Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1962384-Nexus-Story---Chap-1
Rated: 18+ · Other · Drama · #1962384
Uh...chapter 1? IDK, I'm still bad at this.
Chapter 1

The Student Teacher

         The teacher wraps up our lesson and I begin putting away my things so I can leave as soon as the bell rings. Heinrich will be waiting for me at his locker on the 1st floor. And I'm on the 3rd floor right now. Then I have to go from his locker to the 4th floor and make it to my class...on the other side of the school building. And I have to do this while pushing through oceans of other kids, most of which are at least a foot taller than me. The total time I'm given to complete this task? 5 minutes. Let's do this ish.


         What the-? Oh right, new bell. Whatever, I don't have time to wonder about it. I gotta go. I rush out into the hallway with all my things, tossing a quick "goodbye" to Alei. I push through the kids and get down the stair well before it can be flooded and quickly find the hallway with the lockers in the 200's. And there's Heinrich. I pull out my note book as I walk up to him.

         "Hey, -pant- I got your -pant- stupid notes -pant- here..."

         Great. Now I'm out of breath. Whatever.



         He takes the notebook from my hands but pauses when he sees my confused expression.

         "What is it?"

         "What does 'Danke' mean?"

         He gives me only a moment's look of shock before outright LAUGHING at me. Not giggle, not chuckle, not snicker. Just LAUGHS. Like I just told the funniest joke in the world. I'm starting to see why people don't like him.

         "WHY are you laughing at me? I honestly don't know what that word means!"

         Instead of answering he just looks up for a second before cracking up again. Now I'm mad. I stomp my foot on the ground and put my arms down by my sides with my fists sticking out.

         "Stop laughing, it's NOT FUNNY!"

         But he doesn't listen; he just keeps on laughing at me. I decide that I'm done being ridiculed and turn to stomp off to my next class, but just as I take my first step my foot gets caught and I trip and fall. I close my eyes and prepare for impact, but I never hit the ground. I open my eyes and see I didn't actually get very close to the ground before someone caught me. Now I'm interested, who caught me? No one in this school really likes me, Alei's next class is on the 5th floor not the 1st and I don't think his arm feels quite so...sturdy. And Heinrich is still behind me cracking up which means it's definitely not him. So, I look up to see who it is and I catch glimpse of the hottest guys I'd ever laid my eyes on. Now normally I don't freak out over guys. But when they look this good, I can't help it. The first thing I noticed was his milky chocolate eyes which seem full of concern. Next up was his pitch-dark black hair which had a brilliant shine to it and was definitely well taken care of. Then his pale skin which contrasted so perfectly with his hair it almost took my breath away. I didn't have much time to look at anything else as he quickly straightened me out.

         "Are you alright?" the man speaks in a very calm, relaxing tone.

         Oh god, even his voice is beautiful. I don't know if I can handle this. My face must be 50 Shades of RED right now. I bet I could make a tomato feel jealous.

         "Um...I..uh..well" I respond in an oh-so-brilliant manner.

         Fuck, how am I supposed to answer with you staring at me like that. Turn away please, or better yet, turn invisible and change your voice so it doesn't sound so utterly brilliant.

         "Do you have a fever? Should I take you to the nurse?"

         Crap NO! Don't put your hand on me! Oh god why? I'm never gonna make it to class now. First Heinrich distracts me and now this guy is turning me into freaking HINATA!!

         "N-no I-I just...."

         GOD why can't I think of what to say!

         "Hmm, well I'll escort you to your next class, to make sure you don't fall again. If you start feeling dizzy or tired please tell me."

         "Uh, um, y-yeah...o-ok..."

         Shit. Why did I agree to that? Brain, stop being Patrick.

         "Good. Now then. Where are you headed"

         "F-f-floor th-three...uh, um....r-room...uh"

         Wait...what room is it? Crap. I fumble through my things for my schedule and hope to god I can find the stupid room number.

         "Ah...um...r-room th-three hundred f-five..."

         "Ok, that's pretty convenient, that's where I need to go as well."

         Oh well that works out nicel- wait what? He's gonna be in my classroom? But he looks so much older than the rest of the kids.


         "Oh, I'm the new student teacher."

         Oh that make sens- WHAT!?

         "Come on."

         He smiles and places his hand on my shoulder and leads me to my next class. Where he's going to be assisting in teaching. And I'm going to have to see him. And talk to him. And hear him talk. Every, single, day. Joyous. The bell rings before we reach the classroom, but the teacher, Mr. Myerra, doesn't count me tardy 'cuz Mr. Super Sexy sticks up for me. Which is nice. I take my seat at the back of the classroom and notice a smaller version of the teacher's desk right behind me. When did that get there?

         "Hello class. Today I'd like to introduce our new student teacher. Mr. Eien Mikomi. He will be with us for the remainder of the school year. Please be courteous and show him a very good welcome."

         "Hello, Mr. Mikomi"

         The entire class sounds at once. Except for me, I'm too busy trying to figure out if "Nexus Mikomi" sounds good or not.

         "Hello class, it's very nice to meet all of you. I will do my best to assist you in whatever way I can. If you need me, my desk is right over there in the corner of the room."

         Oh so that's why that's th- WHAT! He's going to be sitting THERE?! My shock must have been visible because before I knew it the teacher was addressing me.

         "Is something the matter Nexus?" Mr. Myerra looks concerned but annoyed at the same time. It's kinda odd.

         "Ah, uh no...sorry."

         Great. That's the second time the teacher has called me out. Maybe I should stop over thinking so much. I bet I'd never get embarrassed if it wasn't for that. Then again, I'd never be able to come up with more insults if I did that and that would just be boring. To make life fun you just gotta get your Hazama on!

         "I bet he's high." "Yeah knowing him he probably smokes outta some dude's mouth." "That stupid manwhore." "Damned gayass faggot."

         Oh joy, no- Wait.

         "What. What. What in the bloody hell is a gayass faggot. I've never heard such a ridiculous insult in my life." I blurt out in my confusion. I've honestly never heard this before.

         "It's what you are yah gayhole." And now I've had enough.

         You've done it now asshole.

         "Are you stupid. Something is wrong with your brain, isn't it? Mommy drop you on the head one too many times chap? If she did I bet it was on purp-"

         "Enough! I will not have my student bad-mouthing each other in front of our brand new teacher! And NEXUS." Mr. Myerra booms out and glares over at me

         I shrink under his glare. He is hella scary sometimes.

         "Next time, please allow me to handle these situations. I understand your frustration but that colorful and vibrant vocabulary of yours might get you into trouble someday." He sighs and sits back down in his chair.

         "Yes sir."

         Oh Mr. Myerra, this is why I like you. Your "no bullshit" style of teaching really helps someone like me out. It doesn't hurt that I'm his favorite student either. Of course most of the school assumes that he only likes me 'cuz I let him in my "backdoor". But that's obviously not true. I'm a virgin after all. To be completely honest, I'm not really all the sure on how to have sex. I mean, I understand that the guy's rod goes up my bum. But aside from that I'm pretty clueless. Having an overprotective elder sister makes for things like this you know?

         "Now then, Nexus, if you're not feeling well you should go to the nurse." Mr. Myerra addresses me calmly after taking a deep breath. I heard he has anger issues, but it seems to me he controls himself well.

         "No, no, I'm fine, I promise." I sit back down and return to ignoring the class.

         "Very well. Mr. Mikomi, if you don't mind?"

         "Of course."

         Eien (yeah I'm calling him by his first name, problem?) sits down in his desk right behind me and looks down at his deck, seemingly working on something for Mr. Myerra.  I try to ignore him and write down the notes, but it's really hard to do that when an extremely hot guy is sitting right behind you. The teacher assigns us some work out of the book and I decide to focus on that to keep myself from being distracted. I don't know when but at some point he finished what he was doing and started walking around the classroom. Before I realized he was standing right next to me looking over at my paper.

         "Your handwriting is very neat. Clean and crisp. That's a good trait for college." he compliments me with a smile.

         "Ah! Oh...um, th-thank y-you." I, once again in a very masterful fashion, reply.

         God, why can't I stop stuttering today. It's getting REALLY annoying.

Eien looks over my work for a moment longer before moving on to the next kid. He stops by their desk and begin pointing out some simple mistakes they were making. I guess that means I was doing my work correctly. Awesome!

About halfway through the period we hear a loud crash outside. All the kids look to the door to see what's going on in the hallway. Right as one student stands to go check it out, a boy with pitch-black hair bursts into the room and frantically looks around before settling on the teacher.

"Sorry I'm late! I overslept and then when I was on my way here my car broke down an-" The boy blurts out an excuse for as to why he was just arriving at school...during second hour.

"Cretis, enough, I don't like excuses and you know it. Now take your seat." Mr. Myerra dismisses his excuses and points the boy, Cretis, to his chair.

"Yes sir..." Cretis slumps over and sits down in his assigned seat.

Ah, so Cretis came in late again...typical. Oh! You guys probably don't know who Cretis is huh? Well, his full name is Cretis Marron Shira. Before you ask, I only know his middle name cause he has an odd tendency to state his entire name when greeting someone. I don't know why he feels the need to let everyone know his middle name, but who am I to judge? Anywho, he's pretty popular in this school and he's actually pretty smart too, though he doesn't act like it. He has this weird obsession with the word "Dance" and likes to apply it to any situation, ignoring whether or not it's appropriate. He consistently wears the color purple and has an extreme dislike toward symmetry. He goes so far in his hatred of symmetry that he makes sure no two portions of his outfit are the same. Today he has a shirt with 1 long-sleeve and 1 short-sleeve, a pair of pants with one leg cut down to look like shorts, a single boot and a single shoe, 1 long sock and 1 ankle sock, and then he has on exactly 1 glove. Like I said, he hates symmetry. Cretis' looks aren't bad, he's not the best looking guy in the school, but definitely not the worst. He's got shiny black hair, Kinda like Eien, and milk-chocolate brown eyes, also like Eien...weird. His skin is tanned, but not too much so, and he's pretty fit. As far as figure goes his is what you would expect from an 18 year old soccer player, for the most part. Nothing really stands out to be honest. Except of course his ever-present and ever-radiant smile, which constantly booms out how happy the damned guy is. I swear he's the happiest, smiliest person on the whole bloody planet.

"Cretis, you are such an idiot." A boy with white hair smiles slightly as he addresses Cretis.

"Ouch Sheema, no need for all that meanness." Cretis laughs and quickly gets to work. He is a hard worker under all that happy-go-lucky attitudage.

Hm? What? You want to know about Sheema too? Jeesh you people are insistent, not EVERYONE is important you know? ...FINE. I'll talk about him. His full name is Sheema Myerra, he's the Nephew of our teacher, Mr. Myerra. Sheema's got snow-white hair, ice-blue eyes and a very, very cold personality. People have actually dubbed him the "Ice Prince" of United Scholars High. The only person he seems to be nice to is Cretis. Actually, now that I think about it, that behavior is a lot like Heinrich's behavior. Odd, never noticed the similarities before...maybe It's because Heinrich actually dislikes Cretis, or maybe...well, I don't know.  I just never thought about it before ok?

Nothing of any importance happens for the rest of the period, the bell rings and I gather my things and prepare to leave the room.

"Goodbye Mr. Myerra, Happy Teaching and 'may the odds be ever in your favor~'!" I do a deep bow in his direction before standing straight and smiling.

What? I like the Hunger Games. Mr. Myerra rolls his eyes before smiling and shaking his head.

"Goodbye Nexus."

I nod towards him and turn to leave the room.

"Goodbye Mr. Yameto."

Oh, right, I forgot about Mr. Wonderful in the back of the room. Crap. I look to his desk to see him smiling warmly towards me and my face heats up again.

"G-Goodbye Ei-, I mean, Mr. Mikomi."

Crap, I almost called him by his first name! I rush out of the room as fast as possible and head towards my next class before he has the chance to call me on my mistake. As I'm heading down the hall I realize I forgot something very important. Wait a minute...I don't HAVE a next class! I turn around and head towards the student break room, where Alei is sure to be waiting. I take the nearest staircase all the way to the bottom floor and turn to the left, walking until I reach my destination at the end of the hallway. Here it is, room 1, the Student Break Room. Can't believe I actually get to be in here!

As I walk in I notice the room is mostly deserted, excluding Alei and one other boy who I know very well.

"Oh look, the Aqua pipsqueak is here"

"Shut it Kyria, my hair is not 'Aqua' it's just 'Blue-Green'...and metallic...and maybe it's actually 'Blue-SeaGreen'...oh whatever."

This is Kyria Relius, genius engineer and the first person to graduate from our High School with a 4.0 GPA while still participating in 3 or more after school activities and taking college level courses. Of course at the rate I'm going I'll have him beat with a 4.1, but that's a story for another time. Anyways, he's got royal purple hair and simple green eyes. His skin is tan and he stands about a foot higher than me. His figure is pretty built, but not overly so and he looks very fit. He likes to wear straight, regimented clothing to give off a much more "high-class" appearance. All in all he's a prep. Though you wouldn't know it from his attitude.

"Whatever pipsqueak. Anyways, how's life treating ya? Good? Bad? Do I need to beat anyone up?"

"No, no. I'm fine, besides I don't think Alei would like it if you got yourself arrested for beating up kids."

"Ah, true, and I don't wanna make my cute little boyfriend unhappy~"

Oh, yeah, Kyria is also Alei's boyfriend. Go figure. If you're wondering why the school teases me for being gay and not Alei, then I'm sorry to say I have no intention of telling you. I don't let failures in on such delicate information. Nah, just joking. The main reason is...well...Kyria is pretty well known and nobody wants to be on his bad side...ever. So that's pretty much it.

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here!" Alei decided to speak up and make sure his presence was known.

"Sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to offend." Kyria smiled and wrapped his arm around Alei's waist, causing Alei to blush a deep scarlet, much like I had earlier that day.

Oh joy, they're in their lovey dovey mode. I think imma be sick. Of course, I don't have much room to talk seeing as how I was practically swooning in the arms or Mr. Drop-Dead. But at least I wasn't all over him...not that I didn't want to be, of course.

"So...Kyria, what brings you here. Seeing as you don't go to school anymore." I ask, just to remove the awkward feeling that seems to be looming over the room. Or is it just me?

"Alei told me he has free time during this period, so I'm going to stop by every now and again to visit him. And you too of course, Nexus."

Me too? Why?

"Psh, why would you wanna visit me? You're dating Alei remember? This isn't a three-way thing."

"Oh, but Nexus, you're just so cute. How could I stay away?"

Ok no? First of Alei is, I don't know, RIGHT THERE! Second, I AM NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!

"HEY! Shouldn't you be saying things like that to Alei? HE'S your boyfriend, not ME!"

As soon as I finish my sentence Alei bursts out in a fit of giggles. I'm getting real tired of everyone laughing at me today.

"What's so funny?!" I ask, sounding rather flustered to be honest.

"Nothing...it's just...You look so cute when you're angry...and your nose all scrunched up...trying to look...tough." He says in between fits of giggles.

Ok, now I'm just downright embarrassed. Alei is laughing at me, Kyria is smirking like he just won the world's biggest competition, and here I am stuck glaring daggers at both of them 'cause I have no way to make a good comeback.

"Whatever, jerks." I pout and sit down at the table. While I'm sitting I begin organizing my things for my next class, and finishing up any homework I didn't get done from the first two. I'm about halfway through with this when Kyria decides to speak to me once more.

"Hey Nexus?" He asks, getting my attention. What's with that mischievous look on his face?


"Ya gotten laid yet?"

My lead breaks and I look up at Kyria in horror. Did he REALLY just ask me that? Alei seems shocked too if the widened eyes and dropped jaw are any indication.

"KYRIA," Alei yells out quickly, "that is NOT a question you pose to someone!"

"Sorry, I was just curious. After all he seems pretty uptight. I think a good fuck is exactly what Nexus needs right now. Ain't that right kitty-kat?"

I stand up and slam my hands on the desk before gathering all my things together and walking towards the door.

"I'm leaving."

I don't even wait to hear a response as I storm out. I guess it's rather obvious that I'm pissed seeing as all the other kids and teachers just move out of my way not even trying to stop me. I think I actually pushed a kid or two down in my silent rampage. When I finally calm down enough to pay attention to where I am I realize that I had wandered all the way to the roof. It's pretty nice out today...I think I'll stay here. I set my stuff down and pull out my Ipod Touch. Setting it to 'Shuffle' I put on my headphones and begins listening to the first song that pops up.

"Float on, to the painted skies, where dreams will be unified as I, Slip inside"

Oh, it's 'Where Butterflies Never Die'. That's cool, seeing as I need something to make me forget about stupid Kyria.

I allow myself to slip out of reality and into the music.

"Multiply humanity, Harmonize insanity...Shedding light of remedy, Pulling tight on clarity. Shattered glass and flowerbeds. Humanize, Inhuman ends. It's all the same for the dreamers...it's all the same...for us."

The wind is blowing nicely today, feels really good. I close my eyes and lean over the railing allowing myself to drown into the music and it's rhythms.

"Float on, to the painted skies. Where dreams will be unified, as I'm swept inside...Where Butterflies...."

I love this song so much. I don't know why though, something about it just...speaks to me.

"Utilize surrending, when silence forced, to you it seems. Sterilize your mentality, Compromise your reality."

Suddenly I'm too swept up into the song to pay attention to even myself and I open my mouth to allow the sounds sleeping there out.

"Restful minds and peaceful eyes, when sound is gone then you will find, it's all the same for the dreamers...it's all the same...for us, for us!"

I stand up straight as the song hits its climax point.

"Float on, to the painted skies. Where dreams will be unified, as I'm swept inside! Hold on, to the painted skies. Where we will be unified, as I stand inside....Where Butterflies, Never Die! Where butterflies...."

As the music ends I can hear...clapping? I turn sharply to see who is there. My eyes scan the area before falling on...Heinrich?

"Beautiful voice you have, Nexus was it? Very beautiful." he smirks and walks up beside me before leaning over the railing in the same manner I had been only moment earlier.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him very curtly. I'm not very happy that someone heard me, if you couldn't tell.

"Had break time, wanted to come outside and feel the wind, figured this was the best place to do it. Hearing you sing was just a bonus."

I blush slightly at the compliment. Then I shake it off and turn away from him to watch the cars drive by on the right side of the building.

"It's nothing special..." I look away, hoping that if I seem uninterested he'll leave.

"Oh, but I beg to differ, your voice is quite special, such splendid tones mixing together to form a smooth silky voice that makes you want to just melt when you hear it." His words catch my attention and I can't help but look over at him in shock.

What reason does he have for being so nice to me? Unless he's just doing it so he can pull off some stupid practical joke. I bet he's going to trick me into thinking he's my friend and then bring me to some kind of bloody prank. But that shit ain't gonna fly with me!

"Don't you have someone else to bother?!" I snap at him, not wanting to hear him anymore, "Who put you up to this bullshit anyways? I have better things to do that listen to some asshole pretend to be nice!"

"I'm not pretending. I know you don't have any reason to believe me, but it's the truth." He speaks plainly and doesn't seem fazed by my outburst of anger. I decide he's not lying and let out a big sigh before leaning over the railing once more.

"Just don't tell anyone ok? I try to keep it a secret..." I whisper out, hoping he hears me.

"...Sure. If that's what you want." He rolls his eyes and looks back at the cars on the road.

"Thank you, Heinrich."

"Oh and Nexus?" Heinrich looks over too me and leans on the railing.

"Yes?" I look back at him and cock my head to the side quizzically.

"'Danke' is German for 'Thank you'."


Damn that bell is annoying.

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