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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Folklore · #1814065
Consorting with the Morning Star does not go unpunished.

There was a heavy, oppressive silence as the Archangels silently spoke to one another in their minds, shutting everything out from the woman who was stood before them, with her head bowed. After a few long minutes, their silent discussion ended.

“Anael.” came the deep, calm voice of the Archangel Michael. The woman looked up, and although her eyes were rimmed red from crying, there were no tears now. She glared at Michael, who had dark hair, and the deepest brown eyes you could imagine, edged with pale gold. As Michael was an Archangel, he didn’t have the shocking blue eyes that other angels had.

“Or, Anna, as you go by on Earth.” Gabriel cut in. Unlike Michael, Gabriel had blonde hair, which had a soft wave to it, and pale grey eyes, edged with silver. Anael glanced at Gabriel, then her eyes flicked back to Michael.

“Your crime is consorting with our Fallen brother, Lucifer.” Michael stated. His voice was tinged with sadness as he observed the woman, with her chocolate brown hair, and the bluest eyes he’d seen - extraordinarily blue, even for an angel. She was a good woman in her heart. She had married a human, had a son. She had caused no harm, and so the Archangels had let her be. Until she’d fallen in love with the Devil. Michael couldn’t risk a child of Satan being allowed to roam the planet, so calling this hearing had been necessary. He and three of his brothers had spoken, deliberated, and had come to an answer. Not one that Michael favoured, but there was nothing else he could do, if she wouldn’t cooperate.

“Anael, I will grace you by asking one last time, giving you one further chance for redemption, to end your affair with my brother.” Michael said. Anael shook her head.

“You don’t understand!” she exclaimed.

“If you do not cease, you will be punished.” Gabriel warned, the silver edge of his eyes razor sharp.

“I will never surrender my love just because you say it‘s wrong.” Anael declared.
Michael sighed, regretfully. It was always painful to smite a brother or sister.

“So be it.” he replied, and held up one hand. A pure white, burning light surrounded Anael, and she threw her head back and screamed. The scream lasted a full minute, and if a human were to hear it, their skulls would likely implode with the pressure of the noise. It was like no other earthly sound imaginable, and indicated an incomprehensible amount of pain, and the whiteness got steadily brighter. When the minute had passed the light grew too bright to see through it, and suddenly, subsided. Anael was gone.
Michael and Gabriel exchanged glances.

“What happens now?” Raphael, another Archangel, spoke up.

“Her body will be discovered on Earth.” Gabriel replied, emotionlessly.

Michael sighed. He felt a small amount of pity for Anael’s nephalim child. One day, a few years in the future, he’d be taken by Michael personally, and assume duty as an angel. Until that day, however, he had preparations. Preparations that he didn’t even know about. Nobody would tell him. He would figure it out himself, in a few months. Until then, there was nothing more for Michael to do.
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