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Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1874377
Cho learns her part in the movie. Meanwhile, can Jake and Armani do without her?
Author's Note: Woo-hoo! 2 songs in 1! The complete title of this story is 'The Choice is Yours: Anorexia, Before You Leave'. This episode is going to be a treat for my readers. Oh, and I did not kill off Cho. Spoiler alert! I also added a sneak peek of another song. Find it! :) Enjoy! (Disclaimer: I do not own McDonald's or any of the products mentioned.)


Cho's POV

I woke up from my dream.

Woo, I thought as I looked around my new room. I could have sworn that I actually felt the room shaking. Or, maybe that was just the thunderstorm outside.

I got out of my huge bed and went to the window. "Perfect," I mumbled. Stephen said that the thunderstorm would be great for the movie, so they wouldn't have to make a fake one. I didn't think so.

In the movie, I play a fairy who helps a girl suffering from anorexia. Yesterday, I had hit the recording studios to record all the songs needed for the film. It was tiring, and I got home at 1 AM.

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand. Even though Jake would most likely be in school, I had to call him.

The phone rang a few times until he finally picked up.

"Yo? Cho? What's up?"

"My gosh, Jake-are you picking up from school? I don't want to get you in trouble or anything but-"

"No problem. We're in the studio right now. There's a party going on and we were invited."

"A party? You were?"

"Yeah. They're promoting our new album, and your success in the movie. Anyway, what's shakin'?"

"Oh, Jake! I miss you all! I can't stand it here! Life is hard enough, you know! I wish I was back in West Oak. It's so boring and dull here!"

There was silence on the other line. Then there were a few muffled sounds and then Jake came back on the phone.

"Cho, I'm gonna have to go, OK? Bye!"

I was surprised at how quickly he hung up. I was about to head downstairs when I got a text message.

Set time: 9:30-2:45. Umbrellas not needed. Wear light clothing that is easy to get out off. Don't be late!

I checked the time. It was already 9:15!

I quickly went to my closet and threw on some clothes. Then I ran down the stairs and grabbed a bagel w/ cream cheese. Mom was already in the car, eating a BLT. I took a coat from the rack and my script from the table and dashed out the house.

The drive to the studio didn't take long. I was there in enough time to spare so I could have a few more things to eat. Finally, Stephen made sure everyone was there, then clapped his hands.

"Welcome one, welcome all, to the first filming of 'Magic'! Let's get started with the music video in the fairy world.

I sighed. This movie was utterly stupid. I don't even know why I accepted the offer. Before I could object, my prep team whisked me away into my dressing room.

Things were smeared on, brushed on, wet things were poured on, but finally they were done. I looked in the mirror.

I didn't even recognize myself.

My skin was an entirely different color. Instead of my caramel color, I was a peachy color. My eyes were an ocean blue. My hair had extensions in it, and was dyed turquoise. It was curled and was flowing down my back.

Then my prep team took me to my wardrobe in the back of the room. They gave me my outfit to put on. It was green and came up to my thighs. There was gold at the top, and green and gold fairy wings. There was a gold wand, and a matching green and gold pouch. (Author's Note: It looked kind of like this. Remove the spaces. Disclaimer: I do not own Disney or this costume. http://w w w.costumecraze.com/TEEN40.html) I went to try it on. When I came back there was a chorus of oos and ahhs.




My prep team guided me out of my dressing room and back into the studio. There was another chorus before Stephen disrupted them.

"OK, Cho, I want you in front of that green screen. Play with the flowers and everything. Act girly, but like a mature fairy."

I stepped in front of the green screen. The bright lights were blinding, but I did what Stephen said. I played with the flowers and waited for his next call.

"OK, playback!"

I started to lip sing.

Wake up in the morning

stretching and then yawning

come on

i have something you need to see

look right in the mirror

they say you're a zero

they don't know it's a disease

just trust in me

and take hand

don't worry please

they'll get what's coming to them


why'd they have to make you like this

all of those comments

they just did it

looks like you have a special case of

swimming and running

they weren't enough

had to starve your self

took a path that's rough

looks like you have a special case of


there was taunting and was teasing

bout how you were really big and

come on

you know you have to fight the fight

look right in the mirror

they say that you're a zero

they don't know it's a disease

just trust in me

and take hand

don't worry please

they'll get what's coming to them


why'd they have to make you like this

all of those comments

they just did it

looks like you have a special case of

swimming and running

they weren't enough

had to starve your self

took a path that's rough

looks like you have a special case of


this song is

dedicated to

those who think

they have to face the truth

keep your head high

and face the sky

and face the sky

why'd they have to make you like this

all of those comments

they just did it

looks like you have a special case of

swimming and running

they weren't enough

had to starve your self

took a path that's rough

looks like you have a special case of

have to starve your self

take a path that's rough

have to starve your self

take a path that's rough

looks like you have a special case of


"Perfect!" said Stephen. "You can take a few." I tried to walk outside, but my prep team stopped me. "Oh, boy," mumbled.

Jake's POV

Armani and I were performing a song at the party.

Armani was going to be singing and playing piano, while I would be playing electric guitar. Demi Lovato would be singing backup. I was pretty scared, since this performance would also count as the music video for this song.

I went up to Jam so I could talk to him. "I want Cho to watch this," I said. Jam shook his head. "There's no way. She's probably busy filming" I stomped my feet. I was getting angry. "I'll call her! I want her to see this live. Can you stream the performance from the cameras to her phone?" Jam sighed. "Your lucky you guys are my favorites," he mumbled.

"Now, everyone, settle down. Taylor was awesome, wasn't she?" The whole crowd erupted in applause when Justin Bieber said that. He was the host of the party (unfortunately!). "Everyone knows the whole reason we're here, right? To celebrate the new album of The Chosen Ones!" The crowd cheered. "Unfortunately, the lead singer, Cho, is in Canada shooting a movie right now. Give it up for 'Before You Leave', written by Armani, featuring Demi Lovato!" The whole crowd, once again, erupted.

The curtains on the stage parted, and the fog was making it hard to breath. The first verse before the chorus was going to a piano solo without Demi. Armani was talking to the crowd, so I used the time to call Cho. I almost thought she wouldn't pick up.


"Cho! I have a surprise for you."


"Look at your screen!"

I finally ran up to the stage. Armani had just started to sing.

Before you leave

You take your stuff

Before you leave

You don't talk much

Before you leave

The rain will fall

Before you leave

Tell me what you saw

I'm sorry

It was just a party

That got out of hand

It wasn't my plan

I'm sorry

How'd this happen to me

Baby you just have to see

Before you leave

Before you leave

We have a little chat

Before you leave

Don't me leave me so sad

Before you leave

The rain will fall

Before you leave

Tell me what you saw

I'm sorry

It was just a party

That got out of hand

It wasn't my plan

I'm sorry

How'd this happen to me

Baby you just have to see

Before you leave

Please, please

Before you leave

Please tell me

Before you leave

Before you leave

The rain will fall

Before you leave

Tell me what you saw

Before you leave

The rain will fall

Before you leave

Tell me what you saw

I'm sorry

It was just a party

That got out of hand

It wasn't my plan

I'm sorry

How'd this happen to me

Baby you just have to see

I'm sorry

It was just a party

That got out of hand

It wasn't my plan

I'm sorry

How'd this happen to me

Baby you just have to see

Before you leave

Before you leave

The crowd went crazy. We bowed a few times, and then ran off the stage. Cho was still on the phone.

"My gosh, Jake, that was amazing!"

"Thanks! So how's everything going on the set?"

"It's tiring! I'm going to have to stay up all night getting all this makeup off. They changed my hair color, made it longer, changed my skin color, everything! What am I going to do?"

I sighed.

"Just be you, OK?"

"OK. I'm sorry, but I have to get back on the set now. Bye!"


I slid my phone back down and through it on the couch.

Armani's POV

People loved me! They actually loved me! Well, they loved us, but still. I was pretty good myself!

You know, if it wasn't for that darned Cho, I could've won that contest by myself. I would've had this record deal alone, and Jake all to myself.

But, noooo, 'Chosen' had to come and ruin it all! She stole my future boyfriend, my solo career, and my dignity. I mean, seriously, my POV is, like, the shortest in each episode! (Author's Note: LOL, just imagine she said that off set.)

Anyway, when Jake and I got home, I snuck into Cho's room. How come she had the biggest room? I was going to use her recording booth and record a song. Then, I was going to send it to Jam. Ooh, that plan was gonna be good!

(Author's Note: Here comes the sneak peak!)

I walked into the booth and put on the headphones. I had wrote a song that I thought would be perfect for this demo. I pulled it up on the interface and heard it blast through the headphones.

I pressed record and started to sing.

I'll write you a song

So you know

I've been here all along

Tired of games

Tired of being played

I'll be here all day long

I'll write you a so-o-o-o-o-o-o-ong

I'll write you a so-o-o-o-o-o-o-ong

When I was done singing, I took off the headphones and put the recorded song on my flashdrive. I sat down in Cho's swivel chair (how come she got one?) and plugged the flashdrive into her giant screen/computer/TV. I added a few effects, some auto tune, and voice changers to make me sound beautiful.

I pulled up the email login but then realized that Cho's was already up. I was about to click sign out when I found out that that was going to make my plan even better!

I composed an email to Jam through Cho's account.

Hey, Jam!

Armani wrote and recorded this amazing song. She wants to re-record it solo, not with the band's name or anything. How about tomorrow?


Cho *Heart*

The plan was the best I had though of in a long time! I sent the email, took out my flashdrive and turned off the computer. I ran out the room, because, finally, I was going to get my way.

Cho's POV

After some more filming, I walked out my dressing room. My prep team had scrubbed me raw. They did, however, fix my original complexion a bit and made the deep purple bags under my eyes disappear. They 'wanted me to look my best' on my way home. I was planning on washing it off, but that would've been rude.

Outside of the studio, I breathed in some fresh air. I was hungry, but mom had left because she had some 'business to take care of'. Yeah right.

Maybe I would just go get something to eat?

There were several limos parked outside. I found a purple one that I liked and knocked on the window. It rolled down and the driver smiled.

"Ms. Zen, where can I take you today?"

I grunted. "McDonald's, please, and rapido!"

I got in the car and the driver exited the parking lot. It only took us about 15 minutes to get there. When I got out, I was overly excited.

There were celebrities everywhere. This must've been some kind of private McDonald's, because everyone had to show some kind of ID.

I walked up the stone steps and up to the bouncer. "ID," he said.

I dug around in my purse for my set ID. I gave it to the bouncer and he scanned it in some kind of computer. "Choice Zen. Right this way." The bouncer led me all the way to the back of the restaurant. Famous people all around me were dancing, and talking, and eating. I was finally sat down at a table with only one other member from the movie. She was Arizona Amanda, who played the anorexic I helped out.

"Hey, what's up! Are you ordering?" I was greeted by her joyfully. "Uh, yeah?" I replied. A.A grinned. "Waiter, waitress!" she called out. One quickly came up. I recognized her as Rebecca Black. Before I could say anything, A.A started to order.

"Um, I'll have a Southwestern salad and a parfait," she said. Rebecca wrote it down and turned to me. I realized that A.A had only ordered healthy food. I was dying for a quarter pounder, but I wanted to look cool. "I'll have the same," I said.

Rebecca nodded and headed to the kitchen. I was terribly confused. "Was that Rebecca black?" I asked A. A.

"Yep," she replied. She saw my confused look and sighed.

"You see, all the fallen wannabe celebrities come here to work. Since they were once considered 'famous', they are accepted here and are the only 'non-famous' people who know about this place. However, they are not aloud to talk to anyone. Or else, well..." I kind of understood what she meant. Then I realized-

If I don't do well in my career, will I end up there?


Haha, the last one rhymed!

Anyway, keep reading! Visit my portfolio for my other stories. Make sure you read the first...2? Yeah, 2!


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