Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1504747-A-Soul-Shrouded-in-Shame
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Emotional · #1504747
Recovering from an abuser's power took a lifetime
A Soul Shrouded in Shame

Stripping power from you
has taken a lifetime,
my lifetime.

My soul, once shrouded in shame,
built a fortress of steel to
protect me from further pain.

With cold, indifferent hands,
you wrenched my innocence from me,
leaving scars that would never heal.

You manipulated and controlled
an unwitting child,
showing your blatant weakness.

I see you now.
A coward, pathetic in your needs,
you preyed upon the naïve.

After all these years,
I recognize you--the trembling one--
a liar who can't face the truth.

A warrior, I fought with courage
the towering obstacles
You carelessly left for me to conquer.

I refuse to claim any guilt.
I assign it to its proper owner—
the one who stole my childhood.

Pat Nelson
December 12, 2008
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