Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1834012-i-lost-her-3
Rated: · Other · Other · #1834012
3rd instalemnt of my daily activities and trespasses on loves territories
after five long years i went to see my marielle. she was so beautifull i was moved to tears. i appologized for my actions in the years past and we had a long talk while on a stroll through the winter scenary... i proffessed my love for her, the love iv kept hidden within my breast these many years...she was moved but mostly to flatory not to love....she seemed confuzed and i realy did not get a definite answer. all i know is that i enjoyed being with her and seeing her again made me happy and happiness is a rareity in my life these days.i told her of the past lies, of my boasting about other women who were non existent, i told her truth, such as my still being a virgin...she was surprised becaus over the year people had begun to beleive all of these stories that i had sent out there. and why not you should take someone at their word right?, anyway im still puzzled becaus i felt ther was something there.. an unwillingness to probe her feelings on her part. yes it was quite a shock seeing me after 5 years but i thought the awnser, either yes i love you or no i dont love you would have ben clearly articualted...but it was not. so now im in the same position i was in beofr, uncertainty as to her feelings for me...it took me five years to gather the courage to face, i wont make that same mistake twice i cant lose her, i wont
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