Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2102795-The-Fixer
by Jacky
Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2102795
Flash Fiction
The Fixer

The woman mesmerized him, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. He’d hooked up with many women on his business trips but never had any real interest them. They were merely opportunities presenting themselves while he was away and free to indulge. His wife wouldn’t understand a powerful man’s needs, he practically did this for her, he told himself, to keep her life safe and calm.

This woman was different. He felt strange from the moment he saw her, obsessed. It took him all day to get up the nerve to approach her, trying to seem casual, aloof, as if he’s just noticed her. After chatting her up he asked her to dinner making it seem as if… why not? Almost holding his breath until she agreed.

The dinner went smoothly and it was actually she who invited herself to his room “for a nightcap.” He acted suave, agreeing as if only to not to hurt her feelings. Once there, she went into the bathroom to “freshen up.”

In the bathroom, she called his wife, who’s number she’d memorized. “It’s almost done,” she said when Merriam answered the phone, “Are you still sure? There’s no turning back.”

“Yes,” said Merriam, “enjoy him, I’m so done with that cheating jerk.”

Coming back out, she sat him in a chair, laughing, sitting on his lap. Looking deeply into his eyes, he thought her mouth looked like a delicate flower as she leaned in. Her lips parted slightly, then more, and then her whole mouth opened like a huge cavern engulfing his whole head as he stared in terror, then she stood and swallowed up his entire body.

Shaking a bit, she burped, rubbing her tummy, smiling. ‘Thank you Merriam,’ she thought, ‘he was a big one!’ and she stood up, and vanished.
© Copyright 2016 Jacky (cliffjack at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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