Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2037658-Sunny-San-Diego
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Romance/Love · #2037658
Lynn Main has relocated from Pennsylvania to Sunny California to turn up the heat
Sunny San Diego

Lynn Main sat at a table in the San Diego Zoo cafeteria. She barely touched her tuna fish sandwich and chips. The shiny name tag on the lapel of her doctor’s length lab coat kept drawing her attention. She spent the last year as an intern, working with the large cat expert Dr. Lee. Now she, Lynn Main, was the large cat expert. Dr. Lee’s retirement party would be held in the next two days, and then he was Hawaii bound. Lynn was eager to fill the role of the Zoo’s large cat expert. She could hardly wait to get started.

“Lynn!” a soft masculine voice drew her attention from her name tag. She looked up into the sparkling blue eyes of Tom Marshall. The brilliant smile on his face told her all she needed to know.

“You’re the one,” she intoned reverently, “Dr. Sanders chose you to be his assistant in the breeding department.”

“Yes!” He plopped down beside her, and set his tray down. “We made it Lynn! All of our hard work has paid off!”

“Congratulations, Tom,” Lynn smiled.

“And to you as well,” he laughed. He flicked the corner of the name tag on her lapel. “Dr. Main.”

“Thank you, Dr. Marshall.” She gave his name tag a flick of her own.

“We should celebrate!” Tom exclaimed. He caught her hand before she pulled it away, and pressed his lips to her fingers. “Do you have a date to Dr. Lee’s retirement party?”

“I did not realize it was a plus one event,” Lynn laughed. She attempted to reclaim her hand, but he held onto it. “I suppose we could go together.”

“You said we could give us as a couple a try after our year as interns,” he reminded her. “I would like to take you up on that; unless you’ve changed your mind.”

“No,” Lynn smiled, “But I think we should try before such a public event.”

“How about tonight?” Tom asked. “We could go to dinner, or a movie, or….”

“Why don’t you come to my place?” Lynn invited. “I’ll make dinner, and we can watch a movie; dating on a budget.”

“Sounds good,” Tom leaned in, and pressed a kiss to her cheek.

After a long day at the office Lynn came home to her one bedroom duplex. She started her shower, and stripped out of her work clothes. As the steaming hot water sluiced off the grime and animal smell she lathered her Cherry blossom body-wash over her smooth slick skin. Her nipples puckered at her touch, and her sex clenched at the thought of Tom’s large hands. As she rinsed off she slid one hand over her breasts and the other down to her shorn crotch. Her fingers slipped between the smooth folds of her sex in search of her clit. She stroked the small bundle of nerves, and moaned Tom’s name as she brought herself to a small orgasm.

After her shower she dressed in a pair of skinny jeans, and a crop top. Her doorbell rang just as she was coming down the stair. She opened it to find Tom on the other side. He wore a black t-shirt, a pair of faded Levi’s, and sneakers. He held a bouquet in one hand, and a bottle of wine in the other.

“Come in,” Lynn invited. She stepped aside, and closed the door after he entered. She took a moment to check out his fine ass as he moved further into the room. “I haven’t started dinner yet. I wasn’t sure what you would like.”

“It’s alright,” Tom smiled. “I’ll eat anything.”

Lynn led him into her eat in kitchen. She put the wine he brought in the refrigerator, and the flowers in a vase. “These are beautiful, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Tom looked away sheepishly. He rubbed the back of his neck. “I just picked them up at the grocery store.”

Lynn made two salmon filets, a pilaf in a box, and a frozen vegetable. As they ate they talked about their pasts, and why they chose to work at the San Diego Zoo. Tom was a California native, and did most of his schooling at the University of San Diego. His hobbies included surfing, and leisure reading on the beach.

“So, how about you, Lynn? What brings you to sunny California?”

“I hate the cold,” Lynn admitted. “Pennsylvania is not bad most of the time, but in the winter it’s freezing.”

She emphasized her point by shuddering dramatically and rubbing her bare arms. After their meal they moved into the living room, settled into Lynn’s couch, and set their wine glasses on the coffee table. Lynn picked up the remote and flipped on the television.

“So, what would you like to watch?” She asked bringing up the On-Demand menu.

“I’m not really interested in a movie,” Tom admitted. He leaned in and pressed his mouth to hers. When she did not pull away he cupped the back of her neck and angled his head to deepen the kiss.

Lynn let the remote fall from her hand and slid her fingers into Tom’s thick blonde curls. Her soft lips parted, and his soft wet tongue thrust into her mouth. She sucked on his tongue and stroked it with her own. His hand slipped beneath her top and cupped her breast. Her nipple stiffened as he massaged it through the bra with his thumb.

“Tom,” she moaned as he trailed kissed up her jaw, and down her neck. She arched forward offering her bare chest to his hot seeking mouth. She gripped his wrist as he attempted to lift her top. “Not too far ok?”

Tom froze and sat up. He cupped her face in his hands, “How far can I go tonight?”

“Nothing beneath the clothes,” Lynn clarified.

“Can I just…?” he slid a thumb up the line where her bra met her soft, supple breast. “I won’t take it off. I just want to taste.”

“Alright,” Lynn agreed.

Tom pulled the cup of her bra aside and flicked her pink, plump nipple with the tip of his tongue. Lynn groaned as he sucked the tender, hardened flesh into his mouth. He squeezed it between his lips and flicked the tip with his tongue. Lynn moaned and bucked beneath him. The heated crotch of her pants rubbed his rigid cock. He released her nipple and switched to the other. As she bucked up into him he ground down into until he released in his boxers. They lay together for a few moments; his head on her chest cradled in her arms.

“Tom,” she whispered.

“Hmm?” he licked her breast.

“It’s getting late.” She shifted beneath him. “I know you’re comfortable, but you should probably go.”

“Aw, honey, can’t I stay?” Tom nuzzled into her breasts. “I’ll behave, I promise.”

“You don’t have a change of clothes here,” Lynn reminded him. She ran her fingers through his hair.

“I have a change of clothes in my gym bag,” Tom answered. “I’ll sleep in my shorts.”

“You just came in your shorts,” Lynn laughed.

“If you let me stay I’ll change into a clean pair,” Tom assured her. He kissed his way up her chest and neck to her mouth. “Please, baby, may I spend the night?”

“Alright,” Lynn relented.

Tom got off of Lynn and went out to his car. He returned carrying a gym bag. Lynn led him upstairs and indicated the bathroom where he could change. She settled into her bed in a t-shirt and yoga pants when he entered wearing a pair of pajama pants with different colored surf boards dotting the legs. He slipped into the bed beside her, and pulled her close. She smelled the distinctive minty smell of tooth paste.

“Do you always carry an overnight bag in your car?” She asked.

“I like to be prepared.” Tom slid his fingers through her hair. “I don’t spend the night at a woman’s house every night. I usually keep it on hand for after surfing.”

“You wear pajama pants after surfing?” Lynn asked.

“Ok,” Tom laughed. “You got me. I tossed these into the bag tonight. I would have left if you insisted, but I’m very glad you didn’t.”

The next morning they showed up at work separately so as not to arouse suspicion. It was not against zoo policy for employees to date, but neither of them wanted to broadcast their relationship status. Lynn spent the day getting set up as the official large cat expert. Dr. Lee made sure she was up to speed on all of the upcoming events she would be expected to coordinate. After he was satisfied with her understanding he excused himself for lunch and golf with a colleague. A knock at the door drew Lynn’s attention from the computer screen. She looked up to see a tall brown haired man in his early 30s surveying her through curious brown eyes.

“May I help you?” Lynn asked.

“I’m Richard Fields,” he introduced himself. “I have some papers I need Dr. Lee to look over and sign to convey authority to his replacement.”

“I’m sorry.” Lynn stood. “Dr. Lee has left for the day.”

“Well, that’s a pain,” Richard grumbled. “Considering his retirement party is tomorrow.”

“He’s planning on being in the office tomorrow morning,” Lynn informed him. He did not seem to be thrilled by the idea of coming in on a Saturday morning. “I can call him if you really need this taken care of today.”

“No.” Richard shook his head. “He would not like having his tee time interrupted by business. I guess I’ll just have to track down his replacement to sign the papers first.”

“Well, you’re in luck,” Lynn smiled and stepped around to the front of the desk. “Here I am.”

Richard eyed her up and down. Lynn crossed her arms over her flat stomach, and crossed one ankle over the other.

“You’re the replacement,” Richard smiled. “I think my Friday just got better.”

Lynn watched him adjust his tie and stride toward her. He laid the folder he held under his arm on the desk beside her. She turned and opened it. She pulled back when his shoulder brushed hers as he flipped through the packet of papers in the folder. He stopped on a page and pointed at a line with an x beside it.

“I need you to sign here please.” His instruction seemed gentle but commanding. Lynn pulled a pen from the cup on the desk. She leaned forward and signed where he indicated. She could feel his warm breath on her neck as he leaned near. “You don’t look like a large cat expert.”

“Well, I am,” Lynn assured him. She turned her face to look at him and brushed his nose with hers. She pulled back. He sat up and continued flipping through the pages. “Mr. Fields…”

“Please, call me Richard.” He leaned close and smiled. “Lynn, do you have plans for lunch?”

“Actually, I do,” Lynn answered.

Richard nodded and rested a finger near another line with an x beside it. Lynn signed, and he flipped through more pages. “So, will you be handling the transfer next month?”

“I believe so,” Lynn frowned.

“Your first I take it,” Richard observed closing the folder. He settled on the edge of the desk with one of his legs bent toward her. “The first one is never easy.”

“Dr. Lee says I’ve gotten too attached to all of them,” she sighed. She blinked back tears. “I just can’t believe Leo will be leaving us soon.”

“I know.” Richard cupped her cheek and caught a rogue tear as it rolled down her face. “It will get easier.”

Lynn leaned back as he leaned close. A knock on the door startled them both. Tom stood in the door staring at them. He wore a pair of khaki pants, a blue dress shirt, and a darker blue tie beneath his lab coat. Richard slid from the desk and collected the folder. He extended his right hand to Lynn.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Dr. Main,” he smiled. “I look forward to working closely with you.”

Lynn shook his hand tentatively. “I look forward to working with you as well Ri- a Mr. Fields.”

Richard offered Tom a wave as he passed through the door. Tom eyed his back, and then turned his attention back to Lynn. “I see you met one of our lawyers.”

“Yes.” Lynn moved around to the other side of the desk and retrieved her purse. Tom offered her his arm and led her to the cafeteria. He did not speak again until they were seated with their trays of food.

“Did he upset you?” Tom asked.

“No,” Lynn shook her head. “I mean he was a bit too close for comfort, but he did not upset me.”

“He’s sleazy, Lynn.”

“Relax,” Lynn smiled. She slid her hand down his tense forearm and took his hand. “I have no interest in him.”

“He doesn’t care,” Tom grumbled. “He will wear you down until you give in, or he’ll capitalize on a moment of weakness and…”

“Whoa,” Lynn pulled her hand back. “Don’t you trust me?”

“I do trust you,” Tom took her hand. “It’s him I don’t trust.”

“Are you coming over tonight?” Lynn asked.

“Why don’t we go out tonight?” Tom suggested.

“I need to buy a dress for tomorrow,” Lynn answered. “I was going to meet up with my friend Miranda so she could help me pick one out.”

“Can we get together afterward?” Tom asked. He ran his hand over her leg beneath the table.

“I can text you when we’re done,” Lynn agreed.

“I’ll see you tonight then.” Tom pressed soft parted lips to hers. He cupped her cheek and sucked gently on her lower lip.

Lynn pulled her mouth away. “We shouldn’t, not here.”

“I want people to know,’ Tom murmured. “Perhaps, that will get Richard off your scent.”

“Are you sure it won’t just be more of a challenge for him?” Lynn asked against his lips.

“You’re too smart for him,” Tom murmured. He stifled her next question by gently slipping his tongue between her lips. He stood and stroked her cheek. “I’ll see you later tonight.”

After work Lynn met Miranda at a local mall. They went to a few dress stores, and then took a break in the food court. While they ate Lynn told Miranda about the most recent men in her life.

“Tom sounds like a sweetie,” Miranda stated, “Richard sounds like a complete dick.”

“Well his name is Richard,” Lynn laughed.

“I’d keep my distance from him,” Miranda advised. “Stick with Tom.”

After their dinner they hit one last shop where Lynn settled on a deep blue cocktail dress. She sent Tom a text before leaving the mall, and he was waiting for her in front of her house when she pulled up. He got out of his car, and opened her door for her. He carried her dress while she fished for her keys. When they were inside they went straight up to her bedroom. Tom hung the dress in her closet, and then pulled her into his arms. He kissed her, and murmured how much he missed her.

‘Tom wait,” she protested softly as he ran his hands over her body, and kissed over her neck. “I’m gritty and I smell like large cat.”

“Then let’s take a shower.” Tom pulled her out of her bedroom toward her bathroom.

They left a trail of clothing behind. Tom ran soapy hands over Lynn’s slick skin. He massaged her nipples to stiff points between his index-fingers and thumbs. She leaned her head back into his chest as he slid a hand down her smooth, wet stomach to the soft tender flesh between her thighs. She groaned as he stroked over her clit and slid two fingers inside her. He pinned her against his body with both arms, and stroked her clit from multiple sides at once; two fingers over her g-spot, two on the bundle of nerves between her lip, and the length of his smooth erection against her tail bone. Lynn cried out as her inner muscles clenched around his driving fingers and her warm juices spilled.

When she was able to move she turned to face him, and rubbed her body wash over his smooth, muscular body. She wrapped one soapy hand around his long, hard shaft, and cupped his shorn balls with the other. Tom groaned as she pumped with one hand and squeezed with the other. He braced himself against the wall as she continued to pleasure him until his warm, thick cum sprayed her stomach and breasts. He pulled her under the cool spray of the shower, and washed his seed from her. Once she was rinsed off he turned off the water, and lifted her out of the shower. He dried her with a towel, and carried her into the bedroom. He laid her on the bed and lay between her spread thighs.

“I have condoms,” Lynn offered.

“I’m not ready for that yet,” Tom whispered, “Both physically and mentally.”

He trailed kisses down her smooth belly to the soft lips of her sex. She gasped and sighed as he circled his tongue around her, working his way to her opening. She cried out as he stiffened his tongue and speared into her. Lynn groaned and bucked as he sucked on her opening, giving his tongue deeper penetration.

“Oh, god, Tom!” She slid her fingers into his hair and clutched fistfuls as he lifted her from the mattress with his hands under her smooth, tight ass. She fell still when he lifted his head and ran his tongue over his glistening lips.

“Mmm, you taste so good,” he purred. He crawled over her and pressed his mouth to hers. He slid his sticky juice soaked tongue into her willing mouth. He groaned into her mouth as the head of his penis notched itself between her soft, wet folds. He pulled back as she lifted her hips to draw him in. When she attempted to protest he made shushing noises and placed a finger to her lips. “Not yet, I want to prolong this for a bit.”

“But you haven’t come a second time,” Lynn protested. “I have…”

“I know,” he whispered. “Will you use your mouth on me?”

“Of course.”

Tom rolled onto his back, and groaned as Lynn trailed kisses down his sculpted chest and abs. She stopped when the crown of his cock touched her jaw bone. She dipped her head, pursed her lips, and blew soft breath across his opening. His cock twitched as her tongue flicked the tip. She encircled his shaft with one hand and stroked up and down his length.

“Lynn, you’re so good at this,” he groaned. He grunted through his teeth when she slid her lips over his crown and hummed. “Oh that feels good.”

Lynn sucked on his engorged crown while still moving her hand over his smooth length. Tom continued to moan her name followed by affirmations. She followed her hand with her mouth over his length, and his words became inarticulate guttural grunts. His fingers slid into her hair and dug into her scalp. He thrust up into her mouth as she moved down.

“I’m gonna come,” he warned before filling her mouth with his warm, thick release.

She sat up and swallowed slowly as he watched. Her hand continued sliding up and down his semi-hard cock. He took hold of her hand to still its movement and drew her to lie beside him.

“That’s enough for now,” he assured her. He slid his hand up and down her side. “I don’t want to tire you out because I have something fun planned for us tomorrow.”

“Oh?” Lynn looked up at him.

“I’m going to give you your first surfing lesson.” Tom leaned down and brushed his lips over hers.

The next morning Tom roused Lynn early. He took her to his favorite surfing spot and showed her how to position herself on the board. Lynn glanced around nervously as she lay on the board he loaned her.

“You ok?” Tom asked.

“Just keeping an eye out for Jaws,” Lynn laughed.

“I’ve never seen a shark in these waters,” Tom assured her.

“That’s what they said in the movie too,” Lynn reminded him. She smiled when he gave her a quizzical look. “I like movies, a lot.”

“I never pegged you as a thriller movie fan,” Tom admitted. “I figured you were more of a romantic comedy kind of girl.”

“I like those too,” Lynn admitted, “but not a horror fan.”

“So, you won’t join me for a slasher marathon?” Tom asked.

“No thank you,” Lynn shook her head adamantly. “Not unless you don’t plan on sleeping that night.”

“Maybe I don’t.” Tom looked back over his shoulder to see a large swell of water coming up on them. “Here comes one. Get up on your knees, and when it lifts up stand up. Remember to spread your feet apart to keep the board level.”

Lynn pushed herself up on her knees and attempted to stand as she felt the wave rise beneath her. She managed to stay up for a few seconds before the wave became a white cap, and wiggled the board. She lost her balance and wiped out. Her body fell back into the cold water, and was drug under. She felt herself being rolled under the water until a pair of large arms wrapped around her, and hauled her to the surface. Her eyes stung, and she spluttered to clear the salt water from her lungs. Next thing she knew she was laying on the warm sand beneath Tom’s upper torso. He rested on his forearms and press cool salty lips to hers.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Yes,” Lynn answered, “but I don’t think I’ll be trying that again any time soon.”

“You did really well for your first time,” Tom encouraged. “I won’t ask you to try again today, but please don’t let your first time be your last.”

“Maybe next weekend,” Lynn offered.

“Sounds good,” Tom smiled.

When they returned to Lynn’s house they took another hot steamy shower. Tom tormented Lynn with his hands and mouth until she begged for him to let her come. She did the same to him this time letting him rub his hardened shaft between her large, soft, wet, soapy breasts until he covered them in pearls of semen. After he rinsed her off they changed into lounge wear and watched movies while making out on her couch. Each time Tom built her up he hardened and she brought him to release. They changed into their formal clothes for Dr. Lee’s retirement party around four-thirty and rode there together in Tom’s Jeep.

The party was being held in a small ballroom in one of the local hotels. There was a buffet, dancing, and a cash bar. After they ate their meal Tom went to the bar to get them drinks. While Lynn waited she was joined at their table by Richard Fields.

“Good evening, Lynn,” Richard leaned into her personal space. He slid his hand down her forearm and took her hand. He lifted it and brushed his lips over her knuckles. “May I have the honor of a dance?”

“I’m actually here with someone,” Lynn explained pulling her hand away from him.

Richard smiled and rested his elbow on the table, and his head on his fist. “That dress looks lovely on you. It brings out those beautiful blue eyes.”

“Thank you,” Lynn shifted nervously.

Richard noticed the scratches on her arm. “What happened?” He reached over and slid a finger over the abrasions.

“Surfing accident,” Lynn answered.

“You surf?” Richard inquired.

“I had my first lesson today,” Lynn answered.

“Impressive,” Richard smiled.

“Hello Richard,” Tom drew their attention. He set a pena-collota in front of Lynn, and settled in the chair on her other side.

“Hello, Tom,” Richard offered a charming smile. “Lynn was just regaling me with her exciting surfing experience.”

“She did well for her first time out,” Tom bragged.

“Oh stop,” Lynn protested. “I would have drowned if you hadn’t been there to haul me out of the water.”

“Drowned?” Richard inquired.

“I wiped out,” Lynn explained, turning to Richard.

“Surfing is dangerous,” Richard acknowledged. “I wouldn’t want to lose our lovely new large cat expert to the depths of the ocean or a beast there in.”

Lynn giggled and blushed. Tom slid an arm across the back of Lynn’s chair pulling her closer to him. “I would never let that happen.”

“Of course you wouldn’t,” Richard agreed, “but even you can’t control nature.”

“Neither can you,” Lynn countered.

“You are correct,” Richard agreed, “but I wouldn’t put you in a situation that could get you killed.”

Lynn felt Tom’s fingers flex on her shoulder. “I think we should all just take a breath and calm down.”

“I agree,” Richard smiled. He stood and offered his hand to her. “I relax better on the dance floor. May I?”

“Lynn,” Tom warned.

“It’s one dance,” Lynn argued. She stood and took Richard’s hand. As he led her out onto the floor she looked over her should as Tom exited the ballroom.

Richard drew her attention back to him by sliding his arm around her waist and pulling her close. Tears stung her eyes as they swayed to the music and Richard crooned in her ear. She decided she was not going to let Tom’s petty jealousy ruin her evening, squeezed her eyes shut to smother the tears, and smiled up at Richard.

“I’m sorry if I came on a bit strong,” Richard murmured. “He just seems a bit too reckless for you.”

“I enjoyed the surfing,” Lynn admitted.

“I’m sure you did,” Richard agreed, “but don’t you think you’re a bit too old to be taking risks like that?”

“I’m twenty-nine,” Lynn argued. “I can still take risks.”

“I like your body unmarred.” Richard leaned down and nuzzled into her neck. “You smell so good.”

“Richard, please,” Lynn pulled back. “We work together.”

“I know.”

“We shouldn’t mess up our professional relationship with a personal one.”

“Why would it mess it up?”

“Well, if it didn’t work out…” Lynn began.

“Why wouldn’t it work out?”

“I don’t know.” As he turned her she looked to see if Tom returned to the ballroom. She spotted him chatting up a busty blond at another table. The song changed and she tried to step away from Richard, but his arm tightened around her waist to hold her in place. “Please, Richard, I came Lynn extracted herself from his arms, and went over to a table where Dr. Lee sat with his wife. Richard followed close but kept his distance so as not to impose. When she turned away from the table he headed toward her. He led her to the curb where a valet pulled up in a black Taurus Show. Richard took the key from the valet, and offered him a nice tip. He opened the passenger door for Lynn, and assisted her into the car. He followed the directions she gave him back to her place, pulled up in front of her duplex, and turned off the engine. He rested a hand on her arm as she moved to get out of the car.

“Let me get that for you,” he offered. He got out, came around to her side, and opened the door for her. He assisted her out of the car and walked her to her front door. “May I give you a kiss good night?”

Lynn giggled at his question. “I’m sorry I’ve never had a man ask first.”

“I’m very old fashioned,” Richard stated. “May I?”


Richard pressed his mouth to hers, and slipped the tip of his tongue between her lips in search of hers. He pulled back after their tongues touched, and stepped back. Lynn pulled her keys out of her clutch.

“Have a good evening, Lynn,” Richard stated. He turned and walked back to his car.

Lynn watched as he pulled away before she went inside. She went upstairs and changed for bed. Seeing her empty bed made her miss Tom. She wished he stayed, and wished he were there with her. She realized she probably insulted him by dancing with Richard, but she was just trying to be polite. She called Tom and left a message on his voicemail. After plugging her phone in she settled into her bed and nestled into the pillow Tom laid his head on. His scent still lingered in the fabric of the pillowcase.

Lynn awoke the next morning to the glare of sunlight flooding her bedroom. She checked her phone to see if there was a response from Tom and was disappointed to find none. She crawled out of bed and ambled down stair to her kitchen to make coffee. The sound of her doorbell halted her at the front door. She opened it to find Tom standing on the other side in a pair of board shorts and a t-shirt.

“Hi,” he said sheepishly. “May I come in?”

“Yes,” Lynn offered a sheepish smile of her own. She stepped aside, and closed the door once he was inside.

They sat at her table and hashed out the events of the prior evening over coffee and bagels. Apology and forgiveness were exchanged. Afterward they cuddled on her couch.

Word Count: 5,000
© Copyright 2015 Vixey Todd (jlh1982 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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