Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1971087-Crazy-7
by katya
Rated: E · Assignment · Other · #1971087
Writing Assignment
By: Katya Roehlk
Class: Mrs. Clark Period: 2nd /3rd
Date: 12/31/13

Crazy 7

Everyone knows the feeling. Shaky hands, your heart pounds a little faster, breathing in deeply, and taking your first steps into a new school. Today was the first day of school, 7th grade, at a new school.

I couldn't sleep a wink last night, but I knew I had to go somehow. I was scared and excited at the same time to start a new school, but the part I was scared the most about, was making friends and meeting new teachers.

Finally, it was morning. I had to get dressed, eat, and brush my teeth. But it was different from my mind, I got dressed, but I didn't eat, and just brushed my teeth. Waiting and waiting for my step-dad to hurry up and take me to school. Once my step-dad was ready, he took me to school and asked if I was nervous. I knew I was, but I felt confident for myself, so I said, "Nope" and left to go to school.

Once I got in the school there were more students I've ever seen in my life, but I reminded myself that it's the first day here.

I thought I was walking, but I realized I was frozen in the same spot when I walked in to the school. I got myself moving to get my new schedule for classes and when I heard the bell I knew it was the beginning of school.

Once I figured out what class to go to, I realized it was my favorite subject out of all classes, math! I was on time for class. When I walked in the class it wasn't big, but what was different was there were desks, no tables. At my old school, we had tables. I found myself a desk and sat in it and waited a little while before the class can begin. Students I didn't know came in, took their seats, and waited for the teacher to give out a worksheet. Once I got the worksheet, I started the problems. It wasn't as easy as I thought, but its 7th grade; so one grade up. After I finished the worksheet, the teacher introduced herself and talked about herself. Her name was Mrs. Toothacker. I thought that was strange at first, but it was a name. After Mrs. Toothacker introduced herself, we started to talk about rules of the school.

The bell rang, but I had my 2nd favorite subject, science! It was pretty hard to go to my next class as I had locker problems and to get stuff out for science. I don't know how long it took to get my locker open, but it did finally open and then it was time to figure out where my next class was, again. I had to ask a teacher to find Mrs. Chapman, and I found out she was at the end of the hall, straight ahead from my locker.

I was 10 seconds early to Mrs. Chapman's room, and once I arrived to her door, the bell rang. Well now I know where her room is so I won't be late the next time. I had a couple of stares and glances at me once I got in class, standing by the door, but I ignored it; it was probably because they had never seen me before in this school and also because I'm new here. I sat down next to three girls I didn't know but they seemed nice and they don't bite. I was going to talk to them, but the teacher started talking about a bubble map. What was a bubble map? I didn't know what it was, so I asked one of the girls on our table.

When one of the girls told me, I understood it a little and started my work and it started to get a little quiet, so I looked around the classroom to see why everyone was quiet. It was because Mrs. Chapman was in front of the class. She started to talk about herself, like what Mrs. Toothacker did. After her little talk about herself, we talked about the rules of school again, and science rules that are important. More rules started to come, but by then the bell rang and she said, "We will talk more tomorrow." "Oh boy, won't we have fun," I thought.

The one thing I thought was weird was why does this school have a history class? And I forgot, this state had its own independence. That might answer my question for why we had to honor the Texas flag. Anyway, Ms. Morgan introduced herself and more rules for her class, but after that we had to write a paper and talk about ourselves. It took a while to do so, but it was easy enough. The bell rang again and it was 10 more minutes before I go to home economics.

Home economics was really fun! Speaking to the new students and most of them were in my other classes. But I met two new students, Leah and Aryanna. They were nice and fun to speak with. Mrs. Sparks then introduced herself and we talked about kitchen rules, cleaning rules, and material use. Then the bell rang and it was time for lunch.
Lunch isn't easy because of no friends yet. But I'm new so I would have to wait. It was lonely for a while, but a group of students sat near me; they started to talk, until they saw me. The group of girls asked a lot of questions for one, "Where you from?" "Are you new here?" "How do you like it here so far?" "What is your first time period?" "What teachers do have?" and so I was able to answer them.

After lunch, I went to ELA (English Language Arts), and our teacher was Mrs. Votrain. We started to talk about rules and then she gave us an assignment to work on. We had to do a card on what's real and what isn't real, like true or false. What I didn't notice was that I found three friends already, Britney, Leah, and Aryanna. I know Leah and Aryanna because there in my other class, home economics, a career and cooking class. But I liked me new friends and they are fun. It felt like I was in my old school before I moved. But it was fun in Mrs. Votrian class, speaking to other students, and I found out my new friends were also new to this school. I knew it was going to be a long day, but I enjoyed it while it lasted.

My most favorite thing is playing the flute. I've played it for two years now and started to play it in this year's band class! It was a fun class to be in and I knew everyone because of practice before the school started. The time went fast, but I love playing the flute and I hoped to play another instrument soon.

Last period, was athletics. Coach Knowles and Coach Gay were our coaches, but we didn't do anything. All we did was sit in the gymnasium floor and stayed there for a while, but I saw Leah and Aryanna, so at least I could talk to them and not be bored.

It was almost four o'clock and our coaches told us to get ready to leave soon. So I got packed up and got ready to get home.

Four o'clock arrived and I left the school and started walking. I walked home, and was listening to music on my new phone, texting my mom and step-dad I left school to let them know I was fine. While, I was still walking home, I called my friends, Anna, Torrye, and Jaz back in Arizona. After I finished calling my friends, I called my grandparents to let them know how my first day went. After finishing my conversation with my grandparents I thought, "This was the best day ever! To meet new friends and teachers!" and I knew I wouldn't feel left out the next day at school now that I'm a part of the school.

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