Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1494902-Wind-In-Her-Teeth
Rated: E · Prose · Supernatural · #1494902
A pony ride home
                   "Wind In Her Teeth"

I shouted, " A-Ho! Home, Pony!"
Smudged with sage and sweet-grass, Pony and I took a magick ride home. After shape-shifting, she took on another name. If she were a white man's pony, she probably would have been hailed as Pegasus. In the Ind'n world, she became, Pony Soars With Eagles. With wind whistling in her teeth and feathers found in my hair, we skimmed the tree tops over river bluffs, circled furrowed fields fertile for corn, then swooped low for a safe landing at our abode. I expressed my thanksgiving for a speedy and safe journey, "Wado".
My pony is an Indian Paint decorated with colorful tattoos of various animal spirits, as well as an image of kokopeli, the flute playing shaman. Pony's flight can be a race with lightning. Yet, at the same time, she honors the white man's highway law. A mystical parallel universe is no strange concept to my "metal pony".

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