Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1942014-a-taste-of-freedom
by Silver
Rated: · Other · Other · #1942014
a draft for now
She stood beside the lake. her hair being tugged by the gentle breeze, her lips caressed by the unseen force. she looked out over the great waters, a lake, an ocean she knew or cared not. her bare feet were tickled and pinched by the rocky shores, her casual clothing flipping around in the wind. her emotions swelling inside like a rising tide. she pondered her existence, but cared not if it was but a dream, for it was as real to her as her soul. For long, this feeling inside her had been dead. a simple memory, like that of childhood, unsure if it ever existed. but then it all changed. her life was no longer death, it changed to so much more. and all she did was look into his deep hazel eyes.

It was a bright, sunny day. Although i suppose no one noticed it on their busy schedules. the mass confusion, the challenging glances, the downtrodden looks, and all the other faces you can except to see in a normal city.
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