Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2139091-A-Message-To-My-Bestfriend
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Dark · #2139091
A message to my best friend, how I wish she could see this!
Dear Bestfriend,
I cared for you deeply,
Gave you my heart prolongedly,
I watched each tear slip down your cheek,
Making jokes, telling you stories to get your mind off of things,
How come you couldn't do the same for me?
You betrayed me, assuming rumors of my kind,
Laughing not at my jokes but against me,
How could you believe strangers over your childhood best friend?
You made a scar deep inside my heart,
Will it ever heal?
This is my goodbye letter to you,
Goodbye to our inside jokes,
Goodbye to our memories,
Goodbye to you,
With love,
Your Ex Bestfriend

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