Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1530283-Choices
Rated: 13+ · Other · Women's · #1530283
A short play about abuse.
[Note: the person delivering the monologue can be either a man or a woman]
I've always seen myself as a crusader for social justice. I snap at people who make racist or sexist jokes, I've been to a Take Back the Night March, and I'm a member of Amnesty International. Good God, I must have signed millions of petitions, and written at least a hundred letters on behalf of political prisoners.
[lights up on MAN and WOMAN, frozen]
I dropped by the store after work toda to pick up some groceries. As I was turning into the health and beauty aisle, I saw a man and a woman in the middle of the shampoo section.
[MAN and WOMAN come out of freeze]
I don't care if he's just a friend, I don't want you seeing him again, understand? Look at me! Look at me, you stupid bitch!
[they freeze]
All I could do was watch. I was so horrified that this was happening right in front of me, that they weren't even bothering to hide it.
And then she looked at me. She looked at me, and all I saw was fear, and pain, and years of suffering. She looked at me, and I could hear her whispering, saying "help me."
[He hits her. The SPEAKER flinches as well]
I froze. I had no idea what to do.
[MAN grabs WOMAN'S arm and walks away]
I didn't confront him, I didn't try to help her, I didn't call the police, I didn't even notify one of the store's staff. As they walked away, I made a choice. By doing nothing, I told her that I condoned his abuse.
I hope she's okay.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1530283-Choices