Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1929492-Beckys-Barbies
by fmk
Rated: 18+ · Other · LGBTQ+ · #1929492
Four friends are shrunk to just a few inches tall and encounter a giant "little" girl
Chapter 1

“Oh my Gosh!” shrieked Sarah.  “What happened to us?”

Sarah, Taylor, Christina, and Kayla all looked around frantically, trying to figure out what just happened to them.  Everything appeared to be fifty times bigger.  The now six-inch tall girls were freaking out.

“I think we’ve shrunk,” Kayla pointed out.

“But how?” replied Christina.  “That’s impossible!”

Just then, the sound of thundering footsteps caught the four girl’s attention.  They screamed in unison as they all looked up to find a giant ‘little’ girl, coming their way.  She appeared to be about ten years old, with blonde hair and light eyes.  She was fairly skinny and was fashionably dressed.

The little doll-sized girls were too scared to move, huddling close to one another for comfort.  It was only a matter of seconds until the giant girl would finally reach them, and the tiny girls prayed that they wouldn’t be stepped on.

The giant girl looked down, and instantly stopped.  She gasped at the site of the four terrified girls beneath her.  “Little People!”

She bent down and reached for the four friends, who screamed and tried to run.  They ran into one another, desperate to save their own selves, but it was too late.  With both hands out, the giant girl grabbed two of the doll-sized girls, as Taylor and Christina were whisked away into the air.  They screamed and struggled to break free, but the grip was much too strong.  They were soon brought up to the giant girl’s grinning face, frightened more than ever.

“Gotcha!” shrieked the girl triumphantly, holding her prizes in either hand.

Taylor and Christina said nothing, unsure of what to do now.  Below, Sarah and Kayla stopped and looked up.  They feared what would happen to their two friends as they waited anxiously.

“You two are neat!” exclaimed the girl happily.  “My name is Becky.  We’re going to have so much fun together!”

“Please put us down!” yelled Taylor.  “Let us go!”

“Sorry, but you’re mine now.  I can’t wait to bring you dolls home!”

“We’re not dolls!  We’re hum—

“I think someone already needs a timeout,” Becky pointed out, interrupting Taylor.  “Dollies need to be on their best behavior.  I need to put you away for now.”

“Wait!  No!”

But it was no use, as the giant girl deposited the tiny Taylor into her left jeans pocket.  The thick denim fabric muffled Taylor’s screams of help and protest.  Becky then focused her attention back onto Christina and smiled.

“She was getting annoying, but not you because you’re a good girl.”

Christina said nothing, as she looked up at Becky horrified.  She was unable to take in what just happened.

“You look scared,” continued Becky.  “But don’t worry.  I’ll take good care of you.  I always do with my Barbies.”

Christina put two and two together and realized her blonde hair and blue eyes made her out to be the perfect representation of a Barbie doll.  She prayed she would be put down, but that seemed impossible at this point.

“What’s your name?” asked Becky, shortly after.

“Chr-Christina,” the little blonde hesitantly replied.  “And that was my friend Taylor you just put in your pocket.”

“Aww, well she’s going to be okay, your little friend.  But I’m more interested in you anyway.  You are just the cutest thing ever!”

“Uh thank you?” said a put off Christina. 

Becky giggled.  “You look just like a Barbie doll.  I think you were meant to be one.”

“Wait, what?”

Becky giggled again and this time clasped Christina to her chest.  The little blonde girl was pushed up against Becky’s body, barely unable to struggle.  She felt a hand come behind her, as it began to rub down her back.  A couple of digits stroked her hair, then down to her back again.  Becky patted Christina’s butt a few times, giggling all the while.

“Don’t worry,” assured Becky.  “Becky’s gonna take good care of her Christina doll.”

Christina, hearing this, was unable to do anything.  She was stunned but was unable to protest or move.  She would just have to accept her fate for now.  Just then, Becky stopped stroking her new doll and looked down.  She could hear the tiny cries for help down below belonging to Kayla and Sarah, who were both trying to get the giant girl’s attention.

“Oh I almost forgot there were more dollies for me!” shouted Becky.  She pulled Christina away from her and smiled at the tiny blonde.  “Sorry cutie, but I have to put you away for now.  I promise we’ll play more later,” she concluded, bringing Christina up to her lips and giving her a big kiss.

Then she deposited the little blonde into her other pocket for safekeeping.  Christina tried to get comfortable inside the denim pouch, trying to stand up even, but was suddenly forced back down as Becky’s fingers intruded the pocket.  Those same fingers patted the pocket, making it more secure.

Becky turned her attention onto the other two tiny girls and smiled brightly.  She bent down and reached out for the doll size girls, who shrieked and tried to make a run for it.  Becky managed to grab a hold of Sarah’s leg, and tugged the screaming doll girl into the air upside down.  Kayla turned around to locate her friend, but instead was met by Becky’s other hand, as the massive fingers curled around her waist.

Both girls were whisked away into the air and brought in front of Becky’s giant face.  Sarah was turned right side up before Becky addressed them.

“Well, well, well,” said Becky sinisterly.  “What do we have here?  Two more dolls to add to my collection.” She giggled.  Not wanting to hear any protest, Becky placed either thumb over the girls’ mouth.  “I think we should head back to my place so I can play with all of you.”

The two girls tried to protest but were unable to say anything.  They could barely move and were even more horrified when Becky leaned in and gave the two teens a big kiss on the top of their heads.

Becky located her purse and deposited the two screaming girls into it, urging them to stay put until they got home.  Then she closed the purse, leaving the girls in total darkness. 

Chapter 2

When Becky finally made it home, she made a dash for her room.  There, she released all of her prizes from their temporary prisons and set them on her desk.  The four beauties huddled together, staring up at the massive Becky, who attempted to seat herself at the desk. 

The four girls took a brief moment to observe their surroundings.  To their left was what appeared to be a giant Barbie dollhouse.  In fact, the entire room was basically covered in Barbie décor.  From the pink walls to the pink bed sheets, Christina, Taylor, Kayla and Sarah started to feel like they were in doll world. 

Becky admired her new doll girls, who were huddled together.  She smiled as she adjusted her seat. 

“Welcome to your new home girlies!”  Becky giggled.  “I guess you can say I’m highly into dolls and what not.” 

Kayla took a brave step forward.  “We’re not dolls!  Change us back and let us go!” 

Becky slammed the table with both fists, making all four girls shriek and jump.  “Quiet!  Dolls do not talk back!  You’re mine now and that’s all there is too it.” 

“But we’re people!” Kayla urged.  “You can’t ke—

Kayla was unexpectedly scooped up into Becky’s hand.  She screamed as she brought in front of Becky’s angry “little” face.  Kayla squirmed and flailed her little arms and legs, but she could not break the grip. 

“Bad doll!” Becky blasted, shaking her hand slightly to get the little girl’s attention. 

Kayla shrieked as a look of apprehension crossed her face.  Her hands rested on the giant fist that held her. 

“Please,” Kayla pleated.  “Put me down!” 

“You need to learn to behave!  Got that?”  To emphasize her point, Becky flicked Kayla in the head using her thumb and index finger from her other hand.  Kayla’s head lolled from side to side, as a weak moan escaped her mouth. 

“You’re mine now and you better get used to it dolly!” 

Becky unlocked her fist, allowing Kayla to collapse hard upon the table.  The little girl screamed as she felt the wind knocked out of her, and weakly tried to get up.  Her friends rushed to her aid, doing their best to comfort her. 

Becky became frustrated.  “Quit your whining,” she said.  “Dolls don’t whine.” 

Without warning, Becky’s arm shot out, as her massive hand approached the huddle of girls.  The girls only had a second to register what would happen next, as massive fingers suddenly wrapped around Taylor’s petite body, trapping her arms within Becky’s fist.  Taylor screamed as she was pulled up to Becky’s grinning face, but even she knew it was useless to struggle. 

Becky giggled.  “You’re cute.”  Using her index finger from her other hand, Becky began to prod Taylor’s face and stroke her hair.  Taylor pleaded with her to stop, but Becky continued running her digit all throughout the little girl’s face. 

“I know what we can do next!” Becky said excitedly.  “How about a night out on the town?” 

Taylor was slightly confused at what Becky meant.  This little girl sure did have a big imagination.  After all, she was just a child.  To Taylor and her friends, she was a tormentor. 

Before Taylor could question the giant girl’s idea, Becky suddenly grasped at Taylor’s shirt and began to pull. 

“Hey!” Taylor shouted.  “Stop!  What are you doing?” 

But Becky continued to pull.  She wasn’t aware nor did she seem to care that this was starting to put a strain on Taylor.  That’s when Taylor heard a rip.  She looked down to find the fabric of her plaid shirt being torn right before her eyes.  Becky tore the remaining pieces of Taylor’s shirt off her tiny body and carelessly discarded the material onto the floor. 

Becky admired Taylor even more now that the little girl’s bra was displayed.  Her thumb came up and pushed down on Taylor’s breasts, causing Taylor to shriek in surprise. 

“These are called boobies right?” Becky asked, delighting in how they felt under her finger. 

“Stop!” screamed Taylor.  “Don’t touch me there!” 

“But they’re fun to play with,” Becky replied, now rubbing her thumb in a circular motion. 

Taylor began to moan.  Her head rolled back, trying her hardest to resist this horrible pleasure, but found herself enjoying it all at the same time. 

Becky giggled even more.  “Come on Tiny Taylor.  Time to finish taking off your stupid clothes. 

Becky tugged Taylor’s pants off, which caused slight pain in the flailing girl.  But to Taylor’s relief, Becky did not rip off her bra or panties.  Holding her prize in one hand, Becky reached down and pulled open one of the desk drawers.  Her free hand snaked its way into the contents and eventually grabbed a small rectangular box.  Becky opened the box, which was a little difficult with one hand.  In it, were various doll clothes that Becky spilled onto the table. 

“I want you three to change out of your old clothes and put on these doll clothes,” Becky commanded. 

The girls were hesitant, staring intently at the pile of stiff and delicate clothing.  They weren’t certain if Becky was serious or not.  But when Becky slammed her fists on the table, the girls needed no further instruction.  Slowly, they began to strip out of their clothing, starting with their shoes and socks, and then their shirts. 

“Faster!” Becky insisted, still working on the doll in her palm.  Becky held up a pink, Barbie princess dress in front of Taylor, and easily slipped it over the tiny girl.  Pushing Taylor’s hands out of the way, and pulling her legs through, the dress was securely fastened on Taylor’s body. 

“Aw you look so cute Princess Taylor,” Becky cooed, reaching out to play with her long brown hair again. 

Becky continued to prod and poke Taylor, delighting in the shrieks and squirms from the tiny girl.  This kept up until the rest of the girls had changed into the various outfits laid out for them.  Christina, Sarah and Kayla managed to put on the brightly colored doll dresses.  They were a bit constricting, but then again, they had no choice but to comply. 

Becky admired the three girls all dressed up in her doll outfits that were literally meant for real dolls.  Setting Taylor down, Becky forcefully grabbed Christina into her hand, and rushed the tiny blonde up to her face.  Christina shrieked, which was no surprise to Becky, who started to examine her. 

“I think we should restyle your hair sweetie,” announced Becky, reaching into her drawer. 

Christina was slightly confused, but even more terrified.  What exactly did Becky mean by restyling her hair?  She prayed that it wouldn’t hurt. 

Becky brought out a brown felt tip marker, shaking the stick in front of the trapped girl.  Becky popped off the cap and adjusted her fingers around the marker, aiming the felt tip in Christina’s direction. 

“Wait!” Christina protested.  “What are you doing?” 

“Oh relax sweetie,” urged Becky.  “Like I said, restyling your hair.  I think you should at least match your little friends.” 

It was true.  Christina was the only blonde, while the rest of her friends were brunettes.  Christina squirmed wildly, shaking her hair to avoid the ink.  Becky, holding Christina firmly in one hand, secured the little girl’s head using her thumb and index finger.  This required more effort on Becky’s part, but Christina was hardly able to move. 

Becky inched the felt tip closer to Christina’s face.  Before Christina knew it, the tip had brushed along her hair.  It pressed down onto her tiny head, stroking multiple strands in downward motions.  Becky ignored the little girl’s protests, and did not stop until all of her hair was covered in the brown ink. 

Becky set the marker down and immediately grabbed Taylor in her other hand.  She held both girls up to her face and smiled. 

“Aw you too look so perfect!”

Without warning, Becky pressed the two girls together, tilting them as if making them kiss.  Then she pulled her hands away and pushed the girls into each other again.  She repeated this process another five times, before transferring Taylor into the hand that held Christina.  Becky giggled and quickly retrieved Kayla and Sarah in her now free hand and attempted to stand up.  The four girls looked up hesitantly at their smiling owner, having no idea what she had in store for them. 

“Now for the real fun,” Becky said with a smirk, and walked to another section of her room. 

Chapter 3: A thrilling ride

Becky set her prizes down beside her on the floor, as she rummaged through her closet.  Becky kept glancing back to make sure Christina, Taylor, Kayla and Sarah stayed put.  The girls could only remain standing where they were next to Becky’s giant knee in their tight, lavish doll dresses.

“There it is,” Becky happily announced, as she pulled out what appeared to be a Barbie beetle convertible.

Becky set the car in front of the four girls, who were in utter disbelief.  They were certain of what Becky had in mind, and could not believe this was actually happening to them.

Without warning, Becky reached out and grabbed Taylor roughly in her hand.  She brought the shrieking brunette up to her face and smiled.

“You get to drive sweetie,” Becky said.  “Better buckle up.”  She giggled as she deposited the squirming Taylor into the driver’s seat of the plastic car.

Next, Becky grabbed Christina and set her in the passenger’s seat.  “You get to sit next to your date.”

Taylor and Christina looked at one another, annoyed expressions upon their faces.  They didn’t have to say anything.  They both understood how humiliating this was for them.

Becky wasted no time putting Kayla and Sarah in the back seat.  Then, her right hand grasped the back of the car.

“All ready dollies?”  Becky giggled.  “Hold on tight!”

“Wait!  What do you mean?  Hey!”  The girls cried in unison.

Becky was unfazed, and simply ignored the girls’ protests and screams.  Without warning, Becky began to push the Barbie beetle forward.  The doll-sized girls did their best to hold on, gripping the side panels.  The plastic seats were slippery and caused the girls to slide awkwardly.

Becky maneuvered the car around her room, weaving in and out of chairs, and other obstacles on the floor.  The girls screamed as Becky drove the car faster and faster around her.  There was no way they could stop the plastic vehicle, and had no choice but to endure the terrifying ride.  Becky thrust the car forward, then back, then forward again, forcing the little people to jerk forth then back.  Their tiny heads continuously slammed against the back of the plastic seat, emitting simultaneous moans.

All for doll girls started to feel dizzy, but Becky didn’t seem to care.  She giggled in delight at her living toys reaction to her ruthless driving.  Becky continued driving the car faster and faster.

All of a sudden, the giant girl’s hand slipped, causing the beetle car to roll on its own.  The girls screamed, unable to control the pink vehicle.  They braced for impact, holding onto anything they could find.

The beetle car was heading straight for a wall, as the plastic toy rolled underneath a desk chair.  Becky giggled as she admired the car driving on its own and watching her tiny passengers freak out.

Before the little people knew it, the car collided into the wall.  A startling WHAP erupted from the base of the impact, sending the car spinning slightly out of control.  Taylor, Christina, Sarah and Kayla were all thrust forward from their seats.  Their bodies smashed into the adjacent seat or dashboard that was in front of them, causing them to moan with pain.

They slowly tried to regain their composure, feeling the pain immediately.  They all seemed to have minor scrapes along their faces, as blood began to show.

Before they could even formulate what had just took place, they felt the car inch backwards.  The girls screamed as they realized Becky had gripped the back of the beetle, launching it back while giggling hysterically.

“That was fun!” Becky shrieked, bringing the car up to her face.

The girls tried to hold on for dear life, clearly afraid of heights.

“Stop this!” Kayla screamed, grasping her chair desperately.  “What is the matter with you?”

Becky shook the car, sending all four girls falling in the plastic seats again.  “Dolls don’t talk back!” Becky urged.  “Let’s play more!”

“No!” the girls screamed in unison.

But Becky had set down her Barbie beetle convertible back on the floor, and prepared to drive it.  The little girls braced for impact once again, as Becky proceeded to advance the car around her room.  This time, she kept a firm hold on the back of the car, using her personal strength to slam the toy into the wall.  She must have repeated this process at least twenty times, as the girls were continuously rocked back and forth, adding to their previous injuries.

Eventually, Becky began to get bored of this fun, and officially ceased the reckless ride.  The girls collapsed, tired, hurt, and exhausted, as Becky’s hand plucked each one out of the car.  The girls didn’t even put up a fight, as they lay sprawled in Becky’s palm.

“You dolls need to stop your whining,” Becky instructed, irritated by their moans.  “Besides, now its time for the formal tea party!”

Becky closed her fingers around the girls and went over to another part of her room.  There, she attempted to set up an imaginary tea party, placing a doll-sized table set and chairs down in front of her.  The four tiny friends watched from Becky’s lap, admiring the way the giant girl carefully placed the tiny cups, pots and other delicate accessories on the table.  The girls let out a tiny shriek, as they saw Becky’s giant hand come down.  They suddenly realized the horror soon to come as the four doll girls were instantly engulfed in total darkness.

© Copyright 2013 fmk (grimreaperman at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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