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Rated: 13+ · Article · Community · #2154677
Breaking Down The Walls of Democratic Societal Prisons
found Stephon Clark’s twitter page. He bragged about robbing people and being a thief. The idiocy of the Militant Blacks including huckster "Rev" Al Sharpton who chanted “I AM STEPHON CLARK.” is downright nauseating. The Black community is mentally paralyzed and confused to point that they think God’s judgment on evil is racist, prejudice and injustice.

Al Sharpton is the same pathetic crook who frequently used lies, deceit, and slander to enlarge his own wallet and stature. The 1988 Tawana Brawley disaster is among Sharpton's most high-profile scams, and is cited on a regular basis by the conservatives he purposely tries to do discredit. During that shameful saga, Sharpton served as lead spokesman for a batty,rag-tag team of NYC lawyers that claimed the Ku Klux Klan, Irish Republican Army, and other dark forces were involved in covering up the rape of a 15-year-old black girl. A girl who by her own admission later admitted to have made up the story as a cover for partying,getting high, and having consensual sex with a boy she had sex with several times prior.The entire story was ultimately exposed as a hoax, ammended and fueled by Sharpton. The district attorney Sharpton falsely accused of being one of Tawana's attackers?...He went on to successfully sue Sharpton for defamation.

The Black community, For a people who constantly remind others how they are no longer slaves?, They need to stop being just that. They're now slaves to indoctrination and propaganda at the hands of Global Fascists and cheap,greedy opportunists. The same Democratic, enslaving government that refused to support Abolition and freedom for Blacks? It's still the same enslaving Democratic government that continuously lies to and manipulates the Black community.

The Dem party uses the poverty of the Black community to fuel their wallets, for it's a useful niche and a place to make a pretense of "causes". Rabble-rouser crooks like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc, are no more concerned about the health and betterment of the Black community than Margret Sanger at the height of her Black Infanticide campaigns. Sanger purposely targeted black neighborhoods to promote abortion clinics as a "lifestyle choice".

Rather than promoting and fostering community inclusion, The Dems purposely isolated the Black community, promoting the false idea that everyone is against them. This is the same divisive tactics that Obama used to make racism appear to be a growing concern, and it is not. Racism was dying out steadily, with Blacks being CEO's of companies, holding corporate positions, gaining and growing steadily due to the freedoms that the Republican policies and laws allowed them. It is the Democratic(AKA Fascist) module of government that is still enslaving them today...in their own mind through indoctrination and brainwashing.

Didn't the abandonment by their former "Leader in Chief"(LOL) Obama teach them anything by now?...Obama didn't "represent" the black communities' real concerns or grievances, Such as welfare cycle poverty, etc. Obama, along with other Democrat robbers, relied on the lies and deceit that created a marketplace for themselves within the disillusioned Black Community. By them following such lies and logic?, The Black community has a part in creating that self-made prison. They continue to place any group that has the power to aide them on the opposite side of the fence. The useful idiot Democrat politicians, under shadow government direction, are the not only the creators, but the guards and gatekeepers of that mental and societal prison designed to enslave the Black population.
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