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Rated: · Letter/Memo · Other · #1773562
The things I wanted to say.
Goddess of Beauty,

You’re glowing today. You’ve radiated so much love and wisdom, it’s breathtaking. I admire you.

The truth. You glide effortlessly through life while they gaze in awe like a child does at their Mother. You have faith in the world and her gentle promises. You smile- genuinely, of course- whilst the roses fall at your feet.

You are loved.

Then you plummet back to Earth. Reality, it seems, is a treacherous place.

You’re tired. You don’t fit in. Every word you say, they pick at like vultures. The countless blank looks and misunderstandings are pulling you down. Shackles.

They judge. But they have no choice, do they? They treat you differently. Endless questions asked and answered, but yours remain ignored:

“Who are you? Can I have those pearls of wisdom I so desire?”

They turn around and share their oysters amongst themselves, while you gape at them, feeling awestruck and downtrodden at the same time.

You plod through life, scarred with secrets and what they think you know. Secrets that are held close to you- reminding you of who you really are.

They think they know. This annoys you; the term “picture book” comes to mind. You guiltily smile and nod, and easily, they’re distracted. Despite being surrounded by people, by life, even you forget your own existence. Pity. It’s not invisibility that drapes around you. You’re just not enough. Bland. Boring. Beast.

Goodbye my beautiful shipwreck, may you find yourself.

With love,
Your Conscience
© Copyright 2011 Rogina Schmitt (sweetworld at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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