Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1736013-Once-Upon-A-Crime
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1736013
A Chicago gang curse, gripe and fidget their way through a bank holdup.
Word Count - 300 words (9 added since post)

Once Upon A Crime

Bugsly stood on the running board of the black saloon smoking a cigarette as it rattled through the Chicago streets. His pinstriped suit and hat were a deep dark blue in the midday sun and he wore a pale blue tie and matching handkerchief in his top pocket.

The saloon horn hooted out a warning to slow pedestrians as the car screeched to a halt outside the First Mercantile Bank. Even before the motion had stopped, Bugsly hopped from the running board. He was inside the bank before the rest of the gang had even opened their doors.

Bugsly waited patiently for the rest of them to join him, finishing his smoke and extinguishing it in the ashtray. He signaled to Curse, Gripe, and Fidget with a nod of his head and they drew out their machine guns. The guns spat Ratatattatt sending bullets spraying into the plaster ceiling.

"Right-oh! Everyone hit the floor!" Bugsly yelled.

"Hey boss, I think you're spos'ed to yell that before we shoot," whispered Gripe.

"Shioot!" said Curse. Fidget just twitched nervously. Everyone dived to the floor except one young lass too shocked to move.

"Hey Doll-face! You lookin' to start trouble." Bugsly waved his gun in her face and she fell like a rag doll.

"Hey boss, Puppet-face would have been more appropriate," offered Gripe, “you know, the way she fell, like a puppet whose strings had been snipped.”

"Schnipt!" said Curse. Fidget found an itch that he couldn't stop scratching.

Bugsly sauntered up to the counter and threw a sack down in front of the wide-eyed bank teller.

"Cheers, big ears!" he said casually, "Maloan account. I'm here to make a deposit."

Gripe shook the cash bundles free of the sack. “Hey boss, we're here to make a deposit.”



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