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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1612343
I've never writen anything but poems before but I wanted something more.

      I was sitting in front of the fire watching the flames, just as I have done for over two hundred years. Just then, a rush of sadness and excitement settles over me. I walked over to the window to seek out the cause of my sudden annoyance. It was a group of villagers gathered around chattering. I went back to the fire, “foolish humans” I sneered aloud. Try as I may I could not block out the sound of their voices or shake off the waves of emotions the wind carried my way. In the three hundred years I have lived, I have never given any human a single thought not even the ones I once fed on. Nor have I been even mildly interested in their presence. Yet I know all their faces, know what kind of life they live and the kind of people they are. I have shared feelings with each of them though they do not realize. Ronin the villages best hunter and crop grower sat at the center of the group, the mixture of emotions radiating strongest from him. He is a gentle man with a good heart. He is always thoughtful, kind and helpful to a fault. Peter the blacksmith, a boastful and arrogant man turned to Ronin and the chatter ceased at once. “So tell us what happened?” Ronin takes a shaky breath. “It was some kind of animal; my brother and his wife were found mangled a few feet form the road. Their eight year old daughter Lillyrose was hidden under the wagon.” “I’m the only family she has now; the priest from their village will be bringing me my niece in two days.”

Twelve years later

    Today Lillyrose is twenty and has grown to be the loveliest girl in the village, though she thinks herself as plain she is far from it. Her skin is pale and smooth, her hair a rich auburn, the color the leaves take on in the autumn. She always wares it in a thick braid. Her lips and cheeks are always a faint pink. Her body is well curved and shapely and her eyes are a stunning blue. She is always happy and radiates a joyful glow.
    In the past few years, I have found myself to be for the first time interested in the humans that dwell in the village below. I find myself enchanted by this Lillyrose. Enchanted in the way a man becomes in a woman. I watch her often to the point of obsession. I can feel the purity of her soul she is kind and selfless. She is honest and hard working. At times, her temper is short and fierce but she is always instantly regretful on the rare occasion she does lash out, always in the defense of someone else.
    Everyday at sundown she sits in the loft of her uncles run down barn watching the horses run and play. As I sit at my window and indulge in my obsession. Often I am sure she can see me and that she knows I am watching her. Her eyes frequently wonder to the window I stand at. Unlike the rest of the villagers, she is curious about the castle that sits above the village. The place they call Forbidden Hill. They fear the monster that dwells inside. They are right to fear me and better off with the stories they tell of me. The truth is much worse, the monster they think me to be is far less then the monster that I am.


    It’s sundown on All Hallows Eve. Now is my time to rest from all the days work. I sit in the loft of the barn watching my horse Morningmist run. He is enjoying his time in the open before its back to the barn for the night. I gaze out across the field, at the castle that sits overlooking our village. It has always stood out to everyone in the village. There are stories of a demon with unholy powers that lives inside. Some say he is evil itself. Since I arrived to live with my uncle after the death of my parents, I find myself fascinated by the place known as Forbidden Hill. I focus my eyes on the castle looking for any sign of movement, hoping to see someone, but all the windows stay dark. Often I can feel eyes on me, weather spawn from the stories or real I am not sure, but deep inside I enjoy the feeling.
    My time of rest is ended by my uncle’s arrival. He calls for me almost in a panic. Tonight is the fall harvest Festival. The whole village will meet in the square to celebrate another rich and plentiful crop season. Uncle as always provides the meat he has been hunting and storing all summer. He can find game where others cannot and he never misses. I have been growing cabbage and many different herbs all of which we will take to the festival and add to the winter supply. Everyone will bring the best of their growing’s and we will sing, dance and reward ourselves for months of hard work. “Lilly” uncle calls as I rush in from the barn “are you ready Sara needs you down at the pub.” “Just a minute uncle” I call from my chamber. I change from my work cloths to my favorite dark blue dress. I wash my face and hands then tuck the stray curls back into place. Since it is a special occasion, I will add the necklace the priest gave me at my parent’s funeral. It was my mothers, it is a round red jewel set in the middle of a gold star, and it hangs from a black silk ribbon. As I reach the bottom of the stairs I laugh, uncle is in such a rush to load and deliver our contribution to the festival he has forgotten his belt and trips over his fallen trousers. “Don’t worry uncle everything is ready” I show him the bundles I prepared this aft. “Now I’m off to the pub, promise you will stop by and say hello to Sara.” Uncle smiles his shy smile, he and Sara have grown found of each other over the summer. “After the pig for the roast is caught a pint sounds good.” I stay to help uncle load the bundles, then I grab my cloak kiss his cheek and head to the pub.
    The whole village seems to be active. You can feel the excitement in the air. I walk slowly enjoying the weather. Fall has always been my favorite time of year. The air though chilly is sweeter and fresher. The sun is still bright but does not beat down as hot. To my relief I no longer have to tend to crops. In the fall and winter, I work for Sara at the pub. I get to earn my own wages and take some of the burdens off uncle. The best part of fall is when the colors change from every shade of green to the vibrant shades of red, orange, yellow and brown. I enjoy the colors most of all, they sooth me.  “Lilly” I turn to the direction my name came from. Phillip the blacksmiths son comes strutting toward me a wide grin on his face. He is a handsome young man tall and lean, with brown hair and eyes. He has come to call on me often, I only agree so as not to hurt his feelings, uncle taught me better. Phillip tough fair on the outside is quite the opposite on the inside. He is arrogant and boastful like his father, always one upping everything anyone does. In public, he is well mannered and charming; most of the boys our age follow his lead. “Hello Lilly” “Hello Phillip” He falls in next to me. ‘Where are you off to?” “I have to work tonight” Over his shoulder, I can see his followers watching. “Can I walk you?” I shrug “I suppose” He slipped his arm around my waist and we continued toward the tub. I can hear his followers’ words of encouragement behind me. A few minutes later, we arrived. Sara greets me with a smile and wave and I set about to working. While Phillip’s father Peter greets him with a proud wink that I pretend not to notice.
    It is just after dusk now the celebration is in full swing. This year’s festival is the best yet. Sara and I are busy serving ale and whiskey.  Those without a task are drinking and making conversation. Most of the women are gossiping together. The men talk of hunting each kill more difficult and deadly then the one told before. A large group of children are playing red rover.
    Out of the line of trees James, Phillips most loyal pup comes running flushed and out of breath. He heads straight for Phillip and says something close to his ear. Phillip and Peter head toward the pit and begin to light the fire. This means uncle and the other men of the hunting party have caught the pig. Sara gives me a proud smile that I return. The fire is roaring and crackling steadily uncle and the other should arrive very soon. I turn to Sara after washing servile glasses then realize the change in the atmosphere. The buzz of excitement is now a tense silence. The only sound I hear is the crackle of the fire. I look around but see no cause for the change. Everyone is still; even the children have stopped playing. The silence is broken by a shaky voice “that’s him” followed by an echo of gasps. “He never comes out during the festival,” Sara says more to herself then anyone. There is only one thing that could cause such a disturbance, the demon man of forbidden hill.
    Every eye is on him as he glides his way to the bar and takes a seat. I have heard he visits the village but never have I seen him, least of all this close. He motions to me, not wanting to shame my uncle; I keep to my manners and walk over. “I’ll take a double shot of whiskey please miss.” His voice is deep, husky and smooth. A nod is all I can manage as I pour the whiskey. “Steady” I say to myself “he doesn’t look like a monster.” I take a deep breath and place the glass in front of him. “Thank you miss.” “Is there anything else I can get for you sir?” I hope he does not notice how shaky my voice is. “No.”
      The festival has returned to its previous state, a few people point and stare but he seems not to notice. I feel foolish just standing here watching him sip his drink. ”So are you enjoying yourself?” He looks up straight into my eyes and I am surprised to see a pleased look cross his face. He smiles a small but warm smile. “Yes and what about you?” His voice moves over me like the waters of a hot spring, seeping into my bones. “Yes I am and you picked a great year to join us sir.” His smile widens ever so slightly. “Please call me Sterling, and your name?” His eyes roam over me and I can feel the heat fill my cheeks. “Lillyrose but everyone calls me Lilly.” He repeats my name in his deep bone seeping voice and I blush deeper.
      I forget about everything that surrounds me. His deep voice and dark eyes hold me. ‘Lilly could you come here a moment?” Phillip calls to me from the other side of the pub, deep in the back corner where his followers surround him. His voice is strained with irritation and his eyes are locked in a cold resentful glare on Sterling. I walk over and place a full pitcher on the table. “I’m busy Phillip.” and before he can speak a word I head back to the bar. I go about tending to others, washing glasses and cleaning up spills. My eyes cannot seem to stop seeking him out. He is no monster but a living Greek God. He is taller then most the men in the village. His black hair hangs straight past his broad shoulders. He is dark in a mysterious way for I feel no fear or danger from him. His skin is slightly tan, his face is stern but undeniably handsome, with thick dark brows over dark intense eyes, with a straight nose, full lips and square well defined jaw. He wares a white button down shirt open at the chest, a Greek God indeed.  He wares black trousers and a black full-length cloak to keep the chill away.  Every time I look his way,I meet his gaze watching me. The pub is filled, the whole village save for uncle and the hunting party has gathered. The noise is deafening but a deep voice reaches me threw the voices.  “Lilly” I look up to find Sterling. “Thank you, I hope you enjoy the rest of the festival.’ I curtsy ’goodnight to you sir” his mouth curls at the corners. “Its Sterling please” I blush deep “goodnight Sterling” he reaches over and takes my hand pressing his lips to my knuckles. ”sleep well Lilly.” My breath catches in my throat as my cheeks burn red. I am sure he notices. His eyes which I thought to be black are actually a deep green, as green as pine needles. A nod is all I can manage. He smiles and gives a slight bow then disappears into the crowd.
    An hour or so passes and I work in a fog, unable to get Sterling’s face out of my mind. Sara’s voice clears the fog “the hunting party should be back by now.” She is right uncle should have been here a while ago. Suddenly the crowd parts, one of the men from the hunting party rushes in, his face white as winter’s first snow. “DR. TAYLOR DR. TAYLOR!” He is panicked and obviously shaken. Dr. Taylor rushes outside and is back with medical bag in a flash, the two men rush outside and head straight for my house. Without a thought, I head after them. I reach the house before they do and push threw the crowd. Phillip wraps both arms around my waist and starts to pull me back toward the front door.  I thrust my elbow hard into his ribs and he lets go with a load curse. Unable to deny what my eyes are seeing my mind and body stop. Uncle is spread out on the table covered in blood. I hear mummers form the men about an animal no one was able to see. Phillip again tries to pull me away, this time I let him. He sits me on the stairs with more force then needed and rejoins the group. My uncle’s voice fills my ears and a story uncle told me repeat itself. “He is said to have unholy healing powers, they say he can even stop death.”  I have to try. No one is paying attention to me, but I am careful to stay unnoticed. If anyone guest where I was going I would be stopped. This may be uncles only chance. I have to try. I have to go to Forbidden Hill to the monster they call Sterling.
© Copyright 2009 AriesFire4U (ladyblaze at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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