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a dream of reality
It was cold, loutishly cold. My dilated pupils adjusted falteringly to the stinging incandescent light. My protuberant purple lip and unresponsive hazel eyes sickly struck upon my mien. I grappled awkwardly with the edges of my pajamas, fidgeting and panic-stricken with cold and fear like an iced-up chicken in a butcher’s hand.
White. Everything was white. Instead of instilling a perfect immense of stillness by its sanctified tint, it calcified me with its cold-hearted, relentless glare. I was thrown on a white bench within four white towering walls with a white door ajar. My restless eyes searched intently literally upon nothing for clues to answer the most blatant question of where I am.
Then, I heard a voice, a calling of my name. I jerked up. It was more like a silent whisper, a barely noticeable tug. It was fleeting, but it was there. Mouth dry, lips coarse, and voice frozen. I’m HEREEEE! I tried to belt out this scorching reply in my lungs for that calling, but my vocal cords were disabled. I tried to shout and yell and shriek again, but nothing, not even a puff of air or a flimsy hum came out of me. The white light impaled me with its ironic stare, ridiculing my preposterous behavior. Breathe. I ordered myself. IN one two. OUT three four.
Then, with a surge of simmering anxiety, I barged out of the door. I clanged it hard with one ephemeral sense of liberating lightness, just to find myself trapped in yet another white, nauseating room. But this time, I faltered with the presented two identical white doors, one right before me and the other on the far left. I lunged forward. Bold and Impulsive.
This must be an intended trap. I pulled myself to a full stop. Things couldn’t be this simple! Deliberately, I swiveled around and whizzed to the other door at the far left-side corner and wrestled out.
Clink. Door closed. The pitch darkness was set ablaze. Here I was, the pitch-dark space suddenly lit up, in yet another desolate room. Recrudescent uncertainty washed me wholly as I inspected the roo with incredulous eyes. I let out a silent chortle at this whole lugubrious drollery. I must must must be in a dream. In front of me were three identical white doors.
e doesn’t wait till I was awake to pull me out of unconsciousness. It haunted me minute of my life. White, bleak and revolting. I was thrown on a white bench in a white room, closed.
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