Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1960750-The-universe-explained-
Rated: E · Other · Arts · #1960750
inspired by"do i dare disturb the universe?"- the love song of Alfred J Prufrock TS Eliot
I awake, and for a moment

I´m alright

Then the night engages day as the dark absorbs in light

And the opposing armies meet in elemental force

somewhere in the darkness between my shadowed  walls

The voices are my sickness and the rituals are my cure

Do I dare disturb the universe?


I ll wait a little more....

My feet confine to  slippers-three taps to make them pure

then the long and mine filled journey

across  the bedroom floor

clean-  placed clothes upon me
with extra care so not to crease

for legions of ants and parasites lie in stealth beneath

The voices are my sickness and the rituals are my cure

Do i dare disturb the universe?


I ll wait a little more....

My bus is marked ; 9:41

it means that I

will have to run

for I take my coffee before ten

and the woman

with the dirty hands

is serving after then

I board and sit -three from the front

I hear whispering laughter from behind

I wait

and listen harder - the brakes pads as they grind?

could it be real?

or in my mind ?

The voices are my sickness

and the rituals are my cure

Do- I- dare- disturb- the universe?


I ll wait a little more

In my pre- rehearsed persona my life becomes a play

The outside world -my audience

The inside world - my cage

The voices are my sickness

and the rituals are my cure

Do- I- dare- disturb- the universe!


I ll wait a little more

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1960750-The-universe-explained-