hands-on kind."

Bright smirk upon her face, she turned up late
clutching a cage that held her hamster Bob.
Right from the start, I saw I'd been misled.
Touching my bits was never on her mind.

Bob wasn't male, she'd guessed its gender wrong.
Fobbing a pup on me was what she planned.

14 lines


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Write an English sonnet. THE TWIST - Instead of the last word of the lines rhyming, I want the rhyme at the start of each line.

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