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Hope is Toxic
         Hope is toxic. Hope is toxic because its always there. Hope is toxic because everyone hopes for the best while receiving the worst. Hope is toxic because it can be caught, spread or carried like some kind of epidemic.

         It doesn't take hope long to show it's effects. Happiness being the main side-effect (most others being a side-effect of happiness), it lets you go out into the world and think something better is waiting for you. It's not.

         Hope is toxic because it slowly kills your goodwill towards others. At one point you might hope for the best in a person, maybe even hope they hope for the best in you. Farther down the line you realize you can only hope for a facade. No one is a good person. No one is truly like you, no one is really hoping for the best. People hope that you bend to their will, that you sacrifice yourself for them, that you can be taken advantage of.

         I hope for nothing. I hope for an abyss to swallow the world every morning, only to be disappointed again and again.

         Hope is a set-up for disappointment. Hope is what drives the sick to insanity. Hope is what religion calls “Satan.” Hope is an atom-bomb, a disease-ridden rat, an abusive spouse. Hope is death. I hate hope with all my being and I hope it goes away. I know it won't. I know the feeling of bliss and optimism will be back tomorrow, all because of “hope.” Or, at least, it might come back. I hope it comes back.
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