Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2022777-Should-have-knocked-first
by Rayne
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #2022777
Even when trying to save a love one you might want to knock on the door first.
Raye slowly opened her eyes. The sun streaming through the wooden slats made her squeeze them tight. She paused for a moment getting acquainted with her surroundings. She slowly forced her eyes open as she woke up. Her head felt like a small man was in her skull pounding on it with a sledge hammer. She had one powerful headache. She tried to think about last night. It all came crashing to her and she fell back to the bed, her head pounding harder from the small impact of head on pillow. She sighed her hand sneaked out to the side to touch Evie's warm body. They had an argument and Raye wanted to apologize and work things out. This argument had been real bad. Raye's hand went further and further until it was at the edge of the bed. Evie was gone.

Raye bolted up and looked around. Her things were gone. Raye put her head in her hands. Her black hair tumbling over her face and upper body. Slowly it shook, if one was to look closely they would realize the strong woman was weeping silently. She had gone too far last night.

A few hours later Raye had packed up her belongings and was walking aimlessly. Raye had no clue where she was going, but her feet and body must have known as they kept walking and moving when all Raye could think about was last night. They both had been drinking, but not enough to be drunk. Evie, the wild spirit that she was, had incidentally, accidentally, unintentionally, all those words challenged a brute of a man who still thought women were weak and was prey.

The man was huge. 6 feet 6 inches and had to be at least 400 pounds of solid mass and muscle. Raye looked at the man and was like 'Oh, HELL no,' but Evie in all her beauty and combat saw only a challenge. When Evie told the man he could pick the rules; taken aback the man barked 'Hand to hand'. Which Raye pulled out her shotgun and pointed it at the man's crotch while yelling at Evie there was no $%#@& way she was going to do this.

Raye looked up to see she was in the middle of some town. Raye could smell Evie's perfume on the wind. Evie didn't wear perfume, but she did put on something to keep the heat and natural body odors away. Raye could smell it. Raye followed the scent trying to find Evie. She had to apologize and get her back.

2 hours later Raye realized this town was a lot bigger than she thought... and Evie had went EVERYWHERE. Or a lot of people knew the same trick Evie did, but Raye was sure it was Evie she was following. Raye kept searching and her mind went back to last night.

Evie had smirked at Raye demanding to know if Raye trusted her. After arguing over eachother Raye finally yelled she did trust her. Evie immediately kissed Raye leaving Raye senseless before she turned and jumped at the man. They fought for what seemed to Raye eternity. Twice Raye tried to jump in only to have a handful of people stop her; hold her back; and at one time slap her til she saw black.

The next time the palm came at her face Raye grabbed it and broke the wrist than each of the fingers before the man was able to pull away. No one hit her again and Raye didn't try to jump in again. Raye's heart was in her throat every time that big meaty fist hit Evie's skin. Her usual tanned, smooth, skin was turning black and blue, but somehow Evie was able to deliver the final blow. The meaty man fell and stayed down. Evie looked at Raye and her smile slowly fell from her face seeing the murderous and outrage on her face.

Raye ran into a shoppe and sighed. Evie wasn't here and she would have to give up her search. Suddenly, Raye heard Evie's voice. It was a small yelp. Raye's mind instantly thought that the man's friends had captured Evie and were going to kill her. Raye ran down the hall towards the door. Her mind drifted back to last night and their argument.

"How could you Evie. You could have been killed."

"I could always been killed, Raye," Evie huffed. She was weak, but her anger was keeping her on her feet.

Raye ran into the door, splintering it. There was a cross section. Another groan and Raye ran towards the right.

"If the odds were even. They weren't even Evie."

"I knew I wasn't going to die Raye!"

"How do you know that? No one knows that!"

Raye turned the corner where there was a door. She had to slow down or rush into the wall. Another groan and Raye grasped the handle and turned.

"Because I never stop. If I died he would have died with me. I can't stop once I start."

Raye pushed opened the door and brought her gun up. Her mind instantly took in everything. The dress, the seamstress, and Evie. It seemed Evie was finally going to marry Raye and this was her version of settling down. Getting everything done with and then going to tell Raye later. Raye felt a sharp stick, but it didn't register. Her finger never twitched on the trigger as she caught Evie's eyes. Those eyes that suddenly seemed so sad. It was beautiful, Evie was beautiful.

"Raye!" Evie screamed as the floor rushed to meet Raye. Raye's eyes glazed over. Raye didn't blame Evie. She was warned last night. You never surprise a killer.

Hours later Evie had buried Raye. The dress was in her pack. Evie stood outside the city with her shades on, her black hair blowing wildly in the wind. A lone tear led a path down her cheek. Laughter could be heard on the wind and Evie turned thinking she head Raye's voice. In the distance was Raye waving and laughing. Evie couldn't help the sudden laughter that escaped from her throat.

"I love you," Evie said on the wind.

"I love you," Evie heard come back to her.

Evie took that first step ... and sighed ... and walked.

1059 words
© Copyright 2014 Rayne (la_reina at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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