Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1778742-The-Caravaggio-Rap
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Arts · #1778742
The Caravaggio Rap
Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio

Passing objects on my left
Objects on the right
Flow past
The eternal blue overhead
Carravagios on the radio
Giving it large and loud
I'll bet it makes his fucking mum proud
Except that time
When the sword came out
And cut me in the arm

That didn't make anyone proud
Except his mates from Naples
The radios his lifeblood
For telling all his fables
Like the run-in with the law
But his mother knew
He had a fatal flaw
And all his workmates
Are wary and nervous
Of his sharp tongue
And even sharper sword

I remember his last broadcast
He was talking fast
And giving it large
And the broadcaster knew
Something special could happen
He was fond of a brawl
Which is why they'd invited
A red caped cardinal
With the power to pardon
And the urge to offend

Your patron demands your return
And some paintings
Will confirm your commitment
To our side of the bargain
So our loud and proud man
Gets out his sharp sword
And delivers a blow
To the rude and red man
Delivered without thought
It didn't make his mother proud
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