Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1685257-The-Boy-who-Transformed-into-Riolu--pt2
Rated: E · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1685257
Part 2 of the Prolouge. Will the lightning have any effect on Devin? Read to find out.
Prolouge: A Transformation in the Making Part 2

Saturday time unknown
While Devin was unconcious, he had a strange dream. He thought he heard a voice.
???- (in an evil tone)Hello, Devin.

Devin- Who are you? and more importantly, where are you?
???- (evil voice)That information is none of your business. But I'm here to do something to you. Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit.

Devin started to feel something. Suddenly there was pain all around him.
Devin suddenly woke up.
Joey must have heard the yelling and came to see what was the matter.
Saturday 3:00 p.m
Joey- Oh good, you are awake. you want to continue playing the game or you want some more rest?
Devin- I'm alright. So, where is the Ds?
Joey- Its in the closet.

Joey checked the closet, but to his dismay, came up empty handed.
Joey- Not there. Maybe underneath the bed.

Joey searched there too, but still found nothing. Joey started looking frantically. Devin, who was also looking, suddenly had a glint in his eye. He then saw blue all around him and the shape of a Ds in the desk drawer.
Joey- Devin, Devin!
Devin then realizes that Joey was trying to get his attention
Devin- Huh?

Joey- Devin, are you sure you are all right? You never space out like that.

Devin- Oh yeah, I'm alright. Did you check the desk drawer?

Joey then snaps his fingers.
Joey- Oh yeah! Thats where I put it. How did you know that.

Devin- Honestly, I do not know
Joey- (looking at Devin weirdly) OOOOkay. Well, lets play. Hey you finally got riolu!
Devin- Cool

Devin then got this funny feeling that something was about to happen to him, but he shrugged it off and focused on the game.
To be continued...

Next time: Was that funny feeling important? Or was it just a feeling?
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