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Rated: GC · Other · Romance/Love · #1886686
A tale of revenge
She was invisible. She hid behind jeans that were too big and a hoodie. She watched him, like she did everyday. He had no idea she existed and that was okay with her. She hated him, yet, she found that he enchanted her. It wasn't his beauty really, well, it did move her, she had to be honest. It moved everybody that had ever seen him. He was cocky, a real jackass and she wanted to see him in pain, the way he caused others pain. But before that she just wanted to run her fingers through that jet black hair and peer closely into those steel blue eyes... Girls hung on him like moss, clinging to his every word while he appeared bored. He always looked bored. He had numerous friends who clamored for his attention, the perpetual rich brat, his beauty just an added plus. She watched, mesmerized, as he turned his latest girlfriend away, his face devoid of emotion, as she cried loudly in the crowded university cafeteria. As the crying girl pleaded with him he just turned a deaf ear, absently picking at his food, seemingly, lost in thought. His eyes scanned the cafeteria absently as he shooed her away like a fly. His full mouth in a scowl he never looked at her again just chewed silently starring into space. Such an asshole but like a train wreck she couldn't turn away so she watched. She would take him down one day, she knew it in her gut, a smile eased across her face, the joy of that thought made everything better. To see him squirm, to see something in his eyes other than boredom, to see him engaged in something or someone only to have it ripped away...that's what she wanted for him. Pain. Horror. Suffering.
She hadn't started out feeling that way. At first she had only wanted information. She had studied him trying to figure out how to get him to tell her, trying to figure out if she should trust him, but what she had learned as she studied him....well, it changed everything. What she had found in him was despicable and though she still wanted him to pay....now, she also wanted him to suffer.
She turned her attention back to him to find him starring at her. It shocked her when their eyes met. She quickly looked away, pulling her hoodie closer around her face but yet, she couldn't help but look to see if he was still looking at her. He was watching her, fine, let him watch. She picked up her pickle, she loved pickles. Starring him boldly in the eye, she ran her tongue up the length of it slowly. Oh yes, she had his attention now as she watched him narrow his eyes at her, cocking that beautiful head to the side. Closing her lips tightly she eased the pickle slowly into her mouth. She wanted to grin at him as he watched her, fascinated. But she didn't, she just eased the pickle in and out of her mouth slowly, closing her eyes once she made sure that she had his attention. When she opened her eyes, he was almost drooling at her performance, she closed her eyes again moving the pickle in and out. Suddenly she opened her eyes and bit a hunk out it and he jumped in response. She laughed out loud at him, he glared at her, she winked and bit the pickle again. He stood up his attention solely on her and she started to panic. She had to get out of there, it was too soon, she wasn't ready. She grabbed her uneaten food and flew to the trash receptacle, tossing the uneaten food in, throwing the tray with the others piled up and headed in mid run to the door. A hand grabbed the door keeping it closed.
"Nice trick with the pickle.", he whispered his voice sending chills down her spine.
"Yeah, well, I like pickles. Now if you'll get out of my way I have a class."
He leaned against the door and opened it half way so that to pass she would have to move close to him.
"Well by all means.", his grin spread across his face revealing the white teeth. She knew the smile well it was his call to worship smile. He only used it to impress, to woo and then it would disappear to be replaced by a scowl.
She raised his eyebrows at him, licked her lips seductively as she watched him. She knew he thought he had her, she grinned to herself. She walked sideways pressing into him in all the right places as she went by him. She felt his erection against her and she laughed to herself. What a jackass. Stopping there for a minute she ground her hips into him making him gasp. Oh yeah baby, come to mama, she thought. She turned swiftly like she was just trying pull free and her backpack swung around hitting him squarely in the balls. "Oooh.", he said as he bent over hitting her backpack with his forehead. As she was moving away from him saying sorry over and over the backpack hit him in the face and the arm as her foot slammed him in the foot. Oh yeah, he went down. She was grinning inwardly but feigning horror at his demise.
He glared up at her in disgust,"Get away from me." In no time his fans came calling and they swarmed around him. She laughed all the way to class.
She sat in the back on the left. She watched him saunter in 10 minutes later and she scooted down in her desk. He was out of sorts today, all snapping at people to move, fingers running through his hair, eyes scanning the huge classroom auditorium. She removed the hoody just before his eyes found her. She starred down at the book on her desk as his eyes burned into her. She risked a glance only to see him move on. Finally, he slumped down in his desk not speaking to anyone though they all tried to get his attention. Oh the fans would be his downfall. He felt no empathy for anyone, had never had to really. He didn't apologize either, frankly didn't care who he hurt. Well, she was going to teach him. He was going to hurt and she would enjoy every second of it.

It started to rain as she left campus. She walked swiftly wishing she'd worn her rain coat. She had three miles to walk in this downpour. Her teeth were chattering, as she sloshed on, she had to get a vehicle of some sort but she wasn't sure how. She had some money saved, true, and she made good money waitressing at night but it wasn't enough. She had to survive, she had bills to pay. Angry tears filled her eyes. She missed her parents desperately. She thought of calling them daily but knew she couldn't do it yet. She would call and hang up just to hear their voices. Her mom seemed to always know it was her, she would whisper her name begging her to come home. All she could do was cry silently and listen to her mom's voice. Her mom always started talking about what was going on in their lives and she would listen, greedy for the information but would never respond. She allowed her mom to talk and talk until she heard the words she longed to hear. Her mom always said,"I love you Bailey and I want you to come home", after hearing that she would hang up. Her shame wouldn't allow her to come home. She shook her head, to clear away the feeling of despair that tried to wrap itself around her, bringing herself back to the cold freezing rain.
A red sports car flew by her, splashing her with water, she raised her finger flipping him off. Oh, he was such an asshole, it was him. He slammed on breaks, put the car in reverse backing up until he reached her. He rolled down the window looking at her with horror on his face,"You need a ride?"
She smiled her sweetest smile at him,"Oh no, I'm fine, just out for an afternoon stroll."
He glared at her but said,"Get in."
She shook her head no to him before she had time to think. He wouldn't ask again and she wanted to get out of this rain. Her teeth were chattering uncontrollably by now.
He rolled his eyes at her and said loudly,"Get in the damn car! Now!"
Oh how she wanted to turn him down. She wanted to tell him to go to hell but she wanted heat more. She opened the car door and got in.
He turned the heat to full blast, glancing at her shaking his head like he thought she was insane. "What were you thinking? Your teeth are chattering."
"No shit Sherlock.", she managed to get out but some of the bite was lost due to the chattering.
He just laughed at her and shook his head. He stepped on the gas and they were off.
"What's your name?", he asked.
"What's yours?", I retort.
He laughed softly, looking at me like I was so childish, "As if you don't know."
"It's asshole right? You look like an asshole to me." I said glaring at him. Oh how he disgusted me, the nerve, the audacity and then those blue eyes looked at me. I felt shivers all the way up my spine. He was using "the look" on me and it was breathtaking. I willed myself to breathe so he wouldn't see my reaction to it but I was too late, he knew and he smiled "the smile" going in for the kill. He was so good at it. I felt the reaction between my legs and I wiggled in the seat. Of course, he noticed but he turned his attention back to the road showing me some mercy.
"Brett Corbett, but you can call me asshole if you prefer.", he grinned at me again.
"It definitely suits you better.", I mumble warming my hands by the vent.
"Call me crazy but I would think an asshole would have left you walking in the freezing rain.", he snapped as he adjusted the windshield wipers.
I rolled my eyes at him and said,"Right. I'm sure it had nothing in the world to do with the pickle."
He laughed good naturedly then and shrugged his shoulders as he grinned at me."You do have me intrigued, I must say."
Stopping at the red light he looked at me.
"What exactly is underneath all those clothes?", he was talking out loud, to himself I think, his head cocked to the side as his eyes looked me from head to toe.
"Curiosity killed the cat, ya know.", I said softly.
"Are you planning on killing me Pickles?", he asked grinning at me.
"I haven't decided yet but I know I'm going to hurt you as much as possible.", I planted a fake grin on my face knowing he'd think I was flirting with him.
"Oh hurt me baby.", his voice like silk sent chills down the length of my body. How does he do that?
"Bailey.", I said loudly, too loud in the quiet car.
"Bailey?", he asked amusement all over his smug face.
"My name, my name is Bailey."
"You'll always be Pickles to me.", he said in the silky voice.
"Green light.", I said trying to calm my pulse. I was in trouble with this guy. My body betrayed me, he was good, really good. With the voice, the eyes, the arms, the lips, the smile, he was too good looking, too sexy, maybe I needed to revise my plan a little. Why not? It wasn't set in stone, all the twists and turns hadn't been hammered out and who was I kidding anyway. I loved sex. Why not?
I intentionally let him drive past the dirt road wanting to see him angry. I know, childish, but I did.
"That was my dirt road back there.", I said quietly.
"Oh. Ok.", he wasn't angry at all. Dammit.
He backed up and turned onto the narrow road.
"You'll get stuck if you go any further." I said covering his hand that lay over the gear shift with mine. His fingers grabbed mine for just a second and I felt my body heat peak to an all time high.
"Are you going to invite me in?", he asked in his silky voice.
I shrugged my shoulders,"Suit yourself."
I climbed out in the rain and ran the rest of the way. He followed behind me.Climbing the steps to the covered porch I beat the mud out of my shoes loudly.
His nose was crinkled up looking at my house. I wanted to punch him. Spoiled brat.
"You live here?", he asked in shock emphasis on live.
"Yep. Welcome to my castle.", I said with a smile as I slipped my boots off. I looked around the flooded yard at all the pot holes and tall weeds.
"It looks like it will fall down at any minute. Are you sure it's safe?", his hands were on his hips as he looked around him, still with the crinkled up nose. I curled my hands into fists and took a deep breath to calm down. Ok, it wasn't much, I had to admit that but it was mine, all mine. Given to me free and clear. It was small, it needed paint, the roof leaked, the porch needed some repairs, and sometimes the heat and air didn't work that well but safe? Yes, I felt very safe here.
I glared at him and said,"I don't know. How much does your ego weigh?"
He whipped his head around to look at me his eyes narrowed. I pulled my dripping hoodie off and threw it down in the rocking chair beside me. Not looking at him I sucked in my stomach and my jeans fell to my ankles. I stepped out of them, placing them in the chair with my hoody. I glanced in his direction, I had his attention now, big time as he took in my wet, white tank top that clung to me revealing that I wasn't wearing a bra and my lacy boxer shorts underwear. Oh look at him drooling. How's that Mr. Sexy? You like? I looked down at him and found oh yeah, he likes.
"Hand me your clothes and I'll stick em in the dryer." I said softly. He eyed me then, raw desire written plainly across his face.
"All of them?", he manages.
"All of them.", I say as I remove my tank top and then my underwear. I pick up the rest of my dripping clothes and walk in the house leaving him standing there with his mouth wide open.

I start the washing machine and throw my clothes in. I hear him walk in but I don't look. Instead, I bend over and open the dryer, I hear his gasp, and I smile. See Mr. Sexy, you're not all that by yourself. I'm all that, too.
"In here."I say still bent over pulling some dry clothing out and placing it a basket.
"In here?", he asks suddenly behind me his hand running up my behind, I jump in spite of myself. I didn't realize he was that close, I thought he was still picking his mouth up off the floor. "Or here?", and his finger is entering me. I try to concentrate but I can't. Desire is sweeping my body, my breath hitching, he's kissing my neck, "You are so wet." Dammit, my body always betrays me. And I am, wet and turned on. I feel him against my behind and I'm pressing into him in spite of myself. He pushes me over the dryer, lifts my hips and he rams into me. "Aagh!", I yell. He's too large for that and it hurts. He's an asshole, a jerk. He doesn't touch me, kiss me just starts out fucking me. Who does he think he is? He pounds into me, holding my hips tightly forcing me to meet him when he pushes in and the feeling is painful but somehow wonderful. I close my eyes. I know now why the girls cry. He degrades them, makes them feel like nothing like he's doing to me right now. It explains so much more about him. I close my eyes tightly, tears threatening, this is close to rape but not. I started it, he's finishing it, end of story.
"No.", I say starting to cry.
"Ssh.,"he whispers sharply.
"No!", I scream. He stops, pulling out of me sharply with a curse. He does catch me before I fall to the ground. I turn around and slap him in the face. With my fists I start hitting him wildly. He pushes me against the wall, grabs my wrists above my head and he's starring down at me in anger.
"Why are you hitting me?", he asks through clenched teeth.
"You're an animal!", I yell at him.
"Hey, baby, you're all giving pickles blowjobs and waving that beautiful pussy in my face, I'm giving you what you want. Why are you acting like this?"
"You are a pig!"
"Why? Because I treated you how you were acting?"
"Shut up.", it was all I could think to say.
"Look, I'm not a guy that's going to pass up an opportunity like you gave me just now. I'm not timid or scared. You want to be fucked, I'm up for the job.You want to be treated like a lady then act like one. Now which do you want?"
I just starred at him. I don't know. Dammit. I want to be kissed, and held and touched not jumped like you're some barbarian. I know it's just for now but still ya know have some decency about it. Pretend you're not an asshole jerk. I can now say I've peered into his eyes, now if I just want to run my hands through that hair.
"I want you to at least pretend you're not an asshole. I want to be treated like a lady while you fuck me. Is that too much to ask?"
He rolls his eyes at me and sighs. "You're all the same. You want romance and relationship. Not interested. You can't handle just getting laid. None of you can. You'll be crying and in my face tomorrow at school."
I snort and burst out laughing right in his face then. He lets go of my wrists and stares at me like I'm insane. I laugh til I cry. I sink to the floor with laughter.
"What's so funny?", he growls.
"You think.......you think.......I want........a.......relationship.......with you?", I can't stop laughing and he's getting angry again. I try to keep a straight face but when I look at him I just start laughing hysterically again.
"It's not that funny.", he says dryly, glaring at me. He grabs my hands and pulls me to my feet, looking me greedily from head to toe. Grabbing my face between his hands he leans in to kiss me making my laughter come to an abrupt halt. His mouth is so close to mine but he doesn't kiss me. My breathing is ragged in anticipation. He is beautiful and sexy, I still hate him but with him this close to me I want him. Badly.
"You make me crazy, Pickles. You. Are. Beautiful.", his voice is husky and so close to my mouth. I want him to kiss me desperately. One hand moves to my hair, one finger twirling in the mass of curls. His eyes leave mine and he's staring at my curls in awe, watching his finger twirling in a curl, his lips curl in a soft smile and I realize he really likes my hair. His eyes are back on me, starring into my eyes, moving in for the kiss again but still not. The waiting is making me crazy, I lick my lips and try to slow my breathing to no avail. He's so in control of his and it makes me angry. He's looking in my eyes , I can feel his breath on my mouth, he's so close. Kiss me! I want to scream.
"Your eyes are astounding. What color are they exactly?", he asks apparently completely unaffected by our close proximity which makes me even crazier.
"Green, they are green.", my voice is breathy.
He grins at me and leans in even closer, I feel like I'm going to cry out when he finally kisses me if he does ever kiss me. The anticipation is growing in me, I've never wanted anybody to kiss me more in my life and that really pisses me off. "I like your lips, Pickles.", he whispers against my mouth, I'm panting now, "They are so full, they want me to kiss them don't they?"
"Yes.", it comes out a moan and I hate myself.
"I want to kiss them too.", he runs his finger over my lips. "but, I don't ever want to offend you again. I was very rude to you earlier. I apologize." His sentence was lengthy but low and somehow seductive. My knees were threatening to go out on me.
"Kiss me.", I say and it comes out very whiny, embarrassing.
"I shouldn't.", he whispers like he's in agony over it. Oh he's so mind blowing close.
"Please.", I whimper, disgusted with myself.
He grins, I hate him. He's doing this on purpose, we both know it, he's winning this unspoken battle between us. I loathe him and myself but if he doesn't kiss me soon I'm going to combust.
"Are you sure?" he asks his lips are touching mine. My fingers are in his hair and I pull him in kissing him. It startles him and I hear a groan deep in his throat. Aah, he kisses me back. His tongue in my mouth, our tongues meet and I realize that he's as turned on as I am as I listen to his breathing. He lifts me in arms like I'm his bride, continuing to kiss me. "Bedroom.", he says gruffly. I point and continue my assault on his mouth and hair. He kicks the door open and falls with me on the bed. His lips start to explore, down my throat, his tongue making an appearance occasionally. My hands run down his back and I can feel his muscles as he moves. Glorious is his body. He makes it to my breasts and he just stares for a minute. "Beautiful", he whispers looking up at me, desire clouding his eyes. Keeping eye contact he lightly bites my nipple making me moan. He sucks and licks and plays with each breast before moving down in his search. His tongue starts to move down again and I'm writhing beneath him. His hands are running down my sides stopping at my hips. His tongue makes it to my pubic hair and he looks up at me wickedly licking his lips. I gasp knowing what he's about to do as he opens my legs slowly not taking his eyes off mine. Then he's starring at me down there, I hear an intake of breath as he looks at me openly, "Beautiful, Pickles.", he murmurs and then his mouth starts to devour my most private part. He pushes my hips into his face his tongue running through the creases finding my clitoris and making me cry out. He sucks it bringing me close so close as his fingers move slowly inside of me. My body starts to move with his rhythm on it's own. I am lost as my body takes over.
"I want you to come for me.", he says as his fingers work on me.
My head is moving back and forth, my body starting to build getting closer to the edge.
"Come on Bailey, let me see you come." with his words I plummet over the edge, my body convulsing, I vaguely hear him whisper,"Yeah, baby." as I come back to earth slowly.
I feel him enter me very slowly this time, aah so much better. He moves in and out of me slowly going deeper each time. I look up at him in my hazy vision and his eyes are closed to me, he's lost in the feeling and I run my fingers in his hair, shutting him out as I close my eyes. His hair feels so soft, so like my Brandon's hair, I whimper with longing. I open my eyes and he's gazing down at my me, I stare into those eyes, so like Brandon's that I cry out, he responds with a groan deep in his throat. I feel him start to go faster and I meet him thrust for thrust. I close my eyes and imagine it's Brandon. I say his name in my heart. It's faster now and it's almost painful but not quite. I tighten around him and he starts to moan, he's starting to build and I can't wait for the finale, I'm starting to cry out in anticipation, our thrusts becoming more frenzied and my thoughts are on Brandon, my sweet, sweet Brandon and I want to feel him come in me, I want to feel that again. I ache for him but then suddenly he is pulling out and coming on my stomach in a loud groan. I want to hit him for denying me. I glare up at him even as I realize we didn't use a condom. Ugh, my drawer beside the bed was full of them.
He flops down on the bed beside me trying to catch his breath.
"Better?", he whispers.
"Much, much better.", I whisper grinning at him.,"I think I'd even go so far as to say it's in the top ten."
He turns his beautiful eyes to look at me a scowl on his face."How far up you talking?"
"Ummm, at least number 6.", I say and can't help but laugh.
"6? You call that a 6?", he growls though I can tell he's amused.
"Well, I would have said possibly 3 if you hadn't cheated me of the grand finale.", I pouted at him.
He laughs then absently playing with my hair. I go to get up and he grabs my arm,"Where you going?"
I gesture to my stomach and he mutters,"Sorry." and lets me go. I head to the bathroom to get a washcloth. I'm wiping myself up and I glance over to see him starring at me.
"What?", I whisper.
"I love your hair Pickles.", he responds with "the" smile. I grin in response to the smile.
"That should be illegal.", I say wryly.
"What?", he asks laughing.
"That smile of yours.", I say as I step into the shower smiling at him as I close the shower curtain. I hear the bed groan as I turn on the water and I know he's coming to join me. I can't help but feel excited at the prospect of having Brett Corbett in my shower. He climbs in and I act all surprised as he pulls me towards him.
"Now you were saying about my smile?", he says as he pulls me closer in a kiss.
Pulling away I grab a sponge, put shower gel on it, look up at him shyly and start to wash him. "Yes, you heard correctly, that smile is a hazard to women everywhere."
"Your smile takes my breath away so we're at least on an even playing field.", he answers.
I laugh at him,"You are so full of shit Mr. Corbett."
"Mmm", he mutters deep in his throat as I wash his chest and head down to his happy trail. His hands are running down my sides, his head resting on my head. I continue to wash him from head to toe, he gasps at the appropriate times but I just keep going, front and back. I push him under the water pushing his chin up so his hair gets wets. He bends down slightly and lets me wash his hair. I close my eyes as my fingers run through it, oh how I love his soft black hair. I think of him and am shocked when I open my eyes to see Brett there instead.
He sees the shock and bristles,"Expecting someone else?"
I lower my eyes running my hands over his chest and say,"Your beauty is startling at times Brett. I'm just a mere mortal and am helpless in your presence."
"Now who's full of shit?", he says wryly narrowing his eyes at me.
I giggle nervously, as I lean his head back and rinse the suds out. I kiss him on the lips, pop him on the behind and pass him the sponge.
"Oh Pickles, you want me to bathe you now?"
"Yes please.", I say seductively.
"With pleasure." He puts the sponge back and grabs the bath wash squirting it right in his hand. He kneels in front of me picking up my foot he starts to massage it. "Sit.", he says pointing to the tub. I sit down leaning my head against the tile. He grabs my other foot and he's massaging that, his eyes focused on mine. He's studying me, I can tell. Trying to figure out why I was startled to see him. I close my eyes and relish the massage, oh it feels so good. He's moving up my calves slowly front and back, kneading and massaging as he goes. He's at my knees now and my heart starts to race again. Oh the feel of his hands on me is electric, my breath is coming faster as he reaches my thighs, his hands completely surround my thigh moving up and down coming closer and closer. I'm starting to moan, my eyes still closed. He moves to the other thigh and does the same thing. He pulls me gently down so my head is laying flat on tub, he puts my feet on his shoulders and spreads my legs. He breaths in sharply and exhales slowly. I look up at him and he's starring at me all vulnerable, his breath is like mine, ragged..
"You like?", I whisper.
"Yes, baby, I really like.", he says not looking me in the eye. He puts more soap on his hands and starts by washing my behind which startles me and I jump. He grins but doesn't look up, he's seems to be studying me. He removes the shower head and it almost hits him in the head as it fall. He rinses my bottom, his finger staying there and he looks up at me like is it ok and I just close my eyes. I feel his finger enter me there slowly. "Aah!", I yell and he is moving it slowly in and out and I'm lost in the feeling. I hate it but love it at the same time. He pulls it out slowly. "Beautiful", I hear him whisper as he puts more soap on his hands and then he's washing me between my legs as I writhe under his fingers. He's exploring really and it's driving me crazy. " Alright Pickles, I'm going to watch you come.", he whispers and I cry out. He lifts my hips just a little, his eyes starring down at me, down there and he turns the shower head nozzle full blast and starts spraying me with it. Oh wow, who knew? "Here?", he whispers,"Say yes, when I find it."
"Yes!" Oh yes, my you've found it. His fingers are in me, the water is spraying me and I'm in heaven.
"Move your hips with it baby, come for me, I want to see."
I start moving my hips with it and he's right it's feeling better. Oh, it's feeling better.
He moves the water just a tad and it's harder shooting on me and I start to rise, inside.
"Don't stop, please don't stop." I moan.
"Come for me baby."
I feel it rise and then drop like over a ledge and I'm floating and basking in it, lost as I cry out. He keeps me there, still spraying until it starts to tickle. I look up at him and his eyes are wild. He grabs for me, turning me around facing away from him sitting me on his knees, my back against his chest and he enters me. He's almost too big for me this way, it's close to pain but he moves slow at first. He pushes me to all fours and starts to move, slowly. I turn to look at him and say,"Is that all you've got?"
He moans loudly and rams into me with force, pushing me forward, I cry out. He grabs my hips this time making me meet him and he's so deep in me it almost hurts, I cry out again. And again and again. I pull out and he tries to grab for me. I move away grab the soap and start to wash him again. I rinse him off and then lean over him my mouth open.
"Oh baby, yeah.", he says in a harsh breathy voice.
My mouth encloses him. His hands are in my hair and he's moving his hips back and forth. Up and down, in and out, my tongue circles his tip, I suck on him. His hands are in my hair and moving my head up and down. He climbs to his knees and starts moving his hips. Oh I love this. I look up at him as I run my tongue up and down like it's my lollipop or something. He looking down at me, moaning. I go back down on him and he's moving his hips, moving my head showing me how he likes it.
"Alright baby, I'm going to come." I keep going and he spirals out of control.I love it. For once, he's the one out of control and I caused it. I feel powerful as I watch him slowly attempt to come back to reality. While he isn't looking I spit the evidence out and use the shower head to wash it down the drain.

We move to the kitchen after we've dried off and gotten dressed. I've loaned him some of Brandon's underwear to wear he looked at them speculatively but put them without a word.
"You hungry?", I ask looking through the cabinets.
"Famished", he responds opening the refrigerator. I grin as I watch his startled expression. "Where's the food?", he asks alarmed.
I pull down two bags of Ramen Noodles and fill a pot with water. I can feel him behind me peering over my shoulder as I put the pot of water on to boil. He picks up the Ramen noodles pack and looks at it, looking at me warily he says,"What the hell is this?"
"It's what's for supper. Ramen Noodles, Oodles of Noodles? Surely you've had them?"
"Nope can't say that I have.", he grumbles eyeing them suspiciously.
"Of course you haven't.", I say rolling my eyes at him as I lean against the counter.
"So, do you mind telling me whose underwear I'm wearing?", he asks wryly.
I can feel the color drain from my face, I know my eyes are wide and filled with fear. I quickly look away from him. "Just a guy I used to know," I say shrugging my shoulders, my voice catching as pain runs through my body like it always does when I think about Brandon.
He's studying me, his head cocked to the side, his eyes narrowed. "Where is he now?", he asks softly.
I just shrug my shoulders because I truly have no idea when Brandon is. The sad fact is that between the two of us Brett is the one with the answers to that question.
"Well, do I have worry about him coming in here and finding me in his underwear?"he asks sorta comically and I laugh softly.
"I doubt it."
"So are you saying there's a possibility?"
I laugh bitterly though I don't mean to, my body once again betrays me. "I've given up hope in that possibility.", I say softly as the water starts to boil slowly.
"Oh.", he says looking at me closely, searching my face for clues.
I give him a halfhearted smile and shrug my shoulders. My lip is threatening to tremble so I bite down on it trying to keep it in line as I break the hard noodles into the boiling water. He picks up one of the bricks of noodles inspecting it curiously.
"Are we seriously going to eat this?", he asks gruffly in disbelief.
I laugh, silently thanking him for the change of subject. I shake my head at him in disapproval, "You are such the pampered prince."
"I'm glad to see you finally remembered that. Now where's the real food?"
"Oh hush.", I say elbowing him in the stomach as I turn the heat on the pot down, stirring the noodles. His arms encircle me from behind as he nestles in my hair. Biting my earlobe as he whispers,"Why do you like to hit me so much and why does it turn me on so much?"
I lean against him smiling and say,"I don't believe you enjoyed the backpack incident very much."
He pops me hard on the behind causing me to jump as he snarls in my ear,"I knew that was on purpose."
I giggle and he pops me again harder but I feel his grin against my neck.
"You deserved it.", I say grinning.
"Apparently you think I deserve to starve too.," he says leaning over my shoulder and looking at the pot of done noodles. I open the packets and pour them in stirring the pot elbowing him as I stir.
"I think I'm going to have to wear pads when I come to see you next time.", He grumbles jokingly moving swiftly away from me.
I can't help but grin at his words. He said next time and honestly, I did have to be honest with myself, those words were music to my ears.

We sit at the little table in the center of the small kitchen each with a bowl of noodles, some Ritz crackers and a beer. I laugh as he takes his first bite and shivers. What a pampered little prince, I think shaking my head and slurping up some noodles. I wipe my chin looking at him. How was it possible for a man to be this beautiful? And how was it possible for that beauty to be with me in this ugly kitchen? I stare at him as I grab a cracker, I had never noticed how long and dark his eyelashes were. Hmm. His dark, soft as silk hair was still damp and starting to curl at the ends. I nibbled on my cracker just lost starring at him, his nose was straight, his lips full, oh so kissable, dark stubble starting to show on his chin.
I heard him sigh loudly bringing me back to myself. Looking at his sexy self sitting there glowering at me, it shocked me.
"Like the view?", he snarls at me. What in the hell? Where did the happy Brett go? What did I do wrong? I narrow my eyes at him, sitting up straighter.
"Is that a problem your highness?", I snap back.
He just looks at me with the bored expression I've seen so often in the cafeteria and I'm surprised to say that I feel crushed.
"Don't be like them Pickles.", he says softly, his expression turning almost sad. Huh? Did I miss something?
"Who? Your fans?", I say incredulously.
He laughs out loud at that,"My fans?", he says still laughing.
"Well, yeah, they follow you around like they're your entourage or something and you always look so bored as they drool around behind you. It's pathetic.", I say returning to my soup. Slurping up the noodles loudly.
"Well correct me if I'm wrong but you were just drooling then too.", he says as if I let him down.
I just slurp some more noodles as I stare at him defiantly. I shrug my shoulders like who cares?
"Look, we just had #5 in my book, I find you sexy and hot. You are in my kitchen. I'll stare at you if I damn well please." I say taking a drag of the beer. How many more beers do I have? I feel like I'm going to need more, lots more.
He considers me a minute, as he takes a very proper bite of his noodles trying to hide his disgust but failing miserably. I actually see the twinkle come back in his eyes and he gives me "the" smile. My heart slams into my chest and I feel tingles up and down my spine.
"Number 5, you say?", he says with a very sexy, not seen by me before, grin. I bite my lip to keep from groaning as desire shoots through my body like an electric current. I feel myself flush and I wish I had a fan to fan myself as heat encloses me. I'm thoroughly disgusted with myself. Nobody, not even Brandon, had that affect on me. Just his words and a smile can do all that?
I guzzle my beer, refusing to look at him. He can't see me like this, he can't know how into him I am. He's made that plain.
I look at him then, feeling brave after the beer,"Oh yes, definitely a 5." I put my foot in his lap then and I realize that he's as turned on as I am. I smile to myself but don't look at him as my foot rubs softly against him.
He clears his throat then still considering me as he takes a sip of his beer. "How many guys have made this book anyway?" he asks calmly but I know otherwise my foot is exploring that as we speak.
I smile at him and raise my eyebrows relishing the fact he was just as hot for me as I was for him."Oh just 2. You are number 2 actually." I quietly suck up some noodles looking him in the eye as my foot still plays with him.
"Really?", he asks in disbelief as his hand starts to tickle my foot. Oh the jackass, he's going to win this one too. I hate him again.
I remove my foot but stifle the loud sigh that threatens me. "Yep. You are number 2."
"Well, you know what I think?", he says his voice like silk over my body as he eats a cracker slowly looking me in the eye.
My heart races again at his words and my hand betrays me by fanning my face. He grins the grin at me, he knows, asshole.
I clear my throat and manage to say,"What?" but my voice is too breathy.
"I think we need to rewrite this book of yours.", he says starring at my lips for a fraction of a second but long enough to see my exhale and my tongue lick my lips. He grins at me the sexy smile and I squirm in my seat as I feel it down there.
"Ok." is all I can say and it's a whisper barely heard over my racing heart. I manage to grin back at him but he knows the effect he's having on me and I remember what my foot discovered just minutes ago.
He reaches for my hand then, looking me in the eye and says gruffly, "Come here."
I hold onto his hand like a life preserver as my shaking knees manage to walk towards him. He pulls me onto his lap, my legs around his waist and just stares at me his mouth coming really close but not kissing me again. My forehead is on his and I close my eyes. He's going to do it again, the not kiss me thing and I'm not kissing him first, I decide. He leans in his lips just barely grazing my lips and my breath hitches. He grins against my lips and I squirm on his lap and I hear his sharp breath. Have I hurt him? He pulls me further down his lap and starts the torture kiss process again. He comes really close with his lips apart, my breathing is escalating, his isn't, damn him. He grins again. I close my eyes so I can't see his knowing grin. His lips are so close to mine and he whispers,"Do you want me to kiss you?"
"Yes."I manage between breaths.
"How do I know you'll think of me when I do?" he answers turning his head slightly his mouth grazing my cheek.
Huh? What is he talking about? Oh yes, the shower. Dammit. He's remembering the shower incident. I know I'm not breathing at all at this point but I can feel his mouth grazing my jaw heading slowly down my neck.
"Were you thinking of number 1 in the shower Bailey?", he asks softly his voice silken but edgy.
I'm still not breathing and I don't answer, his mouth is on my collarbone not really touching me but sending shivers down my spine.
"When I kiss you Bailey who will you think of?", he asks heading slowly back to my mouth. I feel it in my groin and my breathing is erratic once more.
"You.", I whisper.
"Who?" against my mouth again.
"Are you wet Bailey?"
"Yes", I breathe.
"Who are you wet for Bailey?"he asks as he removes my shirt still not touching me.
"You." I whimper.
"Who?", he fingers are stroking me softly up my back.
"Brett. You Brett, you."
"Who will you think about when I've inside of you Bailey?"
I moan at the words and my hips are starting to move in search of something. I put my arms around his shoulders and lean into his chest. Moaning at the skin on skin contact.
He grabs my wrists and pulls them behind my back and asks me again.
"Who will you think about when I've inside of you Bailey?"
"Ahh", I moan as I arch my back trying desperately to get him to touch me. "You Brett, only you. Please."
I feel his breathe are my breast then as he lowers his head toward my arched into his chest. I cry out in need but he still won't touch me.
"Oh Bailey, how will I know.", he says his tongue lightly flicking my nipple, as I moan watching him. I push my breasts into his smile but he looks up at me then with a sad yet angry face.
"Oh please Brett.", I whimper hating myself. He licks my breast again. Nibbling on my nipple just barely. "Who are you thinking of now Bailey?"
"I'm thinking of you Brett.", I growl at him starting to get angry.
"You want to his me don't you Bailey?", he asks with the sexy grin.
"Yes."I snarl at him.
"I can make you wet with just my voice Bailey.", his silky voice is back and his mouth is slowly working his way to my other breast while his other hand is working it's way to my underwear. My anger flees immediately and desire sweeps through me making me crazy with want. He still has my arms behind my back and I'm starting to pant.
"Could number 1 do that Bailey?", he says sliding his hands into my underwear.
"No Brett, only you. only you Brett. You own me right now Brett. Please take me.", I cry as his fingers find me.
"I own this? Just my voice made you this wet.", his voice is so soft, so seductive as his fingers touch me but offer no relief.
"Aagh!" I yell so frustrated as I move on his fingers.
His voice turns cold his lips against my mouth, his fingers not moving at all,"Don't ever think of him when you're with me again." His voice stills me as a cold chill sweeps down my body. He stares into my eyes and his eyes are so cold, I gasp. "Ever."
Then he grabs me by the roots of my hair, letting my hands go as pulls me towards him in an earth shattering kiss. Our desire is so crazy as our lips finally meet. My hands are in his hair and I'm grinding against him as he's ripping my underwear off. Our breathing is loud, we're all moans and groans, tongues and lips. He is inside of me almost immediately and the savageness of his length in me so quickly almost sends me over the top. We are almost growling as our hands explore each other roughly, it's intense. He is moving me up and down on him. Holding me in place, swirling my hips around and I'm lost in the sensation, he is so deep inside of me.
"Oh Brett!", I yell feeling myself start to rise as he rubs my special place. I'm suddenly on top of the table and he's ramming into me as he rubs me, my legs draped across his arms. I look up at him and his look is so carnal, so wild, so beautiful that I tighten up inside. He groans,"You have to come now. I own this, come now." and I do so hard that I'm shaken and trembling with it as he rubs me to the end of my orgasm and then I feel him explode inside of me. He collapsed his head on my stomach my fingers in his hair as we both try to catch our breath. As I'm laying there in the aftermath, rubbing his hair, terror shoots through and I'm pushing him off of me, trying to get up. He looks annoyed as he pulls away from me but then I notice that he's wearing a condom and I relax. He sees my look and he smiles at me. "Pickles likes her finale." We both laugh cause Pickles does like her finale.

Afterward we clean up the kitchen and I notice he hardly ate any supper. I hear his stomach growl as he's drying dishes beside me.
"I'm sorry I've starved you."
He laughs softly,"Well next time I'll bring some food. Now I know."
I smile back at him loving the next time part.
He sighs as he folds the dish towel and puts it on the counter top."I guess I need to get going."
My heart falls at the words. I don't want him to leave. I like having him here. I get so lonely at night.
"You could stay if you want.", I whisper trying to sound nonchalant about it.
"I would but I have a test tomorrow and I have to study. You would be a total distraction from that.", he hugs me kissing my neck, nuzzling in my hair. "Can I take you to school tomorrow?"
"If you want.", I answer secretly loving the idea.
"Ok it's a date then. 10:00 okay?" he says before he kisses me.
"Sounds good to me."I say and kiss him again. He pops me on the behind and lets me go. I follow him to the door and onto the porch. He puts his shoes on looking at me up and down as I stand there in the freezing, damp air in just my underwear and a tank top.
"Pickles, you are hot. You know that right?" he says with "the" grin. I roll my eyes at him as I grin back.
He stands up kisses me again and says,"Until tomorrow."
I watch him walk through the yard toward the road avoiding the puddles and I yell,"Thanks for the ride."
He turns to me with the sexy smile and says,"It was definitely my pleasure Pickles."

© Copyright 2012 SunDrop (ccoast at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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