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a woman who can see auras
He slid his dark fingers up the edge of her yellow silky dress. Her skin, ivory and glistening. He found where her garter was attached to her panty hose and undid the clasp.
She could smell jasmine and lilac from the depths of the room they were in. Soft classical music played. Candles were burning all over the room.
His other hand was deep in her dark curls, gently tugging. He could feel her soft moan as she was pressed close up against him, breasts heaving
Hoisting her up and gently setting her down on the dresser he began to slowly pull off her black panty hose.
She watched him intently, her heart beating faster and faster.
Very slowly he brought down the first one, pulling it from her tiny feet. Dark fingers then dipped back under the yellow dress undoing the clasp on the second one. In minutes her legs were bare.
He admired the red polish on her toe nails as he caressed her tiny feet with his large hands.
He looked up at her,"Are you relaxed?"
"Relaxed? I am excited." Gloria said slowly,
He picked her back up easily, carrying her over to the large four poster bed with the violet blankets, laying her down.
Stretching his long, hard body out next to her, he snuck a muscular arm under her neck, cradling her head as he looked deeply into her green eyes.
"You are everything I have been looking for." Mark said in a whisper.
Gloria grinned, her eyes bright.
She caressed his chest, feeling every muscle under her pale fingers. The heat between them grew. She could see a color coming from the core of him.. it was a deep red, surrounded by yellow with a slight outline of pink. He was deeply in love with her. She hadn't yet told him that she could see auras. She would.
He rolled over onto his side and with a fingertip traced the soft skin of her clavical trailing down slowly to her full breasts that were moving slightly with her every breath. He then moved on to her stomach, imagining her carrying his seed.
She watched him, watched his colors change. He was so beautiful.
His fingertips made their way down her thighs until he came once again to the edge of her yellow silky dress. His colors were getting darker, he was becoming carnal now. Primitive.
He slid his hand slowly under her dress to the inside of her thigh, making small circles then squeezing the flesh that he found there.
Her breathing was coming faster, her heart beating harder.
And then.. as his hand was exploring deeper he leaned over and placed his lips upon hers, hot, while at the very same time sliding his fingers inside her. She moaned deeply.
© Copyright 2009 Charlotte (jerren at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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