Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1833282-free-jazz
Rated: · Lyrics · Other · #1833282
free jazz explorations
bleating screaming frighteneing searing, the sun is shearing the sky is clearing my ears are rigning the rain is ceasing my legs are creepy, i look at them bare foot on the floor as i urinate and i find no disticiton between my feet and flippers. i belong in the ocean in the water i am beautiufl i feel at home, in the womb in the void in the tomb awaiting the next spin of the loom ultimatly my doom i awaite and croon an old tune to the rythme of the duke of prunes or the moon in june awaiting to be swept away by the coming rogue wave, how can a wave be nothing but rogue is ther a rhyime or reason to it can you embrace intreped can you embrace the waves on the sea, does the moon hold much sway over the tidal flux. rising and receiding doth poseideon still dwell in the shallows or has he been usurped. shall we forver be lost in this endless darkness pervading the collective spirits of woman and man, can man reconcile him self with woman and live in harmony or are we meant to clash as the waves, perhaps the medling of two metals is not suposed to be a pleasant experience but a task that requires patience and sanity. will the moon ever reveal its dark side, does the maiden of the cancer moon still allow the sons of mercury safe passage on their return gallop form jupiter...sunshine snooky flowers all around my sandals and my socks, wool socks in the evening gather much dew lilian will be waiting in the moonlight, holding her torch not yet light, she will ask me to light it but i forgot my matches, no worrie i can just grab her arm and explode supernova nebulosity and show her my stars around venus and catch a fire and the center of the earth befor returning to the stratospehere for a hit of weak air in our lungs and then come down fast and bend
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