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Rated: E · Poetry · Friendship · #1893747
Something I came up with while watching it rain ...
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

‘Nearly there’ I think quietly to myself.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

‘Almost done’ I think again.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

“Finally” I shout quietly.

For the past 3 hours, I've been stuck behind a desk and computer, attempting to finish a 10 page essay for my boss’s meeting tomorrow. With a push of a few buttons, I save the essay and shut the computer down.

Grasping my coat, bag and car keys, I hurry for the exit, not wanting to spend any extra minutes of my precious life at work. I head to the lift. Upon entering, I repeatedly hit the basement button until the lift doors slide shut.

I stand, tapping my high heel against the stone floor, waiting impatiently for the lift to reach the basement carpark.

As the lift doors slide open, I quickly slip past them and hurry to my car.

Shivering, I slot the keys into the door lock and open the door. I toss my bag and coat across to the passenger seat slam the door shut.

Once inside my car, I put the key into the ignition, turn it and ... Nothing. The engine doesn’t start.

I groan inwards, and try the key a few more times before I decide that the car battery is dead.

“I guess I’m gonna have to walk home then” I sighed to myself.

With a heave and a sign, I put my keys into my bag and start the long walk home.

I exit the basement car park and step out onto the side walk.

I wasn’t even out of the building more than a minute when it started to rain.

“Oh that’s just perfect” I mutter to myself sarcastically.

The rain starts to drench my hair as I rummage around my bag for my umbrella.

Unfortunately, there was no umbrella. I must have left it at home.

Sighing, I close my bag and continue walking home, attempting to forget the icy water running down the back of my neck.

As I walk down the flooded pathway, my heels allow the water to soak my tights.

I huddle my arms around my waist, trying to conserve energy, when I start to hear the sound of splashing water.

“Hey!” shouts a deep male voice. “Hey! Wait up!”

I stop and turn.

I find myself facing a brown haired, brown eyed guy. Young looking and holding an umbrella.

“Would you like me to walk you home?” He asked with a smile. “You look like you could use an umbrella.”

I smile, and causally walk alongside this stranger, under his umbrella.
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