Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1789142-how-can-you-tell
by moon
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1789142
how can you tell if I say I love you is real or not
I tell you I love but do I mean or is it just words I say

say to make you think I do


to say because i do love you

how can you know if I love you

if you, your self does not know

what love is

how can I be sure you love me

when you say I love you

if you dont really know what love is


you think you know


do you really know

how can you

if some one really loves you or not

how can you tell

if they really do

they could say it but not mean it


they could say and think they do

but in the end not dont

but then again they might mean it

so how can you tell

when you dotn know what love is

i tell you i love you

but how do you i mean it

other then i just said it

i tell you every day i love you

and i dont know what i would do

with out you

you are my every thing

to me

so how can you tell if i really love you

babe just look in my eyes

and ill tell you

with all of my heart

babe i love you

your the world to me

i dont know what i would do

if i ever lost you

because babe I LOVE YOU

and babe with out you

im nothing


lost in this world

so how do you know i love you

so babe how do

i know you love me

when you say babe i love you

i know you mean it because

with out me i know

youll be lost in this world

like i would be to

with out you

so how can you tell if some one really loves you

just look

in their eyes

when they say babe i love you

and youll that they anit lieing to you
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