Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1734834-Have-you
Rated: · Other · Dark · #1734834
Have you ever wanted to do something you couldnt?
Have you ever wanted to leave your body?
Have you ever wanted to believe that dreams are reality and life is only a dream?

Bipolar disorder.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Low self-esteem.
Low self worth.
The occasional eating disorder.

we cant help these things. we cant stop them. we cant choose them. They choose us.
When your depression deepens for no reason, or your self esteem gets lowered by simple thoughts. it gets rough.
When the person you love cant help you, but he sees the pain. sees what this is doing to you. when everyone sees it, asks whats wrong and gets nothing in return..
They try to help
but everything they do... doesn't help. somehow it makes it worse, like bottling up everything is the only answer.
I know its not. but sometimes ts the only thing to do.. when we have nothing left to try..
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