Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2114755-The-Dam
by Jacky
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2114755
Three Minute Read
The Dam

Walking home, Jimmy found a boat tied near the shore, nobody was around so he decided to “borrow” it. At first he just rowed to the middle, but it was so relaxing, he decided to explore a bit.

At the bend he saw the brick building next to the dam that he always saw from Winter Street. He never stopped, so he’d never noticed it much. It was tall, two stories. Curious, suddenly wondering why there was a building there at all, he rowed over.

As the boat got closer, he noticed the windows were just holes, no glass. That made sense, it probably housed the workings, to open the dam for more water flow, or close for less. The second story was probably just for show, or storage? Contemplating the possibility of something to steal, he rowed over. Closer, he saw that one of the second floor windows had a curtain billowing out. Now why would anyone put a curtain across a brick hole? He pulled up to shore.

The first floor was as he’d guessed, the mechanics of the dam. He went up, now cautious in case anyone was up there, but the top floor was pretty empty. Walking over to the curtained window, he pulled it aside and looked out. It didn’t seem to be anything special. He leaned out now to see if anything was different on the outside. Suddenly something wacked his back and he careened out, smashing into the rocky wall of the dam.

“Get him in the boat,” yelled mother from the window, “our freezer was getting way too empty!”

Jeb pulled the body into the boat, as the water washed away all traces of blood. “Thank goodness,” he yelled up, “I was getting pretty sick of peanut butter sandwiches.”
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