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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Death · #1660967
The devil bent his knee in hell, a tear in his eye..

Gear check. Frags an' a knife
Backup comes with death
Only for the lucky ones.
So marched the men -
Suicide squad of the first brigade.
The toughest men in all the land
Prosecution time and time again
Split blood and bit bullets for breakfast
Or got tired, and simply screamed.

Could of had the noose
But they wanted one more fight
To purge their records,
Clear their slates
And most importantly -
Settle the score.
So marched the first brigade
Toughest men in all the land
To spill blood one last time
But many only screamed...
Pins were pulled, but
Grenades weren't thrown -
So marched the devil's brigade.

It's really burning, here
A hundred thirty degrees
It's really flaming, here
Steam rose off the Devil's Brigade
And their eyes burned to, in glee.
More screaming, the moods so cold
Here, the hates so warm, here.
If they're human, no one can tell
A gore drenched sign stood in time
Crippled before the men, it read-
Welcome to hell.
And on marched, the Devil's Brigade.

They bore upon the enemy like
An army of fiends, never regret
They tore at eyes and ripped at legs, they spit in the face and fought on,
You have to give em' that,
Boy, they fought.
But numbers quickly overcame
The Devil's Brigade
The Army of fiends
The condemned.
Twelve, or perhaps eleven
Their count mattered little-
They were surrounded
There was no hope
Until they were whisked away
By the relief platoon of death.

They fought till the last breath
The men in the suicide squad of the
First brigade, they fought like devils, An army of fiends.
But that was it. Only, only,
But only they were men.
Stood the final two
Back to back, knife to knife,
Eye or an eye, life for a life.
They fought like demons, an
Army of fiends, till finally,
Death brought the Relief.
But still fought the two,
Fought the demons in hell.

Legends, they say, are made to fall
And fall, did the son.
Though the devil didn't notice
His only son bend knee in hell-
Back to back, knife to knife,
Eye for an eye and life for a life-
The fallens head cocked
An awkward angle, teeth crooked
In a loopy grin, eyes shuttered
In the lust of relief.
Damnit, son, stop clowning around!
For first spoke the devil
As he fell to a knee-
His head bent questioningly
Teeth barred in a smile of hate
Eyes wide in shock-
The devil clamped his teeth too slow
And screamed, as he fell.
The devil bent his knees
A tear burning through his eyes
As he met his end in
The battle of hell...
So succumbed the Devil's Brigade
The army of fiends
The ghouls of avarice.

And on that day, the first brigade
Bent their knee to the army in hell-
Falling, finally, to nothing more
Then a man's only relief.
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