Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1752451-Breaking--Turning-Point
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Experience · #1752451
Man's fear enlarged.
  Life can change in the blink of an eye; maybe all it takes is you thinking that your eye is falling out of your socket and that your chest has caved in and your stomache has blown up, breaking your ribs puncturing your lungs. Body on the point of hypothermia and yet you feel like your having a heatstroke, body's covered in sweat and y et at the same time turning a light shade of bluish purple from lack of blood circulation. Pacing the room, praying to God in your loudest quiet voice, asking Him to be merciful and not to let you die this way, never this way, all the while visions of family running through your head, memories of a long forgotten past. Suddenly the moment breaks, and your feet go numb and you run from one corner of the room to the other trying to get the feeling back into your legs, afraid that you are dying from the feet up. A burning sensation crawls up your back and you think you're going to pass out from dehydration. Pacing the room, starting to get the feeling back into your legs, you hear someone pounding on the door. Covered in sweat and yet so cold, you're covered in blankets, you stumble slowly over to the door. Fears coursing through you veins in tune with your heart beat, sending chills up your spine that leaves a feeling so distraught in your soul that you fall to your knees and ask God to give you the strength to continue the las 3 1/2 feet to the door. Stumbling back to your feet you drag yourself and look through the peephole, which gets further away the closer you get to it. Looking through the peephole into another world, you see no one, but the knocking gets louder and louder. Thats when you realize the knocking you hear is your heart beating against your chest, trying to escape your physically, and emotionally beaten body.
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