Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2144001-The-Hunt-1st-Place
by Pepper
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #2144001
A police captain organizes a search for an escaped convict.
Captain Mark Andrews watched the two handlers hook leads onto their dogs’ harnesses. He grimaced and stalked over to join them.

“Gentleman,” Mark said, pausing to make sure he had their attention. “The suspect is James Leer, and he is armed and dangerous.  He has at least one weapon he stole from the guard he killed during his escape. You’ll be accompanied by a team of officers whose jobs are to apprehend the suspect. Yours is only to find him. Understood?” 

Mark waited for nods of agreement before continuing, “Leer was wearing this when he made his break.” He pulled an orange convict suit out of a plastic bag. “We found it in that cabin over there. Understand, we are working against the clock. He’s got a good hour lead and it may snow tonight.  Things could get nasty if we don’t find him before dark.”

The lead handler nodded and ruffled the white star that graced his canine’s forehead.  “Don’t worry.  Maggie here will find him. She’s not failed me yet.” He offered her the article and gave the command, “Seek, Maggie.” The dog buried her nose in the jumpsuit and then lifted her snout in the air, sniffing for some unseen trail. 

Within moments, the dogs were bounding off toward the trees, a posse of men jogging to keep up.

Mark hollered to his Lieutenant, “Hey, Boyse, you’re in charge.”  Without waiting for acknowledgment, Mark hopped in his squad car and peeled out.  Once out on the highway, he pulled a burner phone from his pocket and dialed.

“Jimmy!  I’m on my way. I did what you said and switched out your suit for Parker’s.  We’re even now.”

“We’re even when I say we’re even, Captain.  Remember, it’s in your best interest for me not to testify.”   

Word Count = 299

Submitted for
Daily Flash Fiction Challenge  (13+)
Enter your story of 300 words or less.
#896794 by Arakun the Twisted Raccoon

300 word count limit using star, tree, and snow.

© Copyright 2017 Pepper (plscholl2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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